Dark Expert

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I was approached by a fellow Dragon ball nerd Friday during school, and he asked me if i wanted to join him and group of other people to join a fanimation, and if my character Expert wanted to be in it.

Naturally, i said yes.

So far i know of three different fandoms that are gonna be in it. Gravity Falls, Doki Doki Literature Club, and DBZ. im sure there will be others, but those are just the first ones i saw.

After a while of talking about it, he showed me a really old picture i did of an "Evil" Expert i did and brought up the idea of a Dark Expert.

though of course, i just felt like i needed to redraw it if we really are gonna use it. Though i might change up the Design and form just so shes not a Goku Black copy. But i though this looked so cool i just had to show you guys.

Its kinda sloppy though, I did this in two days, where as most projects i do Digitally take me like, five.

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