I had this Dream. Experts Back Story?

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Ok, Wednesday night i had this really cool dream that i can actually, surprisingly, remember fairly well.

Now, mind you that my dreams never make any sence and are always completely random and all over the place. So the fact that i can with this one is very surprising.

Alright, i believe in this dream i was Expert (finally) in a Tournament of Power kind of thing ... I think. Anyways, i think she was hanging with Universe 6 offering help (again, random ass dreams) and they were all like "Are you strong enough to help us?"

And then she did this.

She did this crazy transformation were it like, changed her clothes amd crap. Idk why it was Yellow but it was and it was so cool. Cause this aura thing brushed across her and she changed. But like, when it did she briefly went Super Saiyan God before her clothes changed.

So I've been thinking..... What if this new transformation ment....

That she's the reincarnation of the first Super Saiyan God.

I've never actually thought of any real kind of backstory for her, an im not really sure if i want to implement this but if i did i think it would be pretty cool.

Idk though. I'll leave it up to you guys.

But if i do i probably wouldn't use it very often in Rps cause it would probably be fairly powerful.

I don't know.... Maybe......

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