New Contest.

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Alright. You guys don't have to worry about me anymore. Im fine now. All your support in the last chapter... You have now idea how much that really ment to me, seriously, i can't thank all of you enough.

So, to keep in the spirit of things, we're gonna start a new contest kind of thing.

Expert is in need of new parents. And as i said before, im absolute rubbish as character designs. So i need your guys help for this. Winner obviously gets their design used in Experts story.

But listen, here are some rules. You guys creat the deisgn, but if i feel the nees to alter a few a things, i have to be allowed to do that. Secondly, im the one who does their backstorys. Ok? Alright.

I'll keep this open until people stop sending things to me. And if your fairly new to this, the way you can show me is by posting your drawing in one of your book and then tagging me in it.

Ok, i will be giving you guys soke specifics on what im kinda looking for. I still want something that kinda similar to Ssurel, but completely different at the same time, yeah?

Also, im giving you all a big decision here. You can either A: give her a new dad. Or B: keep her dad as Turles. If your guys choice, but i want both of them in the drawing.

Ok ok, ONE last thing. In the finalized drawing that i do to show off the winner, i have to be allowed to Mix and match different designs. So maybe i really like someones face and hair, but not so much the clothes as i do someone elses clothing design. Understand. Also, you guys come up with the names.

Ok, im done talking now. Let the games begin!!!

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