Beautiful was when you were mine

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"Love starts as a feeling,
But to continue is a choice;
And I find myself choosing you
More and more every day."

- Justin Wetch


My dear moon,

Beautiful, I believe was never a good enough word to describe you. You've always been more than that. So much more that I could spend hours trying to find the right word to describe you, but they still wouldn't be enough.

Beautiful is the word I will settle on for now, until I can find one which will define you in a way you could never be defined.

Beautiful is the sound of your laugh, so clear and soft, a little breathless when you laughed too hard. The slight tremble of your shoulders and the crinkle of your eyes when you giggled.

Beautiful is when the sun danced across your face every morning, your hair fanned against the pillow with your mouth slightly ajar.

Beautiful is when you shied away every time I called you my moon and ducked your head to hide your ears which turned red at the tips.

Beautiful is when we would sit together to watch TV and you would cry every time because you'd always feel an emotional attachment to the characters.

"I wish they could stay together," you'd say.

Beautiful is when you'd step out of the shower, droplets of water clinging to your skin, and the smell of lime and mint filled the air.

Beautiful was every time you sang.

Beautiful is when I would kiss you and you would respond with the same burning fervour and desire I felt every time I got to hold you.

Beautiful was when I called you mine, and you replied with,


With love,

Your darling.


And that's another tale of the lover's melancholy.  I truly hope you all enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing it. I received a lot of positive feedback on the first chapter of this story and I hope I receive the same for this one.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this story.

Looking forward to your votes, comments and feedback.



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