The Wedding

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** Inquisitors POV **

Today was the day, the wedding and I was nervous as fuck, but I was going to marry Ezra today.

" Ezra go away " " But why. I wanna see you in your tuxedo " I could hear him frowning on the other side of the door. " you will see me at the altar in an hour ". There was silence for a good two minutes till he answered " Find ugh " I heard him stomp away and I just laughed. I heard the door open and thought it was Ezra " WHAT did I say Ezra. " " whoa I knew I was hot but not as hot as you say Ezra is " It was only.... Kallus " what do you mean?" actually what did he mean. " you called me Ezra and you say Ezra is hot and I'm going to stop talking " " what are you doing in here any way " " I'm the best man here so I get too ". I rolled my eyes at him knowing that wasn't the reason, but I did have a hunch. " did Ezra sent you to see what I looked like " he didn't answer; he just starred at me " kallus answer ME " " yes, yes he did, how did you know " I just looked at him as if he did the most stupidest thing ever. " cause that is an Ezra move " he didn't reply, he just turned around and left leaving me confused. I sat down taking in a deep breath replaying what crazy shit that had happened in the past three years. To much. " what if something happens " I breathed out.

** Ezras POV **

kallus returned and told me Inquisitor was wearing and reddish black tux and a white rose clipped to his left breast pocket. " thanks I owe you one " " no you owe me twenty ". I never would have thought me and kallus would become good friends but we did, it's strange to think just three years ago we were sworn enemies but now he's the best man at my wedding. " you nervous?" " yes " I put my head in my hands sighing. I knew something..... No someone is here but who?

I began to walk down to were the wedding was being held. But as I walked down the hallway people started running down the halls, I started getting worried. Was Inquisitor ok?, what happened? Those questions plagued my mind till it became silent, to silent. I got to the doors were I was to walk through in about five minutes. The doors were cracked a little so I pushed them open to see Inquisitor with a bloody arm and ...... Kanan. " EZRA GO " " ka-kana-kanan but but I killed you how how " " oH mY DEar eZrA it wasn't aCtuALly me " no it couldn't be I killed, he died, three years ago, what how. I heard something fall in front of my feet, I looked down to see a gun. " a gun?" " eZrA yOu HaVe A cHoIcE sHoOt mE Or HIm " " no I would never kill Inquisitor I love him, he loves me, your the one I should kill, cause you wanted to kill him, you didn't want us together, you you bastered " my voice was sore from yelling, I waited for his responce. " hE wAs TaKiNg adVaNtAGe of YoU, hE dOESn't lOVe yOu, OnLY tO Get YOu to JOiN tHe DarK SidE " " no no your lying, hE would ne-never " " Ezra please don't don't trust him " Inquisitors voice was full of pleading, but kanan's harsh and sounded truth full like inquisitors, I didn't know who to believe. Why was he doing this. Kanan didn't look normal. His right arm was now mechanical, he had a scare over his lips, his eyes were.... Gold, and wasn't wearing what he usually wore. Inquisitors arm was wounded and made his suite look darker than it already was. I made my choice.

I put my finger on the trigger. Closed my eyes and shot five times. Tears flowed from my eyes didn't know what I did was wrong. I opened my teary eyes looking at who I shot, only making me cry more..............

Wait one second there tuxedos are down there

Ezras is it nice?

And this is Inquisitors

Which one is better?


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