An old soul with the body of a young girl

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Annie from Skullgirls


Platinum the Trinity from Blazblue

My reasons for wanting this match are actually pretty simple, at least compared to my reasons for wanting other matches. I just think this could be a fun episode. Two seemingly little girls from fighting games who despite looking like children have the soul of an old warrior tucked away in that tiny body. Literally in Platinum's case. Both are also sort of parodies of the magical girl archetype, so the connections work well enough, and I could already see Boomstick getting confused while trying to explain how Platinum's 3 souls and Annie's eternal youth work. As for the fight itself, I think it could be a blast to watch especially with the banter potential. I could see Annie talking down to Platinum's Luna personality because of how childish she is. Plus with Platinum being pretty vulgar most of the time and Annie's curse not allowing her to say swear words, it could be hilarious to see Platinum throw out some vulgar trash talk and when Annie tries to snap back, she's only able to say a "kiddy" version of her comeback. And if nothing else, I have to want this match because they both have magical girl transformations, and with these two being a bit closer to parodies it would be the perfect setup for an "Oh hey, I can do that too!" moment.

Platinum probably stomps because Blazblue as a whole is just a few scales above Skullgirls in scaling, but I still like this match for the potentially fun fight alone.

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