chapter-14( the date )

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abhimanyu pov
i thought of talking to sai on the phone but again
i didn't know she would react
so i went to meet her in the college
only to know she was writing her exam
i was waiting for her and then i saw virat
abhimanyu: virat
how are you
virat: im fine
why are you here
abhimanyu: i was here to meet sai
but she was in class
i wanted to ask you something
are you free tonight
virat pov
anyhow sai is busy with her exam preparations
and she strictly told me not to disturb her
so i'm free
i can hang out with this guy
abhimanyu: virat tell me
are you free
virat: yes i'm free
do you want to grab a drink after work
abhimanyu: no
let's have dinner
i'm thinking if your free
let's go on a date
virat: date?
virat pov
i told one thousand times to sai
never make me wear this pink shirt
she never listens
all my nice shirts are in wash and i'm stuck with this one
going on a date with my wife's brother
sai your dead
virat: see abhimanyu
we were friends
may be on that farewell party
i might have been a bit  close
but don't forget i'm still your senior
abhimanyu: im not forgetting
i think i can trust your judgement
and you know  sai
virat: so you mean if i know sai
i should go on a date
abhimanyu: why are you getting angry virat
i was just asking you
why are you hurting my feelings
virat: just stop it before i hit you abhimanyu
one you are not my type
plus please i'm not into you to go on a date with you
abhimanyu: what the hell
virat im not asking you for a date
i'm asking you to accompany me in a dinner date
there is this guy fateh
he wanted to know my sister sai
so i was arranging a dinner date
virat: dinner date ? that too sai
how could you ask random people to date her
once second does sai know about it
did she ask fateh out
she is dead
abhimanyu: why are you getting so hyper virat
sai doesn't know anything
papa said we have to marry sai early
so i started looking for matches
and fateh was a close friend
so i asked him if he likes sai
virat: why did you ask him
i'm also your friend
did you forget it
and why is it so urgent to marry off sai
she is still studying right
abhimanyu: i know virat
but what to do
this college has a pervert professor
who seduces innocent students
you know sandhya our friend
she actually said that a student came to her
and explained to her about the harassment and abuse
virat: one second student said to her
abhimanyu: yes virat
it seemed the pervert professor promised to marry  her
if the student closes her mouth and satisfies him on bed
poor girl
virat: yes very poor
abhimanyu: sandhya wont reveal the professor
nor the girls name
that's hard
if i know the professor i would have slapped him
abhimanyu pov
as i was speaking to virat
he fainted on the ground
abhimanyu: virat .. virat what happened
sai pov
virat sir regained his consciousness
but he was very mad at me
and when my brother talked to me about the date
i wanted to say no
and reveal the truth
but virat said no
and asked my brother to bring fateh for dinner
what's wrong with him
why does he want someone to date his wife
i was really angry at him
and now he is hiding our wedding picture
sai: virat sir
why are you doing this
this is not right
let's tell my brother everything
virat: sai why are you like this
let's just hide for some more time
it's not that bad
sai: but if fateh really likes me
what will you do
virat: look sai
let me tell you one thing truthfully
no one in their right mind will love or kiss fire
they will burn
and don't worry
i promise he will leave you
sai: what do you mean fire
i'm i that bad
virat: your not bad sai
you are the earthquake
whenever i think you can't do anything
you surprise me
sai: what happened virat sir
i'm not understanding
is everything ok with you
should we get your head checked up
i'm getting worried
virat pov
after all you have done
you made me pervert right
i promise sai i will also do the same
but this time you will be a student
who raped her professor
and the one who will be telling everyone will be that fateh .. champu lal
sai pov
i was really worried
is my virat sir going mad?
i should talk to bhai to examine him once
sai pov
they finally arrived
my brother and this tall guy
he was really good looking
but too bad i'm married
sai: virat sir
the guests have arrived
abhimanyu: guests
i'm your brother sai
virat is your guest
sai: i mean bhai
this house is his right
and we are all guests here
sai pov
what's wrong with me
this is my husbands house but i should stop talking as if it's mine now
otherwise i will be in deep shit
fateh: forget it abhi
sai your looking beautiful
i'm fateh
nice to meet you
here are some flowers
sai: thanks
sai pov
i was about to receive the flowers
but virat sir came out of no where
and received them
virat: nice to see you guys
i'm not a roses person
but thank you
virat pov
this guy is really tall
i should keep him away from sai
this champu lal
fateh: virat these roses were for sai
virat: oh no worries
it's the same
if you give me or sai
fateh: what
abhimanyu: it means the house is his
right virat
fateh: that doesn't make sense
virat: it makes sense to us
you get me right abhi
virat pov
good think is that this abhi is stupid
and i love him for that
before abhi really begins to think logically
i changed the topic
virat:sai did you give them something to drink?
sai: no
virat: let me get some wine
i have some
fateh: you store your wine in sai's home
abhi: why not..
fateh: i know abhi
virat owns this place
fateh pov
i was getting strange vibes
looking at sai and virat
anyone could tell they are couple
as sai was bringing out the food
and virat was serving it
i wanted to ask abhi what's the matter
but he left in the middle for an emergency at the hospital
fateh: sai i want to talk to you alone
sai: really?
but  i have to go
fateh: sai..
sai: im sorry i just have an errand to run
please talk to virat sir
sai pov
i was scared
not because fateh wanted to talk with me
but after the talk
i don't want to be virat sirs prey for angry sex
and seeing this fatehs  height
virat sir must be in rage
so i silently left the house
and went to buy ice cream
virat sir can deal with this giraffe
not me
fateh pov
it was awkward when virat was showing me the house and talking about random things
i really wanted to talk to sai and not virat
when i was seeing the bedroom
i was shocked to see a packet of condoms
on their bed
fateh: are these yours
virat: yes
i don't know if i get to use them tonight
you know she likes it without them
fateh: please tell me clearly
are you involved with sai
virat:  how do i say this to you fateh
i was never involved
i was forced
fateh: what are you saying virat
virat: im a victim fateh ...
it all started...
author pov
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