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Y/N P.O.V.

I woke up to a knock at the bedroom door, its only then I released I had fallen asleep on Yoongi and he was still asleep on my boobs. His hands where rested on my lower back and his legs where flat.

'Y/N Thoughts'

Y/N: What the fuck has come over me, this isn't right.


The person at the door knocked once again I got off Yoongi's lap and walked to the bedroom door. I open it to see Joonie standing there looking at his phone.

Y/N: Whats up?

Joonie: Did you just wake up?

Y/N: Yep.

Joonie: Have you seen Yoongi? I haven't seen him all-

I open the door more and point towards my bed Joonie looks in and see's him fast asleep on my bed.

Joonie: What did you two do that wore him out? *Smirks*

Y/N: Nothing you're thinking of you pervert.

Joonie: Sure, anyway I was gonna go to our dealer to get the stuff but since he isn't awake I suppose I won't go, unless of course, you want to come. *Still smirking*

I roll my eyes at the fact I was considering to go with him to get the shit.

Y/N: What would Yoongi's reaction be if you didn't have it?

Joonie: Pissed.

I sigh loudly and shut the door I begin getting changed in the room thinking Yoongi was asleep but as I am only in my panties and bra I hear.

Yoongi: Fuck!

I turn around to see Yoongi staring at my half naked body I crouch down to hide what I can.

Yoongi: Why would you did that! *Whines*

Y/N: Which part the getting dressed in here or the hiding my body?

Yoongi: Hiding your body, I already saw you in it when you first started getting changed so you hiding won't erase what I have already seen. *Smirks*

I huff and un-tuck my body, he gives a small smile as I begin putting on my clothes, un-intentionally I do it slowly making every movement look seductive. I hear Joonie talk from behind the door.

Joonie: Are you coming or not?

Y/N: Coming.

I had leather black pants on and a black singlet on, I didn't want to look like a child or looser in front of their dealer.

Yoongi: Where are you two going?

Y/N: Out.

I walk to the door and open it, then Joonie and I leave the building as we are in the car he was asking me some questions.

Joonie: How long have you been going to your dealer for?

Y/N: What do you mean?

Joonie: You know what I mean, how long have you been getting your drugs from your dealer for?

Y/N: I-I dont have a dealer.. never have, to be honest I have never even had some weed before.

Joonie: Wait what! You have never had the good shit before? Also you know how dangerous these people can be right they can do all sorts of fucked up shit.

Y/N: I- uh I dont know anything about these kinds of people.

Joonie: I should have fucking asked that before we left, under the seat there is a knife I want you to carry it when we meet these guy, but don't show it, if anything happens don't hesitate to use it.

What he was saying was making me regret this decision and wish I just had stayed home asleep, I grabbed out the knife it was a nice chrome colour I put it in my hight top shoe and managed to put my pants over the bit that was showing.

My heart rate accelerated when the car had come to a halt in a sketchy area Joonie got out of the car first I made sure to stay close to him we walked around a corner then the guy appeared.

Dealer: Whats this Suga isn't here, oh and I see you brought your little friend instead, im guessing you're trading her for the weed cause you dont have the money.

What he said made me more nervous than what I already was, have they done that before traded a girl for some weed, I move more behind Joonie and the dealer moves closer to us.

Dealer: Ahhh she is so shy. So innocent, cant wait to transform her. *Smirks*

Joonie: Sorry she isn't the trade this time, she is Suga's property.

Dealer: Im sure he won't mind if I give her a good time. *Smirks*

He reaches for me but Joonie holds his arm away.

Joonie: No, not this time, I have the money for it, and she isn't being traded.

Dealer: Well I dont want your money, I want the girl and I will have her weather it be you hand her over or I kill you. *Evil smirk*

The dealer took out a gun and held it up to Joonie's fore head, I begin to panic and not know what to do.

Dealer: I will ask you one more time, hand her over.

Joonie: No.

Joonie does a quick hand movement which knocks the gun out of the guys hand. Joonie quickly grabs the bag full of the drugs.

Joonie: RUN!

We begin running on the gravel back to the car, our ankles kept rolling making us slower than what we should have been, the dealer caught up to us and managed to grab a handful of my hair I give a yelp of pain Joonie turns around lands his fist on the dealers cheek knocking both him and I to the ground, Joonie looks at me then my foot as a signal. My heart rate increased more and more and my hand drew nearer and nearer to the knife.

I took it out and stabbed the guy in the for arm he let go of my hair and held his arm giving a yell in pain. I get up of the floor and begin running to the car again which wasn't that far anymore, we quickly got in before we put on seatbelt Joonie had started the car and began driving I quickly put on my seatbelt and Joonie chucked the bad into the back seat.

I was breathing heavily and shaking.

Joonie: Are you ok? *Concerned voice and look*

Y/N: Oh my god, I-i cant believe I stabbed him.

Joonie: Y/N ARE YOU OK! *More concern*

Y/N: Yes, I-im fine!

The car was silent all but our heavy breathing was being heard after a while of driving we pulled up to the building our apartment is in and ran up the stairs. Once we reached the floor I barged in and ran straight to my room. Yoongi looked at me panicked.

Yoongi: The fuck happened to you!

Y/N: I- I had to. *Out of breath and shocked*

Yoongi: You had to do what?!

Y/N: I-I had to- I had to stab him.

Yoongi: Shit! Where did you guys go, who did you stab?

Y/N: The dealer, he-he grabbed me and so I stabbed him and ran!

I was so shocked I didn't know how to comprehend what I did, sure I didn't kill him but I still stabbed him. Yoongi walked out of the room and I followed, I felt like being in his presence I felt protected in some way I was scared this guy would find me and do some horrible things to me.

Yoongi: You should have fucking taken me instead!

Joonie: Im so sorry, I thought she had done this shit before! We got the stuff though so.

Yoongi: I dont give a fuck, she could have gotten more hurt!

Joonie: I know! I fucked up ok, no need to keep reminding me.

I stand behind Yoongi quietly, he turns around and bumps into me he looks down at me and takes a hold of my hand and begins taking me back to my room, once we are inside my room he signals for me to get comfortable in bed, I do as I am told.

He also climbs into bed and holds me tight to him, I close my eyes hoping this day will end quicker and tomorrow will just be a normal day.

Yoongi P.O.V>. (When Namjoon is at the bedroom door.)

I heard a knock at the door but decided not to move, I felt Y/N move causing me to move a little bit as well. There was a slight pause then another knock at the door, I felt Y/N remove herself from the bed then heard the door open.

Y/N: Whats up?

Joonie: Did you just wake up?

Y/N: Yep.

Joonie: Have you seen Yoongi? I haven't seen him all-

There was a slight pause the Namjoon spoke.

Joonie: What did you two do that wore him out?

I tried my best not to laugh nor have a look on my face.

Y/N: Nothing you're thinking of you pervert.

Joonie: Sure, anyway I was gonna go to our dealer to get the stuff but since he isn't awake I suppose I won't go, unless of course, you want to come.

Y/N: What would Yoongi's reaction be if you didn't have it?

Joonie: Pissed.

He was right I would be pretty pissed if I didn't get my monthly dose, I heard Y/N shut the bedroom door and walk over to her dresser, I decided to open my eyes and when I didn't I saw the most stunning sight. Y/N was getting undressed I wasn't going to make any noise but I happened to get a boner as she slipped of her pants.

Yoongi: Fuck!

She turns around and looks at me, she then proceeds to crouch down hiding her body from me. I had to admit to myself I wouldn't miss an opportunity to smash her if I could.

Yoongi: Why would you did that! *Whines*

Y/N: Which part the getting dressed in here or the hiding my body?

Yoongi: Hiding your body, I already saw you in it when you first started getting changed so you hiding won't erase what I have already seen. *Smirks*

She gives a huff and slowly straightens back up, I bite my lip as I watch her put some clothes back on, it was like she was provoking me, I have never seen a girl put on a shirt and pants so seductively its like every movement she made was in slow motion, unlike every other girl who rushes to put on their clothes then runs. She wore a tight singlet showing her chest and her leather pants outlined her ass then Joon had to ruin the moment.

Joonie: Are you coming or not?

Y/N: Coming.

As she walked to the door I wanted to ask her where she was going even though I already knew, I really didn't want her to go with him but I didn't want her to know I was awake for their whole conversation.

Yoongi: Where are you two going?

Y/N: Out.

She replied with a smart ass comment, I guess she is learning from the boys and I. I had this feeling of worry as she left the apartment that I didn't want anyone to see. I pace around the room constantly checking the time.

'Yoongi's Thoughts'

Yoongi: I hope she is ok, she has never done this shit before.

Demon: Who gives a fuck if she is ok, dont go getting attached, remember what happened the last time.

Yoongi: She seems different lik-

Demon: They're all the same dont let her little mind games get to you.


I must have been gone for a whole because when I came back into reality I heard the front door smash open as I was getting up Y/N ran into the bedroom looking panicked. Something triggered me and my defences went up, I wanted to hurt who ever made her look and act like this.

Yoongi: The fuck happened to you!

Y/N: I- I had to. *Out of breath and shocked*

Yoongi: You had to do what?!

Y/N: I-I had to- I had to stab him.

Yoongi: Shit! Where did you guys go, who did you stab?

Y/N: The dealer, he-he grabbed me and so I stabbed him and ran!

'Yoongi Thoughts'

Yoongi: That prick! The next time I see him I will make him pay!


I was furious I walked out of the room I knew Y/N had followed me out, I went straight to Namjoon who looked worried as the others surround him.

Yoongi: You should have fucking taken me instead!

Joonie: Im so sorry, I thought she had done this shit before! We got the stuff though so.

Yoongi: I dont give a fuck, she could have gotten more hurt!

Joonie: I know! I fucked up ok, no need to keep reminding me.

I wanted to yell at him more and more but instead I turned around I didn't realise how close Y/N was behind me so I accidentally walked into her, I got a hold go her hand and walk her to her room once we where inside her room I closed the door and let go of her I pointed towards the bed, she got my point and she climbed into it, she got comfortable then I proceeded to join her.

I hold her tight to my chest as if it was the last time I would be able to hold her, I felt her still shaking but it died down as I held her.

'Yoongi Thoughts'

Yoongi: I swear nobody will hurt you again.



Hey guys, so this is a fairly long chapter to make up for my lack of activity. I hope you enjoyed it as much as what I did writing it. Feel free to comment your thoughts on this chapter, also a huge thank you for getting this story to 2K almost 3. Okie, Till next time, Baii!

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