Flash Back

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Y/N P.O.V.

I wake up to an empty spot beside me, I sigh in relief thinking it was just a dream.

(Says to self)

Y/N: But it felt so real.

I shrug my shoulders not really caring, I hop up and head for the shower. I play some music and brush my hair before I get in, I singing while dancing while washing my body as I am rinsing off all the body wash the bathroom door opens.

Yoongi: Can I join?

He begins opening the curtain I crouch down into fetal position and close my eyes.


Yoongi: I need to have a shower before school, and why not save water and time by showering together.

I feel him get in and start washing himself while I am still crouch protecting myself just staring at the floor, he crouches down to my hight.

Yoongi: Your not going to join me?

Y/N: No, I was in here first by the way.

Yoongi: Please~

Y/N: I said no, now can you hurry up so I can have my shower, alone.

He huffed at me, like he was angry he stepped out of the shower and left. I stand up so I can wash my body, I hear the sink start to run then the sound of a tooth brush scrubbing teeth, then reality hit.


Yoongi: Nope, by the way you have a nice silhouette, shame I can only see that and not you in person.

Y/N: Why are you so perverted!

I turn off the water and reach for my towel but its not on its hook.

Yoongi: Looking for something?

I poke my head out behind the curtain leaving it covering the rest of my body. I see Yoongi with my towel.

Y/N: Give me my fucking TOWEL!

He shakes his head no and begins to walk out. I'm furious I rip down the shower curtain to protect my body from eyes looking at it while I chase Yoongi telling him to give my towel. I chase him down the hall way to the lounge room he runs behind the lounge so I couldn't get him I give out a loud groan of frustration.

Y/N: Fine I'll just get a new one from the linen-press.

I walk to it and open it, all my towels where gone.


I was so mad I look at him to see a big gummy smile on his face it was adorable but I had to stay mad, he has my towel and Im running around in a shower curtain, A fucking shower curtain.

Y/N: So you only smile when I'm pissed at you!

Yoongi: Your so cute when you're mad.

I just glare at him, he finally throws me my towel.

Yoongi: Here, we are going to be late by the way.

I walk to my room to get dressed.

Yoongi P.O.V.

Y/N walks off to her room, little things she does is making me think she is not like the rest, like how persistent she is to hide her body from me or not letting me touch her in what is considered inappropriate ways. I walk down the hall to her bedroom and open the door she had everything but her T-shirts on before she could turn around to tell me off I caught a glimpse of her back, a massive scar ran right the whole way up it.

Y/N: Hello, Get OUT!

I shut the door, the sight still in my mind.


Its probably nothing.

Demon: Who gives a Shit!

Yoongi: Is something that actually happened given that to her?


She walks out of her room looking cute and hot in the school uniform.

Y/N: Lets go.

Y/N P.O.V.

I walk straight for the front door no worrying about grabbing any food. As soon as Yoongi walked out I shut the door and locked it, he waited for me.

Y/N: What are you doing?

Yoongi: Walking to school with you.

Y/N: Thats going to cause so much up roar at school you know, lots of bad things will happen to me if anyone finds about about you living with me or even if I walk to school with you, so no, don't walk to school with me please.

Yoongi: No one can hurt you if I'm around to protect you, you know.

Y/N: But your not going to be there to protect me now are you.

Yoongi: You know I don't pay anyone as much attention as what I'm paying towards you right now, everybody would kill to have me look at them.

He sounds like he is getting pissed off, what ever maybe he will leave me alone and I won't have to worry about getting beat up or something.

Y/N: Well I'm not everybody now am I. Maybe if you like getting attention you should find a girl or boy who will give it to you.

Yoongi: Fine.

I was kind of hurt when he said that for some reason he walk off in front of me going to school, I walk into class, he didn't sit near me he didn't even interact with me the whole day, didn't try and get my attention. I sat alone the whole day because my friends where not at school today.

(Says to self)

Y/N: Bitches.

I heard a lot of laughing coming from the other side of the cafeteria I look over to see girls sitting in each of the boys laps, Yoogi see's me looking and smirks. I roll my eyes, stand up and leave not looking behind me to see him or that other disgusting bitch again. I head up to the roof top I'm sad for some reason but it isn't enough to make me want to cry. Their is something about him that does make me want to get to know him, but he is like all men they make you feel like your special but really your just another grain of sand on the beach.

*Flash back*

Y/N: Im here.

I walk into my best friends house, I hear some noises coming from the lounge room, I walk over to see what was going on. Their she was making out half naked with my boy friend, she looks at me and smirks ad so does he, I race out of the house as fast as I could blindly running I crash into BF/N I fall to floor and can't be bothered to get back up.

BF/N: Oh my god, Im so sorry are you alright.

She took me home while I continued to cry, we became friends that night she told me she was new to the area and was going to the same school I was. I never wanted to see EX-BF/N or Ex-Boyfriend ever again, but thats hard when your in the same school.

*End Of Flashback*

All those years of abuse thinking it would end and we would love each other, ended up destroying everything inside me.


Thank you so much for reading this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it. Okie, Till next time, Baii!

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