Gut Instinct

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My legs were left a shaking mess, we were sweaty and panting. My naked body laid on top of his.

Yoongi: Fuck, that was so good.

I was still trying to comprehend that id just done that, I was a little in shock. His hand rested over my back as I laid on top of him, our naked chests pressed against one another. It kept replaying in my head like a broken record. The panting, the moaning, the sweat, the breaths. It was all a grand movie, and I was the main character.

There was a knock at the front door and my heart nearly jumped out of my chest.


I leaped off him and began to pick up my clothes from the various places they were thrown, scurrying to put them on. He just laid there and watched me with that stupid smirk on his face.

Y/N: Yoongi, put your clothes back on!

Yoongi: Why? If its one of the neighbours they will know *winks* you weren't exactly quiet.

Blood rushed to my cheeks and I muttered a "fuck you" under my breath. Opening the door to find nobody there, just a note stuck to the door. I looked down both ends of the hallway before taking it off and shutting the door.

Yoongi: Who was it?

He asked as he had finally gotten up to but on his clothes.

Y/N: I don't know, they just left a note.

Yoongi: Well, what does it say?

I took a breath before opening the folded paper, reading the words aloud.

Y/N: Hey neighbour, please be more considerate of the apartments around you before you go being that noisy. Thank you.

Embarrassment; shame; disbelief. I didn't know whether to throw myself off a bridge because they heard, and that they know I did it with Yoongi; or if I should be mad that a neighbour thinks they can tell me what to do in my own home. Part of me wants to shrivel up and disappear, the other part wants to go for round two just to say a big 'FUCK YOU' to whom ever it was.

Yoongi: Well, *chuckles* I'd say they're just jealous.

I just glared at him, he's got to be kidding.. right?

Y/N: I'm going to shower then go to bed, goodnight.

With that I walked away before he could say any smartass remarks.


The woman, she was back again and the baby was crying. I was looking through the babies eyes, its small hands reaching for the woman as she swung her sword, blood splattering across her blade. Her face was becoming less blurry; hazel brown eyes the shape of almonds, her hair was tied back into a slick pony tail although it was hard to tell the colour through all the blood, dirt and sweat.

The baby's cries were loud, covering most of the chaotic battle sounds. For a split moment the baby looked up, the hooded lady was there but her face was blacked out with dark shadows. Then white light beamed down, blinding the sight.


I sat up panting, and looked around. What is with this whole baby, lady, war thing? Why do I keep dreaming of it? Although, the woman; she seemed so familiar know that her face has been revealed. Do I know her? Is she a friend, student, someone I saw on the street one time? What about the baby, is it okay? I have so many questions that just aren't being answered. I look at the time to see it read 2:07am.

Y/N: I'm not going back to sleep, I dont want to see the dream again.

I make my way from my bedroom to the kitchen to get a drink of water and to remove myself from this environment. As I walk out, something rushes past the window behind the curtain. I stop dead in my tracks. 'What is that?' I thought to myself.

Y/N: Yoongi? Is that you?

No answer. Deciding not to play around I yell out. If it wasn't him, he'd come from his room.


As I bellowed out, this unidentified intruder stopped towards me, I stepped back as the shadowy figure got close and let out a small squeal. To my luck Yoongi had reached me quickly, somehow. He grabbed the figure by his throat and held him upwards. His devilish complexion coming forward as he spoken in a low growl.

Yoongi: Who the fuck are you? What do you want?

The man just gasped for air and pathetically tried to remove Yoongi's hand from his air ways.

Yoongi: Y/N go get the light, and see if there is anyone else.

Rushing for the light switches and checking around the corner towards the front door, I noticed it was wide open.

Y/N: The front door is open, there isn't anyone else though.

Yoongi's attention was back on the man. He had dirt on his hands and a plastic shiv gripped in one. His face was going purple from the lack of oxygen. Yoongi threw him to the ground harshly then picked him up by his shirt collar, lifting him against the wall.

Yoongi: Speak mother-fucker!

The man coughed.

Man: I-Im just a thief man, please dont hurt me!

Yoongi: You were gonna hurt my missus, dont know why you'd expect me not to hurt you.

Man: I thought she was alone, I-I didn't know you were here!

Yoongi: So you were going to attack a lady who you presumed was all alone, you're a weak dog!

He gave the man a solid punch the stomach, causing his breath to be forced from his lungs. If he wasn't here, I could have gotten seriously hurt. Part of me was glad Yoongi was here and that I listened to my gut instinct to call for his assistance.

Yoongi: Get the fuck out of my house before I rip your spine out.

The man scrambled back out the door and down the hall. Yoongi turned to me, walking closer and grabbing me by my chin; looking me in my eyes.

Yoongi: There you go bbygirl, you're safe now.

He said then connected his lips with mine before walking down the hallway back to his room stretching and yawning. 'What the fuck has he done to me?'

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