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Y/N P.O.V.

Yoongi: What did he do to you?

I knew exactly what he was talking about, he could clearly tell by the way I pleaded him to stop that someone I was close to did this to me. I didn't want to tell him though, if its one thing I have learnt it's not to go getting attached to people who are only going to hurt you, and one way to get attached is to let them in and know your back story.

Y/N: I don't know what you're talking about.

I act dumb.

Yoongi: Who ever did that thing to you, made you scared who gave you all these scares.

I look him the eye's.

Yoongi: Don't think I didn't notice these scares all over your arms and that huge one down your back.

I still don't answer him, it was clear to tell he was getting annoyed with my silence.

Yoongi: Why won't you tell me?

Y/N: Why would I tell you, I don't know you in the least. I'm not going to get attached to someone who will only hurt me.

Yoongi: Why would you think I will hurt you?

Y/N: Why, because everyone does. I go getting attached and then I'm the one who gets hurt, every time and even if it's not purposely!

My eyes widen at my tone and I remember what happen not even a few moments ago.

Y/N: I-I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to yell.

Yoongi: I honestly don't care if you yell or not, why would you think it matters?

Y/N: Cause last time I yelled I- never mind.

Yoongi: OH MY GOD, CAN YOU *Deep breath* can you just tell me already.

Y/N: No.

I won't give in, everyone I have ever cared about ends up hurting me some how and I'm sick of it my mum, dad any friends I've had BF/N when she left my grandma when she died everybody hurts me, so why would I go getting attached to someone only for them to hurt me again.

Yoongi: So what is that scar across your back?

Y/N: Nothing.

Yoongi: It's obviously not nothing.

Y/N: Why do you care so much!

Yoongi: Well if I'm living with may swell know the person I'm living with.

Y/N: You don't want to know me, trust me.

He just rolled his eyes at me, I was confused and annoyed at how persistent he is on knowing my back story and why my body is like this.

Yoongi: Anyone who hasn't hurt you?

Y/N: Nope.

Yoongi: So that BF/N chick has?

Y/N: Yeah, when she left.

Yoongi: So is that what is people have had to move so you got upset and made it seem like the world is ending?

I was so angry and frustrated and annoyed that it blurted out.


I stop only just realising. that I am telling him he is smart, he knew if he kept persisting I would eventually cave in a blurt it out.

Yoongi: May swell continue your sentence, you already got an image in my head.

I sigh, he won.

Y/N: The reason I have these scares on my arms are from myself, and anywhere else they are the abuse I have gotten over the years, you happy now.

Yoongi: No, you didn't tell me what your dad did, and why you said that thing to me.

I just roll my eyes, mostly at myself because I am going to tell him it's to late to back out now he already knows to much, and he will only persist.

Y/N: When I was 12 he was mad at me we got in an argument and I back chatted him he didn't like it so he got a steak knife from the kitchen came into my room and pinned me down on the floor he ripped off my shirt and slid the knife down my back leaving a nice big wound, I almost bled to death before my grandma came in and fixed me she asked what happen but I said it was an accident at school the reason I said that thing to you is because thats what I wish I said to him when and before it happened. Are you happy now?

His face didn't have any emotion but when I looked into his eyes their was something there, I brushed it off he was probably hungry or something. He leans back in his chair and ruffles his hair.

Yoongi: You have a fucked up child hood.

I nod in agreement there is a silence between us then the nurse walks in with some food. She looks over at Yoongi.

Nurse: I'm sorry sir, visiting hours are over now, you have to leave.

Yoongi: Can't I just stay here, I'm not hurting anyone.

Nurse: I'm sorry, you have to leave.

Y/N: I-its ok, he can stay I don't mind.

I look over at him and give a small smile the nurse gives in and just gives my food all though she seemed pissed off about something, maybe she was tired but had to work over time.

Yoongi: You let me stay.

Y/N: Don't read to much into it, it's only boring when I dont have anyone here I know that because I have been in many hospital bedrooms before and I have always been alone so.

He nods, we begin talking about random things, like how much we hate a certain teacher he talks about what the he and boys used to do when they where young, what we think they are doing right now we are interrupted by a doctor walking in.

Doctor: Ms L/N you are aloud to leave now, you just have to be especially careful.

Y/N: Doesn't it take a few weeks for bones to heal.

Doctor: Well, yes, we gave you a bit to much anethstectic which put you to sleep longer than needed and your healing time is extraordinarily fast.

I nod at the information he is giving me.

Y/N: When I stood up early to uhh, stretch my legs I feel, why was that?

Doctor: Your legs where a little weak from the drug we gave you, it was still wearing off.

I stand up and I was perfectly fine I look at Yoongi and he looks slightly amazed at how quick my body healed, I knew I was a fast healer but I thought it was for cuts and bruises only not entire bones, Isigned a form and was able to leave we walked out the hospital and walked to our apartment it was silent the whole way their we. We reached the building and walked up the stairs still silent, we make it to the door I unlock it and we walk I the lights where still on but four of the boys where passed out in the living room.


Y/N: Where are the other two?

We walk down the hall I check in my room but nobody was their we then walk to Yoongi's to see the two missing boys asleep in his bed he looked so un impressed. I really didn't want to wake them and didn't want Yoongi to get mad either.


Y/N: Just- just come sleep in my bed, just don't try no funny business.

I saw a slight smirk on his face but ignored it I quickly got changed and crawled into bed he came in in just some shorts.

Y/N: Can you put a shirt on?

Yoongi: No thanks.

With that we where off to sleep.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter, feel free to comment. Okie, till next time, Baii!!

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