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Y/N P.O.V.

The wind blew my (h/l) (h/c) hair along with the petals falling from the Cherry Blossom Tree's. I close my eyes, the sound of the water filled the area with nothing but peace, I recall all the secrets told and talks with BF/N here. I look up past the cherry blossoms to the sky.

Y/N: *Sighs/ Says Quietly* Why did you have to leave.

V: Why did who have to leave?

I am scared out of my thoughts, I had completely forgot they where here. I ignore him and sit quietly.

Yoongi: Can we go back now? This is boring.

Y/N: This is not boring, and you can leave anytime you want its not like I need you with me.

The boys where silent, then their presences disappeared I look behind me to see them walking away, I don't call or go after them but silently pleaded for them to come back. I don't know why but it was fun having them around even though they where annoying and perverted they filled the lonely void I have with how much they get on my nerves. I look back towards the water and just stare at the suns reflection. It was dark out and I began heading back home, slowly but surly I wasn't disturbed by any people on the streets which I was thankful for.

I walk up to the apartment door and turn the handle it was already open, I turn it and walk in the room was dark and I could hear somethings I turn on the light and see a half naked girl on top of him on MY couch I just stand their shocked at the scene. The girl turned around and grabbed her clothes coving her exposed body and he just smirks while he keeps his hands on her waist.

Girl: You said you lived alone.

She stands up and comes towards me.

Girl: Im so sorry, I didn't-


She quickly walks out the door, I didn't know what I was feeling right now I just stood their and looked at the ground.

Yoongi: You had to walk in and ruin it right at the good part, didn't you..

I look at him in disgust and disbelief, but what did I expect he is just the bad boy at school, Im not his girlfriend or mother either so he ca do whatever he wants it just aggravating that he couldn't take it to the bedroom and had to do it so it was the first thing I saw when I walked into my home.

Y/N: You disgust me.

I walk to my room not sparing him a second glance, it was at this moment where I needed BF/N the most, just to vent my emotions to it wasn't like I was sad I was more angry than anything. I just sit on my bed playing with the teddy bear she gave me for our very first friendship anniversary, I get up after a while and change Ito my PJ's to get ready to sleep.

Y/N: *Says to self* I am never talking to that low life again.

With that thought in mind I drifted into a slumber hopeing tomorrow will be a better day.

~Time Skip~

I wake up naturally today instead of being interrupted or woken rudely, I roll over and grab my phone and check the time.

Y/N: 12:45 not bad.

I then go and scroll through a few of my social medias then to my photo's I scroll through the ones of BF/N and I to set as my back ground there was this picture of us at our favourite café she had whipped cream on her nose and I was laughing it was the cutest yet prettiest picture of us in my camera roll, I set it as my home screen then set a pic of our favourite quote as my lock screen. I get out of bed and through on a baggy shirt with some denim shorts I grab my phone and purse and headed out, I walk down the hallway into the lounge room their are 7 boys here but I don't pay attention to them I hear and smell bacon as I look into the kitchen Jin is cooking I don't stop and walk straight out the door.

I walk down the hall and down the stairs I head directly to the café BF/N always went to we where friends with one of the people that work their since we go there so much, I am walking on the side path cars driving past me and people everywhere I am minding my own business when I am pulled into an alley but not by a drunk guy, it was a group of high school girls one shoves me to the floor while the rest laugh, I look at them to see it was the girls from the other day but they brought more friends with them.

Girl 1: Now to finish what we started.

They started bashing on me, I couldn't defend myself though there where to many for me to fight off by myself, this went on for a few hours till they became bored with me, I was heavily bruised on the majority of my body and was bleeding from the scraped from the ground and the little tools they where using on me, I lay on the floor for a while not able to move because if I do it only causes me pain, tears feel from my eyes but I didn't force them. After a hour of no movement I decide I should get up and head home, I began limping my way holding my side and anywhere else that is in pain, I reach my apartment lobby.

Receptionist: Oh my god, miss are you ok?

Y/N: I-I'm fine.

Receptionist: Are you sure, you look badly beat-


I snapped at her.

Y/N: I-im sorry, I would just like to get home.

She nodded and helped me up the stairs to my floor she bid me goodbye at the top and headed back down, I hobble down the hallway to my door, I open it up but my legs give out as it opens causing me to fall onto the floor making a loud thud, the boys come over to see me on the floor in my state.

Jhope: Holy shit, are you ok?

Y/N: I'm fine.

I try and get back up but I fail, my arms won't stay stable.

Jin: Let us help you.

I begin to have anger build up inside me.

Y/N: No.

V and Jimin grab me by my arms to try and help me up but it hurt.


I manage to push them off of me and stumble to my feet.

Yoongi: They where just trying to help, no need to be a bitch. Just let Jin patch yo-


I head to my room as fast as my hurt body would let me, I head straight to my bathroom and get in the shower falling to the floor, the showers floor began to be filled with dirt and blood as it washed off me, the cuts on my body stinging causing me pain I cry because of it I crawl out of the shower and wrap myself in a towel once I'm dry I slowly get dressed trying not to cause myself anymore pain then what I'm already in I hobble my way over to my bed and crawl in cuddling up to the blankets and cry myself to sleep.

*Y/N Thoughts*

BF/N I wish you where here.



Thank you for reading this chapter, I am back at school so the updates will may be a little slower and I'm sorry if they are. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, feel free to comment. Okie, Till next time, Baii!

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