Chapter 11

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Y/n pov.
It’s really important to know about there past. Because they are really bad condition. But we don't know how can we ask them about there past. It’s dangerous to ask them. And I am  first asking taehyung about there past. I am so scared there is not other option without asking them.

Sujin: Yes there is a another option.
Y/n: Imo, What are doing here? And how do you know what I am thinking?
Sujin: Y/n I am a demon. So demon can do so many things. I can read your mind.
Y/n: It’s incredible. You are awesome Imo.
Sujin: Thank you so much. So now I tell you what is the second option.Y/n you have a library right
Y/n: Yes. Why?
Sujin: Then come with me

I going library with Imo. I saw Imo going to a black colour book shelf. And in 2nd row a golden colour book she pick up. And it’s glowing.

Y/n: Imo this book is glowing.
Sujin: Of course. It is one of the ancient book. It’s age 500 years.
Y/n: Wow. Imo why emma don't tell us about this book?
Sujin: I think she forgot about that. Okay now let me see.

Then Imo fliped the page of book. But I don't see anything. Every page of this book is blank.

Sujin: It’s really unbelievable. It's been so many years. But no one has touched this book till date.
Y/n: I think anyone don't know about this book.
Sujin: You are right. Now tell me the name of them.
Y/n: Kim taehyung.

Then Imo speaked taehyung name. And suddenly some word appear in book. I can't believe my eyes.

Sujin: Okay. Now I read this.

I see imo reading the book attentively. And then suddenly my sisters-in-low came.

Nina: Y/n what are you doing here? Imo you are too.
Sujin: Hello everyone.
Y/n: Eonni. Imo find the other option to ask them about there past.
Nina: It’s true Imo.
Sujin: Yes. And the second  option is this asked them about to there past.
Alina: It is the second option. But Imo it is the same option that emma said.
Sujin: No Alina it is not. First hear me.It is written in this book that you must talk to them before the moon rises.
Suji: Okay. Anyone know what's the time now?
Nina: 10 pm.
Liya: just 2 hour in our hand left. So let's go.
Sujin: Wait. Nina, Emily, Suji and Ema don't go. You all go to your room.
Ema: Our room. Why Imo?
Sujin: Because Namjoon, Jimin, Suga and J-hope don't have any past.
Emily: What are you saying they have the past. Emma told us.
Sujin: Yes they have a past but now these 4 have forgotten their past. This book have nothing tell me about Namjoon, Jimin, Suga and J-hope.
Y/n: Okay the you all going to your room. Me, Liya eonni and Alina we 3 going to them.
Ema: This is not fair.
Liya: This really good for you. Now don't be sad you all go. Y/n and Alina let's go.

Then we are heading to their room. Let's see what happene.I hope everything is okay. Liya eonni going to Jin oppa and Alina going to Jungkook. I am standing near to Taehyung room door. Let's go Y/n.[ [FIGHTING ] ]

Taehyung pov.

I am sitting in my bed. I am don't feel good. Today is the blood moon. The full red colour moon rising after 2 hour later. Suddenly I hear someone knocking my door. I am going  near my door and opened the door and I see Y/n standing there.

Y/n: Hii. How are you Taehyung?
Tae: I am fine. Btw you are here?
Y/n: Why? Did I annoy you?
Tae: Hey I don't say that. Actually you don't come to my room.So suddenly I am surprised to see you here. nothing else.
Y/n: it. Do I stand out?
Tae: Oh... Iam sorry. Please come in.
Y/n: Thank you. Your room is really beautiful.
Tae: Beautiful. Everyone said it’s creepy.
Y/n: No taehyung it’s really beautiful. The colour is unique. Black and grey. Impressive.

Then I saw taehyung going near to his cupboard And take out some black Pant, Shirt and Suit. He is going somewhere?

Tae: If you never mind. Can you wait for me some minute?
Y/n: Sure. No problem. ( smile to him softly)
Tae: Okay. ( he smiles too)

Some time later taehyung came to me. I saw taehyung changed his dress. He is looking Handsome.

Y/n: You are going somewhere?
Tae: Yes. I have to go for a important work.
Y/n: If you give me some time. I want you ask ypu some question and know something too from you?
Tae: How much time you want from me?
Y/n: Just 2 hour.
Tae: Okay tell me.
Y/n: Taehyung tell me honestly. I am is your first love.
Tae: Why asking me?
Y/n: I just want to know.I am your first love?
Tae: Sorry Y/n. You are not.
Y/n: Okay. Taehyung One more question. Can you tell me about your past?

I can't believe Y/n came to me for that reason. She want to know about my past. But I know one day she will really came to me know about my past. Now I have to tell her. Because I can't betrayed her. If she someday know about that she will hate me. She think I will betrayed her

Tae: You really want to know about my past?
Y/n: Yes I want to know.
Tae: Okay. But one condition. You don't stop me in middle and one more thing you have to believe me in future. You will?
Y/n: I will. Anything else?
Tae: No that's it. So I will start telling you.

Y/n pov.

Taehyung start telling about his past to me. And I carefully listen everything.

Tae: You ask me that is you are my first love? No Y/n you are not. My first love is Luna. Luna is My first LOVE. Luna is a really cute, beautiful and nice girl. She is so much obedient. She belongs to a poor family. Her mom dad try to give her every happiness. And you know Y/n her parents are not demon they are human. I saw her first time in a restaurant . She is a waiter there. When I first saw her I fall in love with her. So one day I am going to the restaurant to talk with her and tell her my feeling.

{Flashback }

Taehyung pov.

Today I will tell him about my feeling and I know she accept my proposal. Okay be positive. Then I entered the restauran. I tell the manager to serve only Luna for each of my meals. And let Luna take my order too. I will seat to the table number 6 and waiting for my love. Then manager came to me with Luna.

Manager: Luna, He is oue special guest. So, You will do whatever he says. I hope you don't disappoint m.
Luna: Sure sir. Don't worry.

Then Luna turn to me and give me her beautiful smile.

Luna: Good evening Sir. How can I help you?
Tae: Can I have today's menu card?
Luna: Sure sir.
Tae: Hmm give me 2 plate of beef steak, 1 bottle red wine with 2 glasses and 2 plate chocolate cake. (he telling everything eying the menu card)

I saw Luna smile ackwardly and bowed to me and go to bring me the meal I ordered. I know she thinking why I ordered everything in 2 plates. Some minute later Luna bring the meal which I ordered she served the 2 plates of meal in front of me.

Tae: Miss Luna. Which time your shift will end?
Luna: Why sir? And how did you know my name? ( said with shocked face)
Tae: Your batch. So tell me Which time your shift will end?
Luna: 9 pm Sir.
Tae: 2 minutes later. Okay Miss Luna you will go change your clothes and come here.
Luna: Why sir? You need something? You tell me now.
Tae: Yes I want something. I want you will dinner with me.
Luna: What!! I can't do , Sir.
Tae: I think you forgot what your manager told you?
Luna: No Sir. I don't forgot anything.
Tae: Then do what I say?
Luna: Okay.

Then Luna came after change her uniform. She looking very beautiful with her simple dress. I signal to sit her. Then we ate our dinner together.

Luna: Sir now tell me? Why you want from me?
Tae: First don't call me sir. Call me taehyung.  Second I want to marry you. Because I love you.
Luna: What!! But how we just meet today first time?
Tae: No Luna. You just meet me today in first timr. But I know you last 2 years. I follow you everywhere. Not in a bad intention. I just love you for that reason I follow you make sure that you are safe. And I hope you accept my proposal to marry you.
Luna: I can't. Without my my parents permission.
Tae: Your parents permission. No problem I will talk with your parents.

The next day I went to Luna's house and talked to her parents. They accept me. And fixed our wedding date next month. But during these few days me and Luna came closer to each other. One day Luna and I bought a wedding dress. Let's drop him at home. Then I came to my own house. Then I got a call on my mobile from an unknown numbe. I pick up the phone.

[In call]

Tae: Hello. Who is this?
Unknown: Oh hello. Prince Kim Taehyung.
Tae: Who are you?
Unknown: This is not important who I am. Btw Best wishes for the wedding.
Tae: I am asking you again. Who the hell are you? ( said angrily)
Unknown: Your worst nightmare. Prince your love is so beautiful and sexy.
Tae: Bastard I will kill you.
Unknown: If you find me than you can kill me. Then find us and save your little girlfriend HAHAHAHA.

Then he cut the call. He call me Prince that's mean he is the demon but how can I find him. No I have to find him at any cost. I am coming Luna.

Demon World

I am coming to demon world. After that I came to near the black forest.

Demon 1: Wow. Look Prince come to save his love. Can he save her?
Tae: Where is she?
Demon 2: Bring her.

Then they bring Luna. She is not in good condition. What happened with her? She is nit walking properly. I saw she is a very big wounded  in her stomach. And she is bleeding.

Tae: What are you doing with her? (Said angrily)
Demon 1: Nothing. Actually we are want to taste her. So we having some flesh out of her stomach and eat this.
Demon 2: And It's really good. And now we are her whole body parts going to eat.
Tae: Noooo. You can't do this. I will kill all of you.
Demon 1: Bind the Prince with magic spells.
Witch Queen: Of course. Your father cursed us now it's time for our revenge. We will take revenge by killing your love.

{Flashback end}

Then they killed my love in front of me. They tore every part of his body. And he screamed loudly. And I can't do anything. I watch and yell at him to let go. And then those demons and witch tear off his head. He died in front of me. I turned to stone. I lose all my senses.

Y/n pov.

I  hear everything to him. I can't believe demon can be that much dangerous and heartless.I don't stop him middle. I have so many question in my mind but I can't ask him now. Because 2 hour is over. And I have to go back my room. I saw taehyung crying. I can't consoul him now. Moon is start riesing. Tomorrow morning I will talk with you.

Y/n: I am going Taehyung.
Tae: Hmmmm go fast.
Y/n: Good night.

Then I come out of his room. I am scared don't know what happened today's night.

So sorry my readers friends😭😭
I promise you I will update quickly
But I can't because of my study.
I hope you understand.
Sorry sorry sorry.
I hope you all forgive me

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