Entrance Exam(Part 3)

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Thank you for the 100+ reads!!!
Thank you for all the support, love y'all
I've also prepared a song you could listen to, for better reading experience^^

And if you're still wondering what does Eritria look like here's a glimpse of her^^


Eritria's POV

"M-mom? D-dad…?"

I can't help but stutter. I wanted this to happen ever since forever; to see them even if it was just for a second, even if just as an illusion.

I'm about to run when I realize that my body is transparent!!

"Astra, come now, let's eat," mom called out.

Well, I don't care anymore about this shit. I rushed to my Mom and gave her the hug that I wish I could give to her in reality.

I know they're not real but...

"Astra, are you ok?" dad asked.

"I love you two and… I'm sorry… I failed to protect you both. I'm sorry I was weak back then… I'm sorry if I couldn't keep my promise that I will live my life to its fullest," I fumbled with all the words and thoughts that had been driving me crazy for years now. I badly wanted them to know.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

For all those years I kept it all bottled up inside. And for now, I think just for once, I can let out my emotions. It’s just that the pain has never been bearable enough.

"Oh honey, what are you saying?" mom asked while enveloping me in her arms.

I miss those times when I have someone to run into, someone who comforts me. I want this to last, I wanna stay.

However, as soon as I see the watch over my wrist, it's like cold water had been poured on me, waking me up out of my petty delusion and forcing me to face the painful reality; that there's no time left for me to dwell over my emotions. Well, who am I kidding? All my wishes never really came true anyway.

And by this time I realize that I am no longer transparent. It’s like I'm slowly becoming a part of this illusion.

I broke away from the hug to find a transparent key over mom's chest and behind them is a door that I didn't see earlier because my system was clouded by my emotions.

No, don't tell me! My eyes widen as realization strikes to me. The mist encircling me a while ago was the mist from the Forbidden Forest. Based on the books I have read, that mist shows you your own weaknesses making you stay and it then slowly locks you up in the illusion. I need my parents to be transparent to get the key that would open the door before me. I need them to hate me.

"I think Astra is just tired. Let's go home,” dad said while smiling.

"No... I don't want and I never will," I said realizing that I need to do this.

The word ‘shock’ is written all over their faces.

"Why? Why did you let me shoulder up all the pain?!" I continued.


"Where were you when I needed the two of you the most?! Why did you let me alone by myself in this rotting world? WHY AM I EVEN BORN?!" I fired out the words as my chest constricted with reluctance and grief.

And with those words mom immediately turns transparent. I quickly grab the key while tears welled up from their faces. And before I broke down I ran as fast as I could to reach the door. The cold breeze of air welcomed me, making me feel lonely again and again.

"WHAT DID I DO TO FEEL THIS PAIN?!" I frustratingly yell to the abyss of darkness. The fog is getting thicker and thicker as I move forward. But in just a blink of an eye, I'm in another place again where the darkness makes thousands of stars shine down.

"Eri, look a wishing star! Come, make a wish quickly!" a boy said standing right beside me.

My hands started to tremble; my breathing became uneven as beads of sweat broke out on my forehead. NO! NOT HIM, I ALREADY HAD ENOUGH!

"Eri?" the boy called out my name once again.

Why? Why does it have to be...

As I turn around, the image of him became clearer again, at this point the memories start flashing through my mind as it brings back the pain I struggled to hide.

While the stars keep shining and my heart won't stop beating faster, there is a boy, standing, with his blue scarf wrapped around his neck while the wind slightly swaying his white brimming hair as he passes me the warmest smile I could ever imagine to witness.

"Come, let's make a wish Eri," said the boy.


And as I called out his name my eyes won't stop tearing.

"Hey Eri, why are you crying?" he asked while worry is evident in his grey eyes that are as dreamy as the starry night.

"Don't you worry, Xavvy would make a wish for you," he said while wiping off my tears.

"I wish that Eri would no longer shed a tear, for Xavvy would always be with you forever and ever, I promise!" he said greeting me with his heart-warming smile.


"You're a liar, you made me cry all night. You also left me alone just like Mom and Dad. I waited for you to come and rescue me in that goddamn hell! Years after years; but you never came!"

And with that, Xavvy was no longer smiling.

"YOU NEVER KEPT YOUR PROMISE!!" I spoke as I took the key from his chest but before I go, I hug him tightly. "I'm sorry," I said and quickly ran to the door while my tears won't stop falling. But before I could leave, I heard those frickin’ words.

"I came, but I'm too late,"

Those were the words replaying over my mind while I'm sitting here in the cold floor trying to put my shit together. I'm now at the centre. Right above me is a floating black sphere shaped where the mist comes from.


And as the countdown started I just look ahead only to find a hollow that wants to devour me.

Other Person's POV

"Hmm, someone actually did go to the mist," said a woman while looking intently at her crystal ball.

"Oh, really? then goodlu--"

"No, she got through the mist," the woman interrupted the man’s words.

"Already?" the man asked while slowly approaching the crystal ball that shows a scene, where a girl is sitting on the floor while the hollow is charging right at her.

"She looks devastated. Could she make it out on time?" the man asked.


"Oh, she stood up!" said the woman.

"NEVER..." the girl said while running towards the hollow.


"What is she doing?!"


And as her eyes turn to intense silver, she motions her scythe and splits the hollow into half while directly looking at the monitoring duo as if they were exactly there.


And just like the hollow, the crystal ball was split in half too.

"How?" the woman asks.

They exchange a brief glance full of incredulity.

"That girl..."

"Who is she?" they asked in unison.

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