I'll wait

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dedicated to aldeax
thank you for all the love and support!!

Eritria's POV

I never expected that in my whole shit existence I would sit on a boy's lap.

And of course, I just took one bite so we won't need to use the same spoon. Like hell I would, those where the thoughts going through my mind as we walk back to our classroom. Yes, WE. This boy just doesn't get tired of talking.

"You won't really talk to me?" he asked with confusion in his voice.

"Yeah, probably till the three months end," I said in a bored tone while shifting my gaze back to the hallway.

"What??" the boy asked as he stopped walking.

"I said shut up!"

And after that, he pinned me in the wall, with both of his hands on my side.

"Stop being mean or I'll kiss you," he said while his grey eyes are locked into mine.

And with that, a smile appeared slowly in my face.

"Then do it," I said as I cut the distance in our faces and left a small gap.

And just like that, his face quickly turned into red, just like a tomato. And with that, he quickly made a huge gap in us.

"Why didn't it work? in scenes like this, the girl would totally be speechless just like in the stories even in movies!" he said while he unconsciously messing up his already messy silver hair. I guess a habit of him.

"Well then just to inform you, I'm not the typical girl in the stories, where they'll cower and blush like shit while waiting for the kiss. Keep that in mind."

"Let's go," I said while a smile of victory flashed in my face.

Finally, he stopped talking.

We're currently in our noisy classroom of course while waiting for our teacher, I'm stuck with this guy.

Well, miraculously he isn't talking.

embarrassed eh?

A man in his early 30s suddenly entered the room with his cigarette that isn't even lighted. Weird.

Under his messy dark hair lies, eyes that you could tell tiredness and stress in it.

Levi Mcquoid

"I'll be straight to the point," he said.

"I'm Mr. Levi Mcquoid," he stated while writing it down on the board.

"I'll be your teacher in Physical education. I'll teach all of you how to control and make your abilities to it's finest."

"And as for our first day, we'll get to know each other by playing..."


"So you all do know how volleyball works right?"

"Yes Sir," everyone enthusiastically responded.

While this white-haired boy beside me raised his hand. "Sir Levi, how can we play when we are handcuffed?" he asked.

"Don't worry," he said while dialing in his weird old phone.

"Lovien unlock it," he stated. And with that, the handcuffs disappear like bubbles popped in the thin air. "The handcuffs will continue it's remaining time when our activity is over," he explained.

"Ugh," I groaned. "Why is our first day a little bit too much to process," I said while were already here in the breathtaking panoramic open field of the school.

We also did change our clothes just like Mr. Levi said.

The girls had this white v-neck shirt with its signature golden stripes in the sides and a golden wreath printed with capitals C. A which is our logo it is laced at the upper right of our shirt. While for the lower, we have black shorts with three golden stripes on the sides. We also got black jackets again with golden stripes. They even got us rubber shoes that are so light in the feet, which is perfect for our game.

While for the boys we have the same shirt but for the lower, they have jogging pants with the three golden stripes on its sides.

"Always bring your P.E uniform, for that plays an important role in our activities. Those clothes are designed to adapt to any ability of the user."

"It's simple if you can fire up your entire body the clothes will quickly adapt it so that your clothes would not turn into ash," Mr. Levi explained.

"Now we'll play volleyball as it is. Whoever reaches 21 points first, would be having an additional 50 points in me while for the ones who will lose, would only have 25 points."

"And for us to get to know each other, don't hesitate to use your powers to serve, block even spike to the opponent's side," he stated.

"Your class would be grouped into two. Boys versus Girls," he said while giving us this creepy smile.

"Well then bring it on!"

The game had started, they already had this scene where no one want's to lose. Well, of course, I'm just positioned here at the side. I was never interested in any of these shits.

We have this girl who used her power to make the ball invisible. I think she has the ability to make anything she wants to be invisible. And that's how our first serve got 2 points.

While a boy on the other side with his intimidating black eyes spiked a ball to us, but whenever we try to catch it, it goes the other way around. Until we weren't able to catch it.

"3 points go for the boys," Mr. Levi announced.

I believe the boy has the ability of telekinesis.

And that's how they back and forth the ball with smiles in their faces, while I'm just chillin' here at the side.

They all got serious when we have a tie, 20-20.

"Now give all of your best!" Mr. Levi stated.

They all focus their attention on the ball, where the boys will serve. Yes, we are currently at a disadvantage here.

Finally, the boy tossed the ball in the air, while our eyes are fixed in it.

And with that, he put all of his strength to spike the ball at us. And what made us shocked is he made the ball in FIRE!

We are shocked because we didn't encounter this power awhile ago. We are strikes completely off guard. Even the boys we're shook, that the ball became too strong to deflect.

And as everything slows down, as I expected it.

The ball will directly hit Cassidy, the short-haired girl!

She just stood there like a shit. Trembling with her knees and her eyes shut, while the ball will clearly land on her.

I sighed.

I shouldn't do this...

With my enhanced speed, I quickly got to her and hit the ball on somewhere no one would get hit.

After the problem was solved, I quickly turned to look at her.

"ARE YOU NUTS?" I asked her with irritation mixed in my voice.

"With situations that something would totally hit you hard, instead of dogging it or cower in fear and just shut your eyes better face it with all your might. Have faith in yourself," I stated.

"T-thank you," she said while blinking her eyes slowly, probably still shocked.

And with that, the boys got to their rooms as winners. Well, I don't give a shit.

After a very long day, we finally reached our room number 146.

I noticed that the handcuff is no longer in our wrist.

"Hell yeah," we said in unison that made us look into each other.

I just quickly opened the door before another staring contest starts again.

The room is modern themed, it has this white, black, and gray combination of colors. We even have a mini kitchen inside. I like it.

My eyes caught a single plate with 1 spoon and 1 fork in the table that only has 1 frickin chair!

As a terrible idea suddenly popped in my mind. I quickly looked for the bedroom, and just as I thought. With all those furniture, pools, and guest house. WHY IS THE FRICKIN BED IS SO SMALL?!!

They really want us to get close to each other, in those 3 months.

"Hey, Eritria let's eat there is food here in the table," the boy said while inspecting the mini kitchen.

"Don't call me so casual. Call me Ms. Slayer," I stated.

"I'll call you what I want to call you!" he said while stucking out his tongue.

"Are you a kid to do that Mr. Kingslay?" I asked.

"Oh c'mon, let's just eat," he said.

"I don't want to, I'm already full," I said while looking at the yummy carbonara at the table. And with that my stomach rumbled, making me eat my own words.

"You sure?" he said with a grin plastered in his face.

"Don't worry, you can eat first," he said with a smile on his face.

"You must have starved because you just took a bite for lunch."

And for now, I'll agree with him. The carbonara looks yummy though. And just like that, we had a kind of peaceful dinner? I don't know.

"Ugh, I'm stinking let's take a shower!" he said while his eyes just widened when he realized what he just said.

"I sounded like a frickin pervert there," he said.

"Tsk let's go, I don't wanna be handcuffed while sleeping," I said while heading toward the bathroom.

It has a huge bathtub and a shower area and of course the toilet. Simple and clean.

"The rules said we'll be together even taking a bath so I think you can go take a shower first then I'll be next. With that, we won't break the rules but will just bend it a bit."

"You sure? you don't wanna go in first?" he asked.

"Yes just do it quickly," I stated while yawning.

I turned my back to him and waited till it's my turn.

"DONE!" he said. And with that, I turned around to have my shower too, when I just saw him topless like shit.

With his white hair that is dripping wet, a bead of water caught my attention. It first traveled down to his sharp jawline, next to his adam's apple, down to his manly chest, why does this shit water get this far, I said in my mind. And finally traveled down to his fucking eight pack abs.

"Hey, Eritria! he snaps in me as I finally looked into him, "It's your turn," he said.

"I know, you're just in the way," I said while I passed through him.

"Turn your back and never look back you get me?" I asked him.

"Yeah I wouldn't peek, I promised to someone that I'll respect every woman I'll encounter."

"And why would I believe you?" I said while finally turning on the shower.

"Can't you just believe in me just for this one?"

And just like he said he never peeked or did an action that I would hate.

"Finally, let's sleep," he said.

"Yeah sleep there I'll sleep on the couch like hell I would sleep with a pervert," I said.

"WHAT?!! ME A PERVERT?!! Ok, I'm done suit yourself," he said.

And that's how my first night went in the academy with a guy that is pissed with me.

"No don't leave me please," I mumbled. While beads of sweat fall down in my face as my past keeps haunting me.

"Hey wake up! It's just a nightmare!" he said as I finally waked up from another nightmare.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't been childish and let you sleep here," he said while carrying me in a bridal style.

"The fuck let me down!" I said while struggling to get off in his arms.

"Just let me carry you," he said as I finally felt the soft mattress pressed in my back.

"You don't have to put a wall in yourself in others," he said while looking intently in me.

"What made you this broke to hate people, what did they did to make you isolate yourself from love?"

"Well I'll wait till you open up...I'll wait," he said with a smile that reassures me that everything's gonna be fine.

And as he tucked me in the bed, something in my heart seems to open up... little by little...

I can't, I need to stop this feeling...

For I'm forbidden to love.

To be continued--

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