The 3 wishes

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This is dedicated to you rainbowland4hope
Thank you for all the love and support!

Eritria's POV

We are all working our ass here, we have a lot of workloads starting from our notes, thesis, and a ton of essays to do. Our Examination is just 3 weeks from now, so we're struggling to deal with all of this school works.

I am doing my essay the Principles of perfect teleportation, for Sir. Felix fed our minds with tons of technology and logical reasonings after we have 'the date' that Ma'am Lovien has prepared.

I am finishing the essay when Sir Levi entered, as usual, we'll greet every teacher who'll come and teach us.

"Now class, I know because of the near crucial exam you are all busy," he said while settling down his teaching materials.

"But for today you'll properly introduce yourself and also your abilities and hobbies since all of you already showcased it in our volleyball a few days ago," Mr. Levi explained.

"One by one let's start at the back," he said while pointing to a boy with a hair that is as black as the night that has no light and captivating eyes that reminds me of caramel.

"Hello, I'm Elijah Lincoln the 3rd," he said while flashing his full white set of teeth.

"My ability makes your mind blank as long as I look at you," Cascade's mate said.

Woah, miraculously like an eclipse.

I remember her name.

"My hobbies are listening to music and then play music again. That's all," he said while returning to his seat.

I kinda like him no excessive words, just straight to the point.

"Next," Mr. Levi stated

And then Cascade stood in front.

"Hello, guys! I'm Cascade Rouséa my hobbies is to make friends and shopping!" she said.

Well too girly...

But didn't I told you that Cascade has intriguing crimson eyes? well, I can't help but notice it.

"My ability is I can transform to any animal, I could also transform into someone else but I will need to personally see the specific target I'm gonna copy, and because of my photographic memory. I can absolutely transform and even infiltrate to organizations," Cascade explained and finally got back to her seat.

Well, that's a newly discovered ability for me.

Next was this boy that I think about 6'0 tall and has this fixed White hair while his eyes were blue. Not the ordinary sky blue, or the color of the paint flaking off of the old shed in the back of the field. His eyes were blue like the sea,  crystal clear blue-shimmering and crashing and churning- pale blue with specks of white. Blue like that warm wool sweater that you put on when the air gets the chill- comfortable, warm, familiar. His eyes were that kind of blue.

"I'm Norman Hummington, nice to meet you all," he said while giving us this kind smile of his.

"My hobbies are reading books and sleeping the entire day," Norman said.

Well, that's the ideal hobby for me.

"My ability is all about dreams. I can create, enter, and lock you in your own dreams. Obviously the effects of my power is much better in the night, I'm still trying to improve my daydreams," he stated as Emma introduces next.

"Hi everyone, I'm Emma Emerson. Yes, my name is full of E's," she said making everyone laugh except me.

"My hobbies are to travel and collect ancient artifacts," She said while giving us a smile.

"While my ability is I can see the past in people's lives by touching something sentimental or important things to them, making me see the past where that thing is connected," she stated making everyone amazed.

Well, I won't deny, their abilities surprise me a lot.

"Next," Mr. Levi announced.

Clementine was next.

"Hello everyone my name is Clementine Hernandez please to meet you all," she said while I can't resist seeing how cute she is. Her long pale green hair is braided in one while her emerald left eye reminds me of the newly bloomed daylily in the valley, enchanting, delicate. Like a flower her gaze was never direct, preferring a shy earthbound focus.

"My hobbies are planting plants and experimenting with new medicines through herbs," she said.

"While my abilities is I can heal someone by looking in my right eye, but in return my energy is rapidly decreasing especially when I exert too much energy when the wound is extremely dreadful, that's why healing makes me unconscious every time I use it," she explained.

"W-while my l-left eye can..." she started to stutter. I can feel she's nervous. What's with her left eye?

"Ok, you may go back to your seat Ms. Hernandez. It's ok if you are still not ready to tell us about it," said Mr. Levi while motioning clementine to go back to her seat.

And that's how I ended up being curious about what is in Clementine's left eye.

And eventually, the introduction still proceeded.

Next was a boy that is walking ahead while his long lustrous black hair that is tied in a red strip cloth, is slightly swaying. Well, you could actually see how he takes care of his hair.

"I'm Lucas Alcantara," he said while smiling at us.

Why is everyone a future endorser of a toothpaste commercial?

"My hobbies are reading and learning everything about magic and listen to music all day long," he stated.

"While my ability also connects to music. I have the ability of telekinesis. Where I can move things just in my mind, while music is the one that gives me the strength to move bigger, heavier materials, through songs that I never heard of," he explained while going back to his seat.

Well, I didn't see that coming...

Next was the stupid white head.

"Hello everyone, I am Thunder Emmanuel Kingslay," he said while smiling making those deep dimples pop.

"My ability is all about electrokinesis," he stated.

I don't believe it, there's more in his ability that meets the eye.

"While I don't really have a hobby other than annoying Eri," he said while his ash like eyes landed on me.

I just rolled my eyes and ignored him.

"Next," Mr. Levi said.

I stood up and head infront.

"Eritria Astra Slayer. Ability electrokinesis, I don't have any hobbies," I lazily said as I head back to my seat. Well, that's how I introduce myself. Straightforward no more flowery words.


"Finally," I muttered while I dived on the bed. The introductions finally ended, I can even remember the boy with glasses said that his ability is to talk to animals. That made me laugh inside my head.

Well, I'm just curious how does it feel like.

I quickly prepared my laptop to review for our upcoming exams.

I am busy reviewing the slides Ms. Chrone sent us when I glanced at the stupid white head that solves a puzzle of a butterfly.

"Won't you study? every subject gave us a ton to do and you're just sitting there solving a puzzle?" I asked him.

"Well I'll just trust my stocked knowledge," he said while giving me this playful smile.

"You really think you'll pass with your stocked knowledge?" I ask with disbelief in my eyes.

Again I know I shouldn't care...

"If you'll have an overall perfect score in our exams I'll let you wish three things in me," I stated.

And just as fast like a lightning, he already set up his notes, books, and laptop.

"Now that's my motivation!" he said as he finally focused his attention in his notes.

I smiled secretly knowing my words motivated him.


We worked so hard in those hell weeks.

Until the examination day arrived.

We are all miraculously silent while answering our last test paper for the exam.

It will really mess up your brain cells especially if you didn't review.

The white head beside me is already giving me a victory smile like he already won the deal.

And finally, after 2 hours of waiting for the results. Finally, they've announced.

I can't believe that the stupid white head is actually smart. He aced all of the subjects. He literally perfects all the test papers.

And now he's giving me this evil grin while flexing his test papers infront of me.

"I aced it Eri!" he said with excitement in his voice.

"I already know my 2 wishes, I'll just reserve the last one later," he stated while his smile get's even bigger.

"My first wish would be, YOU CAN'T SAY NO TO ME FOR 1 DAY," he said while I'm already shocked on how he wisely handled his wishes.

"Second wish, BE SWEET EVEN JUST FOR THIS DAY," he said and that made me totally look at him with disbelief but what can I do? I can't say no tsk.

He got me this time.

We finally settled our bags to go when he carried my bag.

Well, I don't let him carry my bag because why would I? I have two arms so why would I need his help, but for today, I'll let it pass.

After he settled my bag and his, he quickly clasped our hands while flashing me his full set of white teeth.

That's why we're walking in the hallway like normal couples do.

I realized that my hand perfectly fits in his. The feeling is like my hand was created just for him.

Urgh what am I thinking!!

Finally I breaked the silence between us, "Where are we going?" I asked.

"Secret," he said while still walking ahead. We actually passed in the bulletin board where it is announced that class-A would have a swimming party for tomorrow. Well, another tiring activity for tomorrow.

And then I just realized that we're heading to the...

"Rooftop?" I mumbled.

"Yes, we'll stargazing there," he said while his charmi- what wait his smile is not even charming. Believe me!

Let it go and wildest dreams mashup
~ by Idina Menzel and Taylor Swift
Music video on the top⬆️

Finally we arrived at the last floor. "Hope you like it," he said as he finally opened the door showing me a rooftop with dangling mini bulbs everywhere that setted the mood while there is a picnic blanket at the center with lots of ice creams and snacks.

"You prepared all of this?" I absent mindedly asked.

"Yes of course," he said while guiding me through the center.

I can't help to look at the sky with sequin- silver stars like the scattered embers of a dying fire winked down at me, illuminating the atramentous curtain of sky. While the moon has this warm milky glow in the sky, as if the sight of it could become a song in the eyes of anyone willing to raise their head upward.

I can't help but to be amazed on how this white head figured that I actually like skies full of stars.

"Come let's eat," he said while motioning me to sit so that we can dig in, in those ice creams.

And at that time I completely forgotten my problems my worries. I don't actually know why. Everytime he smiles and try to make me smile too, my heart won't just beat normally. Everytime his eyes meets mine I see galaxies instead of pupils.

"Eri, you do know that you have the most captivating eyes right?" he said.

"Your eyes is intense they weren't expressive, they were cold, like ice. Every tendril of various shades of incandescent striking gray-silver staying lined up next to one and other making your eyes themselves seems like a white tundra, its as if a blizzard is eternally raging on with a black void in the center which is your pupils. They don't capture light, but they defy it. But as I look closer I could clearly see the sadness of heartbreak, the pain of sorrow and the once joy of love in it," he said while his eyes are locked into mine.

"Eri, to be honest what made you hate people around you? I know I'm being assuming here but I can see right through your eyes you're in pain," he said while I quickly averted his gaze.

"Eri are you even happy?" he asks the same question I'ved been asking myself for years.

He then just looked into the sky full of scattered stars.

"Choose what makes you happy Eri, stop worrying about what lies ahead. Just smile, that's my last wish," he said while his eyes is focused in the magestic glow of the crescent moon.

I already forgotten about why I'm here. I completely forgotten about the sword. I completely forgotten I wanna die.

It's all because of this boy that continues to melt my heart.

And I won't deny it anymore...

I Eritria Astra Slayer is already crashing and deeply drowned by this boy named Thunder.

To be continued--

Thank you so much for reading!!
Don't forget to comment and vote^^
May you have a nice day mwuah♡

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