☁️The Bloody Massacre☁️

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Skeppys POV:

It was the next day.

These stupid ropes have probably left marks by now.

If Jason's is gonna keep me down here than at least feed me.Damn.

I could eat a child whole right now!

I had been in this shed for what felt like years.

Last night I heard sirens and talking outside.
I also heard thumps above me since you have to open a little flap to enter the shed.

I don't hear thumps now though.
Nor any sirens.

I waited for about an hour before I started to hear noise.

I heard thumps and more talking.
The thumps seem to be from multiple people.
I heard something about a dog?

Soon the thumps got farther and farther away till I couldn't hear it anymore.

Then I heard thumps come towards the shed.But the thumps seemed to only come from one person.

Then I shed door creaked open.

A dawn of light shown in.

It was probably nearing the end of the day.

I saw a person close the shed as they walked down the stairs towards me.

It was Jason.

"You got an answer?"Jason said walking towards me untill he was face to face with me.

I completely forgot about his question.

But it think...I do have an answer.

But I didnt want to tell him.But I knew I would have to...

I nodded.

Jason then took the tape off my mouth.

I knew what would happen to me if I screamed.

They would be too late or wouldn't even hear it at all.

"Then answer it"

"Do you like Bad?"Jason asked in a annoyed tone.

I didn't respond like last time.

I saw Jason slowly take the dagger from yesterday out of his pocket before bringing it up quickly and slashing my nose.

I yelped turning my head to the side before Jason grabbed my chin and brought it to face him before saying "Answer.Me"

"Ok!Ok,Yes!Yes..I do"I say.

I felt the blood on my nose travel down to my chin.

"How could you like him,but not me!?Im so much better than him!"Jason yelled.

"You literally kidnapped me and cheated on me!Bad is so much nicer!"I yell back.

Then Jason stood up and brought his right arm up and started to swing the dagger at me.

I closed my eyes.

Bads POV:

Skeppy had been missing for a day.

I had a feeling this had something to do with Jason.

I had told all my friend about the drama going on between Skeppy and Jason and that Skeppy was now missing.

I told them that I needed their help.

Sure enough,they all agreed to help.

We informed the principal about Skeppys absence who filed a missing person report.

The police told us they couldn't find him but that they would bring their german shepherd in named "Bear".

We were all currently in Mr.Edwards office trying to sort this out when we heard a knock on the door.

Mr.Edwards opened it and saw 3 police officers and a dog.

"Do you have a piece of clothing DNA that Bear could use to get Skeppys scent and track him down?"Asked one of the officers.

Mr.Edwards nodded before bringing them to our dorm.

He opened skeppys dorm and led them to the balcony where the blood had been.

The principal opened the door stepping aside letting the dog sniff the blood.

Bear barked before heading out of dorm.

We followed the dog.

Bear sniffed the floor as he walked.

Eventually he led us to the back of the school.

It was nothing but dirt.

Or so we thought.

"Bear theres nothing here"One of the officers giggled.

Bear started to dig at the dirt.

Under the dirt revealed a small platform of wood.

Bear barked.

"Wait a minute,that's the entrance to the shed!"Mr.Edwards said.

One of the officers went up to the wood and pushed it aside.

Down the hole was stairs.

I heard two very familiar voices.

My friend group,the principal,and the officers along with their dog,headed down the flight of stairs.

What we saw was definently not what I expected.

Skeppy was tied up in a chair with a cut on his nose and Jason in front of him swinging the dagger down.

Just before Jason could hit skeppy with the knife,one of the officers yelled "STOP!"

I saw skeppys eyes open and Jason turn around.

Jason started to back up behind skeppy.

"Your under arrest"The officer said.

"Not so fast"Jason said putting the knife at skeppys throat.

The officers brought their guns out and pointed at Jason.

"If you shoot me,I'll kill him too"

Jason was to focused on the officers to notice Bear starting to make his way towards him.

Suddenly,Bear jumped up and bit Jason's arm.

Jason yelped,dropping the knife,leaving skeppy unharmed at the neck.

As Bear bit Jason,an officer and I quickly went up to skeppy and started to untie the ropes that were on his arms and legs.

When we finished untying skeppy,he burst out into tears and hugged me.

I hugged back glaring at Jason who was now covered in blood.

The officers went over to Bear to try and stop him from shredding the man.

But it was too late.

Bear had already killed Jason.

Bear got up,his muzzle stained in Jason's blood and trotted over to one of the officers side.

One of the 3 officers sighed before neeling down and grabbing one of Jason's arms.

The second officer grabbed Jasons other arm.

The third officer put the leash back on Bear and grabbed the head of Jason's knife.

Together they dragged Jason out of the shed.

We followed the officers out of the shed and watched as they put Jason in the trunk.

I felt a smile form on my face.

"Goodbye Jason"

Word count:1000
Bear slayeddd

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