☁️The dangers of the night☁️

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Skeppys POV:

I woke up at 3:26 am in the morning for water.

I sat up on my bed.

My room was pitch black.

I stood up and made my way to the litchen.

There,I grabbed a cup and filled it with water.

I gulped the water down.

Once I finished the water,I put the cup in the dish washer.

I went back to my room and layed back down on my bed.

My eyes were still open.

I thought about what happened today.

I remembered that before I went to bed I got a text from Dream saying that Jason got suspended for a few days.

I was happy about that but I knew he would someone make his way into my life during those few days.

As I thought about the events from today,I heard a rock hit the glass door leading to my balcony.

I looked towards the door.

Did someone throw a rock at my balcony?

I'm on the 3rd story of this college.
There were 4 storys.

And why is someone or something outside at 3 in the morning!

I sigh before grabbing my phone and turning the flashlight on.

My tail swayed out of annoyance.

I opened the door and went out onto my balcony into the chilly dangers of the night.

The flashlight on my phone didn't do much.

All I saw was the night sky,trees,and bushes.

"Hello?"I called out.

I got no reply.

I heard thumps above me.

I looked up but nothing.

I heard a loud slam behind me.

K turn around to see a black figure in my room.

It locked the door.

"Hey!"I yell slamming my hands against the glass.

The figure ran out of my room.

"Let me inside!"I yelled.

The last thing I wanted was to be locked onto my balcony with god knows what!

I would repeat to knock and hit my door trying to get someone attention.

I heard more thumps above me.

I didn't care about them though.I was more focused on trying to get back inside.

About a good 5 minutes of being locked outside I gave up.

I brought my arms back to my sides and sighed.

I looked up expecting to see the night sky but instead I saw something else staring down at me.

The black figure

I saw it had on a black hoodie and pants along with a black mask.

It pulled down its mask and smirked.

"Hello again"It said.

I imidatly recognized their voice.

My crazy ex AGAIN.

This man is just slivering into my life like a little worm.

But soon...I'll stomp on that worm.

I backed up a little but not much since I could literally fall off the balcony 3 storys.

He hopped down from the 4th story roof onto my balcony.

He grabbed my chin with his hand before saying:

     "If I can't have you,no one can"

With that Jason lifted up a mallet and slammed it on my head,knocking me out cold.

Jason's POV:

I watched as skeppys body fell to ground of the balcony.

I out the mallet back in bag before throwing my bag back up onto the roof of the 4th floor.

I picked the omega up and stood on the railing of the balcony and threw him up onto the roof along with my bag with no mercy.

I grabbed the top of the roof with my right hand and grabbed the 4th floors balcony railing with my left.

I hopped up onto the 4th floor roof.

I grabbed my bag and swung it around my shoulder before picking skeppy back up and making my way towards the ladder that led down to the first floor.

When I got to ladder I put skeppy on the floor.

I put my backpack straps on both shoulders before picking him back up.

This time I put him hung over my shoulder.I had a grip on his foot so he wouldn't slip off and die.

I don't want him to die yet.

I used my other hand to climb down the ladder.

Once I made it down I brought my other hand to grab skeppys other foot.

As I walked,the grass crunched unearth me.

I brought skeppy to a underground shed the college had forgotten about.

I opened the creaky door and entered the room.

It was dark and cold.

I switched on the dim light.

I already  had a chair,a rope,and ducktape set up.

I dropped skeppys body on the chair and tied his legs and arms to the chair with the rope.

I tied it tight enough tou could see his legs and wrist were red.

I took the ducktape and wrapped it around his mouth.

I threw the extra supplies in the corner

     "I told you you would regret it"

Word count:821

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