☁️The Party☁️

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(Its friday)

Skeppy POV:

Today was the day of the party

The party was starting at 8:00 pm.

We have 30 more minutes to get ready.

I wore a blue hoodie,linen pants,black boots,and black fingerless gloves.

"You ready to go?"Bad asked.

He wore a black hoodie with red stripes,grey pants,and black boots.

"Yup"I respond.

"Alright c'mon"Bad said grabbing my hand and leaving me to dreams dorm.

Once we got to dreams dorm,bad knocked.

Dream opened the door and greeted us.

"Hi guys!"Dream said.

"Hi dream"I say.

"Go ahead,come in"Dream says stepping aside so we could enter.

Dreams dorm was cool.

There was a bar,snack table,and even a dance floor equipt with music.

"How about we get eachother drinks?"Bad said.

"Ok" I say heading to the drink table.

I decided to get bad some fruit punch.

I poured it into a glass and went back to meet up with bad.

"I got you fruit punch"I say.

"I got you a margarita"Bad says.

"Ooo"I say.

"Come on let's go dance!"Bad says placing my drink down.

I put mine next to his before following him to the dance floor.

Jason's POV:

My plan was going perfectly.

Bad and skeppy left their drinks at a table.

I brought out a little bottle of Botulinum toxin.

I made my way to the table and popped open the cork of the bottle.

I poured some into the drink I saw Bad holding.The margarita.

I put the cork back on the bottle and returned to my original position.

Skeppys POV:

Me and Bad danced for a while.

It made me thirsty.

"Im kinda thirsty,I'll be right back"I say going back to the table.

I pick up my drink and drink it.

It tasted funky...not like how a margarita should taste.

I set the drink down and coughed a bit.

It's probably because I haven't had a margarita since highschool.

My stomach started to hurt.

I felt hotter than I did before.

I started to feel dizzy.

My vision started to flash a little.

Untill it all went black.

Word count:368
Dont worry,hes not dead...but someone else will be soon.

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