☁️The Beginning Of Hell☁️

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Skeppys POV:

I was in ELA class right now. We have the same seating arrangement for each class.
It was 12:29. In a minute it would be lunch time.


"Alright, go ahead and pack up class and head to lunch. I will see you all tomorrow," our reading teacher said. I grabbed my ELA work book and pencil case and started to walk out the door with the others. I went to my locker and punched in the code. Once the locker was opened, I placed my ELA book inside along with my pencil case.

Before I could close my locker, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see the kid named "Jason." He had this weird smile on his face. "Don't you remember me?" he asked. I was confused. "No . . . ?" I replied. "You don't remember me from highschool?" Jason said with this weird chuckle at the end.

Jason. Jason from highschool. Then it hit me. He is my ex! Damn it, I had just forgotten about him! He just had to come to my college.  "How did you know what college I was in?!" I exclaimed. "You told me what college you were going to go to in high school, dummy," he replied. "Oh." "Well what do you want anyways?" I ask.

"I was thinking, . . . why don't we get back together?"  he suggested. Who does this man think he is?! There ain't no way in hell I would get back together with this jerk. "Are you stupid? No! You cheated on me, you jerk!" I shouted.
"I know but that was in the past. C'mon, give me another chance; I've changed." "No," I say, walking away from him. I heard him grunt in anger behind me.

I ignored it and went to the lunch room. I waited in line for my lunch. Hopefully it isn't like my high school lunch. I definitely don't miss that expired chocolate milk with clumps in it and soggy BBQ sandwiches. Who even made those anyways; And how on earth did they get hired as a lunch-worker?!

As I got closer to the food, I saw that they were serving milk and grilled cheese. The food actually looked good. There was a snack table too. After what felt like hours, I finally got my food and sat down at a table. A few of the people in my class were at the table. Some girl named Lola was talking to someone, I think named Anthony.

Bad was also at the table. At least I knew someone at the table. "This food is better than high schools, that's for sure," I heard Bad say to me. "Real! What was the deal with the clumpy chocolate milk and crusty sandwiches?" I responded.  "I don't know," Bad said. Me and Bad talked for a little bit until I spotted Jason coming our way.

Here we go again.

Instead of him sitting down he just gave me a note and walked off to another table. Thank God he didn't sit here but why did he give me a note? "Who's that?" asked Bad. "My ex," I say, fiddling with the note in my hands. I unfolded the note and read it.

It read:

"I know you are probably still crying every night because we aren't together anymore. You're probably just hiding your feelings and pretending you still aren't madly in love with me anymore. Just give me a chance. If you don't, . . . I'll just have to force you to."

There's no way I would want to get back together with this idiot. And he said 'I'm crying over him, hiding my feelings and I am still in love with him?' Pftt, in his dreams. He cheated on me and I'm not gonna make the same mistake of dating him again. "I've changed," he said. Yeah right.

I folded the note back up and put it in my pocket to throw away later. Soon lunch ended and I threw my trash away along with the note.We had a little more time till the next class started so I decided to use the restroom before going to get my books. I exited the cafeteria and made my way towards the bathroom.
After I finished, I went to wash my hands.

As I was drying my hands, I heard someone enter the bathroom. I didn't think much of it though; it was probably just another random kid. Before I threw the paper towel away, I saw hands on the side of the counter.

I turned around and it was Jason.


Word count: 769

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