So My Gift To You Guys

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You guys got my to write 50 chapters so I am giving something you. I know many people get writers' block so I am giving away ideas I came up with so you guys can get creative cause I can't use all these story ideas so here you go:

The Dark Bride, a character of your choice has a family and they lost some one who is really important to them. They soon face many problems like they are a bad luck charm. They run into someone and this person is stuck in their life. They soon start dating and then, a tragic event happens before their wedding. The bride is heart broken and turns to a dark, angry yet scared character and run away in fear that they will get their loved one hurt so they run in the middle of the wedding and...... The rest is up to you.

Eye of the Forbidden Holder, a character of your choice is a good person. They are known all over town for being a good person and then, they meet a criminal or bad person. They fall in love with each other. Many people and obstacles occur to stop the relationship. They have an on and off again relationship. One day, the good person is kidnapped and the bad person everything they can do to get the good person back. But soon, people say the bad person can turn their life around if they save the good person and then they can clear their name. The bad person is stuck in the middle about if they are saving the good person for praise or for love. It is up to you if they do it for love or praise.

Dangerous Dancer,  a character of your choice is a dancer and they dance in many competitions. There is one rule to dancing with groups, you can't date anyone from another group. But the character fell in love with another dancer. The two hide their love but they soon have to compete. Those two are the tie breakers. Now is the time to show what the character can do after being put down by their favorite dancer who is popular around the world. But they love their lover. It is up to you to see how the relationship and the dance battle ends.

Bloody Blades, a character of your choice is a fighter. They love to use knives, scissors, and pretty much any sharp object. But when they come face to face with their match, romantically a and competition wise, they are on the edge. The upcoming competition is an uprising and things get hostile and heated. When the characters are prepared to fight, only one choice is open, quit and confess, or fight and forget love. The answer is in your hands.

The Magic in Art, this artistic character of yours loves art. They been drawing as long as they can remember. But things changed, their parents died and they started drawing weakly. But they meet their true love in the mix of paint and pencils. They click and mingle and mix but something the love does sparks the light in your chosen character. Now they draw happily but one question remains, whoever killed your parents is out there and are they coming for your true love? ...... Or you? 

The Power Between Us, a story where your chosen character is a lonely person. The solo in the mists their mother would say. But they fought through it. Now, they fell for a person that is way out there. They know that their lives determine their destiny but you never know. Destiny could be broken. But will it?

Miles Ahead of Us, a driver likes their job. They like exploring until their love came from a ball with a mask over their face. They hit it off and they were like fireworks. Soon, the ride is up and now they are separated. Each other are looking every where for each other travelling the world and hours are spent travelling miles. It is up to you if they meet. And if the miles ahead of them will get them to their love?

And those are my ideas for you so all my writer blocked people,  you can use these ideas. Feel free to alter them and tell me if you use one so I can take it down.

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