Chapter 2

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She couldn't absorb what her mother said to her but still pretended to be okay and be that little princess.

They settled in the new state.

Now this state was quite familiar with her mother since it was where her relatives live. But Natalie never ever met any of them.

She got admission in the school and made friends nearby her house.

When she first entered the school, her classmates made fun of her cruelly for her accent was different from theirs.
Of course she was in the learning process of that particular language and it always takes time for perfection.

Now she became consistent to be loved and liked by her fellows. She adapted their culture and worked hard on the language. Soon she was 'like them' and 'not herself'.

However, she spent her time with every new person, the people were quite different and weird at times. She made two groups of friends in her housing society. The two groups were entirely different from each other.

She continued to meet them and had fun.

Natalie was also doing great at school. But then came something unexpected in her life and when she was with one of her cousins. He tried to molest her. She took all the possible measures to prevent that and she was successful sort of in the middle and ran away.

This was so scary and she couldn't bring herself to tell anyone. She kept quiet, a few days passed by and another unfortunate event happened, one of her friends tried to drag her into his room with visibly bad intentions, she resisted it and you know what, she kept quiet !!!! Again.

She finished her friendship with him though.

Now here's where things started becoming depressing. She just wanted to escape the reality and just forget the pain and fear in her soul. For this, she started cutting herself with a blade. The blood drops dripped on the floor, it was slightly painful at first but it felt pleasurable after a few seconds.

She didn't tell her mom. She just covered her scars. Her dad just shifted back to their previous state because he had to finish some business.

Okay, so summer holidays came and she flew to meet her dad. She was a little happy, joyful and the little ecstasy made her stop cutting herself.

Now there was her cousin that always made her happy. He was like the best cousin ever since she had no sibling.he lived in her homeland where her dad was staying for business right now.

The reason she didn't live in her homeland were family crisis. Her grandparents had a fight with her mother. So this led to her being away from her own people but it was fine when she could meet them in holidays.

Natalie had relations but quite distant ones.

She never shared her secrets. In real she didn't know the exact meaning of a relationship.

She often went to park at night with her cousin to have fun.

One day she lost and couldn't find her cousin. A stranger came running towards her with filthy gaze and touched her. She was enraged but the only thing she could do was run away, she felt so numb and was losing control.


Her every sense made her adrenaline to rush and she finally found her cousin after roaming around whole the park.

'she didn't tell him'

The things were becoming desperate, she knew she had to tell someone but no, she felt ashamed of her own existence and keeping secrets from too long. She cried and cried but just won't get it out. She just kept on asking herself "why me always"

Summer breaks were over. She flew back to her state(new state, where her school was) and she started going back to her normal life but the things were here to get more worse for her.

Her own friends started bullying her, calling her names, making her feel an outcast. They called her 'fat'

She bought a cycle and tried to maintained her friendship with her other friends which were near her place.

Her mother had to fly for some urgent family matter and left her with her aunt.

Well, her aunt was the most selfish person who treated her like a pet or a brick with no feelings (I feel like brick also has feelings though) .

She felt unloved, unwanted by her friends and relatives.

There came her self doubts about her appearance and she made a rule book (worst rules which were gonna deteriote her life) .

She started cycling 6 hours a day and ate less.

There was nothing but horror and inconvenience in her way.....

Author's note:)

So tell me any mistakes you suspect and hit the star if you like it


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