Oh fricc

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Oof i just realized that tomorrow is officially 2019
Time to rEvIeW XD

YeAr *clap* ReViEw

I think this was the best year I could've ever had
At first it would've been the worst but y'know-

I've actually been pretty happy this year??
Well, happier than n o r m a l XD
I still had my dark points
This was the year I felt the loneliest, I think

Also I've gotten alot better at art and writing
Plus, I've been very productive
I actually got one of meh books up and running :0
pLuS a game to go with it :00
Are you guys proud of meee XD

Now let's move on to meh fwendos-
Its-A-Multiverse , TrashCanCreature , Symbol-Of-Peace , Solum_Wolf Thank chu all for being a m a z i n g friends, I don't know what I would do without you guys
Seriously all of you guys are literally the best people in the world-

Okey onto the personal shiz-

Nothing really happened before summer
But my uncle did go to the hospital (idk if that was before or after summer) so that was worrying
He's okay though, so that's good

Summer was pretty good but then it came c r a s h i n g down
Because as you all probably know, dad remarried to his high school friend.
At first I was okay with this, but now I'm realizing the consenquences and I wish things were back to the way they were.
At least dad's happy-

aNyWaY, away from that depressing stuff
After summer was pretty good-
Because oNe, I got to go to le dance with Jack :0
It was v e r y awkward and our parents kept teasing us but it was still fun XD

But then the b e s t part

AND TIS Solum_Wolf :0
SHE'S AN AMAZING BEANNN *tackle huggles*

Now tis time for le resolutions-

1: S t o p  b e i n g  d e p r e s s e d-
2: Finish Water's Tide
3: Work alot more on the game
4: Excercise moar pls
5: Work on anatomy for art
6: Do good in school and shiz
7: Accept myself for who I am and not be insecure

Let's see if we can get beat procrastination, depression, and all that good stuff in 2019-

Have a great year, everyone! :3

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