Apologize? 😮

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So this past Tuesday, so November 28th, I was sitting in my room reading for my English 11 class and I decided to take a break and go on my phone.

I checked my notifications and saw that I had a snap chat from a guy that use to bully and tease me and also tried to do the same to my younger brother (cause they rode the same bus for a while) when I was younger.

I rolled my eyes and was just going to ignore it cause this guys is literally one of the meanest and most irritating person I've ever had to deal with in my life.

I decided after a few minutes that I was going to open and see what he said to me. Now this is a real conversation, not one between pictures or anything.

He texted me and told me he was sorry for being such an ass to me when we were younger.

I saw that and, I kid you not, I literally stared at my phone for a good 3-5 minutes. I was so shocked because I haven't talked to this dude since last year and that was because our geometry sub was an idiot and he wanted to pass so he asked me for help. That was probably the first thing he did without being mean.

So, after staring at that for that long I texted him back and said thank you. But I also asked him why he decided to apologize now.

His response was, because he wanted to make his wrongs rights.

I was in shock cause, from what he made me see, I thought he was the dumbest, most cold hearted person I had ever met in my life. I've hated him for so long that this was probably the last thing I ever thought he'd do/say to me.

I dunno, it was weird but I accepted it as a good thing, which I really hope that's all it is.

I'm still really curious as to what made him do that. Like, who showed him that what he did in the past was a super bad thing? What made him apologize to me, cause I sure as hell didn't do anything. Honestly, I never really wanted an apology. He made me insecure about myself for years and pissed me off when he tried to do the same thing to my younger brother.

I'm glad he did this though, cause I'd rather him see now that he was a mean and horrible person in the past than him never noticing at all.

So far, my Junior year has been... interesting.

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