Mono x Oc - Late Sorry

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The first time he, Mono, met her, Hasuko, was at a small puddle while saving Six. He takes her with him. After several attempts, he eventually reached The Transmission. He makes the choice between saving Six first or saving her first, and he decided to rescue Six first, which is his most mistaken choice because meanwhile saving Six, she is so tormented and suffering that she loses her consciousness and becomes a mindless doll. When he saves Six, he is going to save her, but it is too late now because The Transmission is going to be broken down, he had no choice but leaving her behind. After being betrayed, He falls into the heart of The Transmission, a place that is diabolible to The ground walls with flesh and eyes are watching him. He noticed that the chair was in the middle of the room, with the dim light on top of the chair, someone was in the chair, and he carefully approached and found that the person in the chair was her, but was unconscious. He tries to call her near and realizes that she is no more than a doll. He begins to regret not saving her first, regret that he did not realize her presence was to save him from the loops, but his regret is lamented as the only chance "God" gives him the opportunity but he does not know how to take it. From now on, only him in this loop remember her, knowing her existence, he in other loop will regard you as a doll that "suddenly" falls in. He hugs her close to him says his late sorry...

Don't mind the background, I don't know how to draw the background so I draw him in the blanket :') And sorry about my bad English, grammar mistakes.


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