2 years! 🎉

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Wow! A whole TWO YEARS with iRoleplayer and our LOTR pm roleplay! I can't believe it, we've come so far! I never thought it would be this long, but it has and I am so happy with it! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

Let me start off by showing these screenshots, taken the very day we began! Yup, I have almost 2,000 screenshots it's so bad XD

*sniffles* And a gay ship is born!


This year has been a wonderful year full of interesting stuff! If you don't know Eric just let me tell you something- Eric is flexible with anything I throw, it's amazing to just throw something and see the reaction! They're a very good roleplayer too and one of the best friends I have ever had- one of the only ones that seem to have stuck and they've been with me through calm and storm, always there. Just knowing that they were there was enough for me, and I know they don't get enough credit for hearing me complain, but I appreciate it! A lot! Eric is also becoming probably the most sassy person I know too, which is a change from the previously more shy person I met XD When I met them quite honestly I was nervous, and even more nervous getting into the LOTR roleplay- I didn't know as much then, and honestly I wasn't sure if I'd be good enough XD Certainly not complaining! It's been an absolutely awful year for the both of us in real life it sounds like but Eric and our roleplay makes it all more bearable for me! Hopefully we'll have another great year, or even better YEARS! I don't intend to let this rp stop! It's a real treat getting to roleplay with someone who's so like-minded to me, I don't think I'll ever find anyone else who can make a roleplay like this with me, and it's amazing to see how far it's come! I feel like I can actually step out into their world, and it really is how I escape from everything irl, just going to their world to watch them all. It's like reading a really really good book- except helping to create it, and I really really REALLY can't express how much I love this roleplay and how proud I am to be a part of it!

Through all this year's plot twists and heartbreak we've made it! I am very notorious for soulwrenching plots, and this year was no exception- it's just the beginning actually. This year was the preface to what I have planned for next year and I sorely hope you're ready for it Eric- hell yeah I'm repaying you for Mordin. 😈 I'm sure they'll be crushing my soul with Mordin, I'm already collecting tissues. I've been waiting all year for shit to hit the fan XD And I'm sure it will, I'm not sure when, but I think I'm ready! I think..

I'll format it like you did bruh since that'll probably work best-


These two.... They are my ultimate OTP. They are so complex with so many different sides of personality to them, I really do feel like if I went to Middle Earth I would find them there- in fact I had a very difficult time watching the actual LOTR movies because of the fact that they aren't canon. They just... Are so wonderfully detailed and such good interesting characters! It's crazy with everything that's happened and you really do get an insight into the strength of their bond with how they are with each other. In the beginning though, when we first started, I too was nervous of making a gay character, but I didn't want to make a female either- I didn't really want to do that, Castien didn't seem into women anyway (I mean he's kind of obvious) and so Calix was born. I am so glad I decided to make a male now and I too shipped them from the beginning! They've come so far from the awkward dorks watching each other sleep to a married couple who will do each other wherever however whenever, I think it's so funny remembering how Lindel used to tease them about being too awkward to do anything, and now they're so comfortable with each other it doesn't matter what they do!

Get ready. I'm not done with them yet 😆😆😆

2. Neirion and Alcarin

Let me just start by saying that I never intended for Neirion to fall for someone. He was only there to be more of a lone character, to maybe befriend Gil or something. But then Alcarin had to go and cry and make him feel so guilty. Yeah- he was an ass- but that's really what he was supposed to be, until he started getting a little closer to Alcarin. It was then that I decided on his story and I think you'll be surprised when the full truth of it is revealed. I really love their relationship though, with how doting Neirion has become and how sweet Alcarin is to him even though Neirion was an ass at the start. They're a very interesting couple and I want to see how they progress as more gets thrown their way. But for now, they're all grown up and ready to go start a life together, I'm so proud! *proud parent sobbing is heard in the background* Also- I have to say Alcarin's problems are executed brilliantly! You had me believing there were two people in that body- I wouldn't have doubted it for a second if I was actually there, that was really well done and I LOVED it! Even now that he's gone, Alcarin's confusion about what normal is and his behavior is so /real/, you've really nailed it and I absolutely can't help but love Alcarin!

3. Cainir and Mordin and co

You're damn right Cainir was a good villain- and I initially didn't plan for that to change, he was going to go after Mel and Ro next, but then Bru came in, and Cainir does have a certain sensitivity to children, having always wanted a son himself and losing all of his children either before they were born or a little after (of course there is Neirion but his survival will be explained later) and seeing Bru stuck a big chord in him and made him want to change- and he really was infatuated with Sarta. He just didn't really know how to express affection any way other than sex and quite honestly had nothing to lose when he did rape Sarta. But now he has a son to lose and he doesn't want to lose him, and that's what drives him to be so good and to change so much. I can't decide whether I like him or not, just depends on the day, but I do like his depth of character and how Sarta and Bru just make him see all sides of himself like that. He's changed a lot through knowing Mordin, and it'll be interesting to see where he goes this year with his family.

Mordin.... I would honestly be alright if he went to sleep and never woke up XD He is an excellent villain but you just make me hate him so much, I cannot express to you how much I am dreading his return! He has zero remorse, and zero concern, and I know you'll have me sobbing my eyes out because of him. Don't worry- I'll pay you back 😆

I absolutely love Gil's change in character, and even though he can't talk his thought process is crazy deep, and you can really see that in how he gets so nervous and debates with himself whether or not to trust people. I love him so much poor baby ;-;

4. Indir and Alyan

These two are so precious! I never thought Indir would ever be married again, but Alyan was such a good match for him! Literally, Indir does not find any other men attractive besides Alyan, and now does not like women anymore. He's completely head over heels for this awkward bookworm he met properly while fleeing. I still can't forget their first kiss, Indir just going for it without warning, it was so sweet how their relationship progressed and still has! Half of me thought it was over when Indir murdered Alyan's father but I'm glad it's not! These two are also very multi-faceted, and it's only because of what Indir suffered at Cainir's hands and his extreme distrust of Mordin that he is so paranoid- I didn't even notice his actual chronic  paranoia until you pointed it out, and I'm very pleased. I think it'll add even more of a realistic element to the story, as I do try to keep it realistic!

5. How you continue to fuck my plans to hell at times

Here is where I tell you all the plans I had that you initially ruined XD And it's good! I'm happy you ruined these plans, believe me XD

First off, Ro was supposed to die. Before he met Mel, I had originally intended to make Aegon the character to survive, Ro was going to end up killing himself out of terror not wanting to be found and executed- but I decided to turn things around and add more depth there, and so a ship was born! I got some good stuff planned for Ro and Mel 😉😉😉😉 and I do actually mean good stuff XD

Lhethril was never supposed to go... neutral. Let's be real- she isn't good. She's just there XD And I have plans for her. She might make a comeback, I don't think she quite hit her prime, and that's okay. For a while I really did ship her and Erestor 😂😂😂

Neirion was supposed to remain a neutral party, he was supposed to stay in Rivendell. He's was going to be replacing Adasser when she left and be sort of background- obviously this didn't work out at all and I'm glad! My baby found love and is happy 😁 *more sobbing*

Adasser was originally also supposed to die- do I sense a trend here? A they-were-supposed-to-die-but-I-got-attached trend. I love how you totally went with it when I had her go out and casually fuck someone, and I have big plans for her baby already :3

And unknowingly you've foiled a couple of my other plans too, but I won't tell those because I'm still gonna do them, just changing a few bits and putting them into action on other characters hehe

Here's to another year, and hoping this one will be even better than the last! No matter what I know it'll be interesting and that whatever happens we'll stick it out cx Love you bruh! Let's hope this year will be even more awesome than the past two! 😄

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