Indir and Alyan

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ONE: How was their first meeting?

Kinda tense, actually, they were all stressy stressed and anxious, and then of course there was the running and stuff. Rivendell was being passed along after Calix traded it to someone to keep his love off the battlefield. They met only a little before that though, but they didn't have the chance to properly talk and introduce themselves until after.

TWO: Who kissed who first?

Indir, kissed him to see if he'd kiss back after they were experimenting with the hallucinogens in Mirkwood's forest. Alyan is immune and was studying its effects on Indir who in essence freaked on the inside and was given the antidote and so they went back into the realm and talked some more, and Indir just kinda went for it and Alyan didn't pull away THAT SCENE WAS ADORABLE I STILL HAVE IT SOMEWHERE

THREE: Who made the first move?

Indir again, Alyan is a shy and pure little baby, and on the other hand Indir was married once and has a daughter.

FOUR: What's the relationship like?

Really normal I guess? They live together and work and see each other in between, except now Indir is on leave so he's pretty much with him all the time. They snuggle a lot and stay home cause danger is around and because Elladan doesn't really need as much help from Alyan as Calix did when he was lord.

FIVE: What do they like most about each other?

Indir likes how accepting Alyan was concerning his daughter and he also really likes it when Alyan holds his shirt when they snuggle. He also quite likes seeing Alyan blush. Alyan likes how loyal Indir is and how honorable he is and of course Alyan likes that he always smells like MINT

SIX: What are the dates like?

Really really cute. They're both romantic and really sweet so their dates are always cute and usually involve stargazing. They don't necessarily call them dates but in essence that's pretty much what it is when they go stargazing.

SEVEN: What was their most romantic date?

When Indir proposed. He planned that date for so longggg, had the ring a good few months before he was planning on doing it, and had asked Alyan's mother and brother so they knew about it the whole time. He suggested to Alyan they go stargazing one night because Alyan loves stargazing and making star maps and while they were stargazing he proposed and there was much crying and snuggling and cuteness, Alyan said yes of course.

EIGHT: Who cleans the most?

Both of them. They're both tidy people. But Indir most likely takes more baths than anyone ever. He's a bit paranoid about personal hygiene, it's just a product of some things that happened to him. Alyan is just tidy, was taught to be tidy.

NINE: Who is the messiest?

Neither of them, they're both very clean.

TEN: Who's most clingy?

Probably a little bit of both? Alyan is definitely the most physically clingy, since he literally clings to Indir when they sleep but Indir is protective as all hell and neither of them like to be apart for very long. Like a week is very difficult for them.

ELEVEN: Who usually cooks?

Indir never says so, but he can cook, he's just never done it for Alyan, and they mostly just get their food from the kitchens simply because I don't think they have a kitchen themselves and both of them usually work too much to cook. Indir loves Alyan's mother's cooking though.

TWELVE: Who is most motherly?

Probably Alyan? He's the softer of the two and he's much less strict. Indir isn't motherly per say, he's disciplinary.

THIRTEEN: Who's the most possessive?

Indir hands down. He's so possessive he's now got paranoia and he was told to stop working until he sorts it out. It all stems from Alyan getting kidnapped right out of his arms while they were asleep and drugged, and then being kidnapped by himself once which is the root of most of his problems.

FOURTEEN: Who gets jealous the easiest?

I almost want to say either of them, but Alyan is just so shy, I feel like Indir is openly jealous while Alyan would hide it away so Indir wouldn't see, unless someone is touching his man because that is unacceptable. If anyone so much as disrespects Alyan with one statement he puts on the scary look and will beat someone up if they touch him. Ask Cainir where he got some of his scars from.

FIFTEEN: Who has the best table manners?

Alyan, simply because he grew up in a noble's household. Indir did too technically but he didn't eat much with his parents. He isn't messy, he just doesn't really pay attention to which fork or spoon he uses.

SIXTEEN: Who remembers the important stuff?

Both of them do, Alyan is the book-smart one, but Indir is tactical, they're both good at remembering important things, as well as all their memories.

SEVENTEEN: Who has the most nightmares?

Probably Alyan ;-; Poor baby needs a candle beside him to go to sleep or else he can't. Can't blame him for having nightmares after the water torture his own father put him through.

EIGHTEEN: Who steals the blankets?

Alyan. Indir wouldn't dare take them away from him and Alyan knows it. Alyan likes to cocoon himself in them and then Indir just snuggles the bundle of blankets because so long as Alyan is comfortable he's fine too, even if his feet get cold.

NINETEEN: Who pays for the food the most, when they go out?

Modern AU? Indir, always him. He knows Alyan has money, and doesn't give a single shit. He's a gentleman and would never let his partner pay for dinner, especially if he's the one taking him out. He sees that as just very very wrong, even if Alyan insists on paying for himself. It's bad manners to let your date pay for their food in his mind.

TWENTY: Do they enjoy dancing?

They were both taught, but haven't danced together yet. Indir secretly does enjoy dancing and just doesn't want to admit it cause it would make him look like a total pansy and that's one thing Indir does not want.

TWENTY ONE: Do they ever trade clothes?

Occasionally Alyan is seen wearing a shirt much too big for him. Indir is a tree and smells like mint, how is Alyan supposed to resist?

TWENTY TWO: Do they ever go swimming together?

NO NO NOT THIS IS A BIG NO. Alyan had a near-drowning experience when he was young so that's a no-no. For a little while Indir had him getting better though, he was in essence doing therapy. If that wasn't already bad enough, Erestor- Alyan's father- used near-drowning as a method of torture and that gave Alyan many problems when he was kidnapped and Alyan wouldn't even drink a cup of water. He's okay to drink and bathe now, but otherwise water makes him extremely scared. Indir isn't much of a swimmer either.

TWENTY THREE: Do they ever cook together?

Not really, that's another surprise Indir wants to pull on Alyan. He thinks it'll be fun.

TWENTY FOUR: Do they enjoy a good round of truth or dare?

No they are very shy babies. They don't really do parties either, since Alyan is shy and Indir does not want to share his precious with anyone.

TWENTY FIVE: Do they enjoy pillow fights?

I feel like they could get serious enjoyment out of a good pillow fight one morning.

TWENTY SIX: Do they ever play sports together?

Sports aren't their thing. Alyan is a little bookworm and he's smol, both of them prefer to do more intellectual things together.

TWENTY SEVEN: Do they give each other nicknames?

Indir has a nickname for him, an elvish word for sunshine, but he doesn't really use it because he doesn't want any of his soldiers to overhear and be rude about it. He's only used it when he proposed, and sometimes he uses it in his head when thinking of Alyan but again he doesn't use it in public. Alyan doesn't have any nicknames for Indir as far as I know.

TWENTY EIGHT: Have they ever gone skinny dipping?

No, god no. It took a bunch of alcohol to get them to make out, they're both too shy to strip down. Indir could probably take his shirt off in public, but Alyan couldn't even do that. Only in private, maybe. After they're married I'm sure.

TWENTY NINE: What do they like when going out for food?

Indir loves JUICEEEE. He also quite likes a well-made piece of fish. Alyan likes fruit and bread and honey.

THIRTY: What movies do they enjoy watching most?

Indir: What's a 'moo-veeee'?

I imagine modern them would enjoy the thrillers, nothing scary but like mystery movies and Indir would be a pushover for karate movies and some action movies.

THIRTY ONE: Do they have any favorite food places?

Nah. Indir just really really loves fruit juice.

THIRTY TWO: Favorite food?

Indir's favorite food is juice. His favorite drink and snack is juice too. Alyan's favorite food is honey, he refuses to share with even Indir.

THIRTY THREE: Favorite ice cream?


Indir's favorite flavor would probably something fruit flavored, I imagine Alyan liking vanilla (*wink wonk*)

THIRTY FOUR: Thoughts on wine?

Indir doesn't really drink anymore after his soldiers got him drunk and he ended up giving someone a blowjob. He didn't even know he swung that way so he stopped drinking and has only drank twice since, both times at parties. Alyan doesn't really drink either unless he's at a formal occasion that he has to drink at, with the exception of the party he made out with Indir at.

THIRTY FIVE: What do they do when they're bored?

They snuggle or go for walks, Alyan reads, Indir bathes. He always bathes.

THIRTY SIX: Have they dedicated songs to each other?

No, but Indir has sang really quietly sometimes to Alyan to help him get to sleep.

THIRTY SEVEN: How do they comfort each other when one of them is scared?

Indir snuggles and hides Alyan with himself and tells him it's okay until he feels okay, and Indir doesn't get scared unless Alyan isn't with him so that usually isn't a problem, except when Indir was poisoned. Alyan sat with him and tended to him and made him feel better.

THIRTY EIGHT: Have any pets? (If not: would they get any?)

Indir hates dogs/wolves due to what they've done to people he loves, so it would be very difficult to convince him to get one. He is okay with horses though. Maybe a cat.

THIRTY NINE: What is their dream house?

I guess just somewhere where they could both comfortably live and maybe have a family in one day. Nothing too big or too small.

FORTY: What is their ideal vacation?

Perhaps a trip into a bright vibrant forest, or a trip to the shire?

FORTY ONE: How often are roadtrips?

Not often. Although Indir is obligated to go on patrols, Alyan doesn't go with him and Indir always picks the short ones so he can be home quick. Occasionally he's stuck on a week-long one though.

FORTY TWO: What are their careers?

Indir is the chief commander of the army of Rivendell, and Alyan is the resident genius. I mean lord's aide. Yeah, aide.

FORTY THREE: What do they do after a hard day at work?

Snuggle and have some juice and fruit.

FORTY FOUR: Do they attend any clubs or formal parties together?

No clubs, but formal parties yes. Because of their rank they usually have to attend.

FORTY FIVE: Who is the big spoon and why?

Indir is the big spoon. He's a good head taller than Alyan at least, he is an enormous tree and Alyan is a smol precious. Indir usually just curls around Alyan and hides him from the world and Alyan just snuggles into him, though I think there was one time when Alyan was the big spoon because Indir needed a hug.

FORTY SIX: What is their morning ritual(s)?

Usually Indir wakes up first and watches him, talks to him in his sleep since Alyan talks in his sleep and replies to him if spoken to. They like to lie in and snuggle sometimes and eat a small breakfast.

FORTY SEVEN: Do they go to sleep at the same time as each other?

Sometimes. Usually Alyan tends to fall asleep first and Indir watches him while he sleeps because Alyan says some very sensitive information when he sleeps that evil people don't need to overhear.

FORTY EIGHT: What's their favorite nonsexual activity together?

Snuggling. Hands down.

FORTY NINE: What do they do when the other is stressed?

Snuggle. Alyan also has juice brought up for Indir when he's stressed as it helps him calm down.

FIFTY: How do they spend time if the other is gone?

Alyan works the shit out of himself, makes himself really tired and really bogged down. Indir works if he's still working, and when he's on leave he sits around and worries. Once he drank a lot and went to a party.

FIFTY ONE: Do they enjoy going camping together?

I imagine they would if Indir didn't have to be so protective. Mordin's wolves are still out in the forest and so they can't go camping yet.

FIFTY TWO: Do they have a favorite video game they enjoy playing together?

Indir: What's a 'videeoohh game'? Is it like that 'mooveee' thing?

I think they would be more for the puzzle games. Both of them would want to win most definitely. I imagine Mario cart gets really really intense, even worse when Mae visits.

FIFTY THREE: Thoughts on PDA (Public Displays of Affection)?

Indir likes to show Alyan is his by way of hand holding or a peck on the lips but he can't show too much weakness in front of his soldiers or their respect for him will lessen. They already teased him for kissing Alyan softly once before he was due to leave on a week patrol and that really didn't help his mood.

FIFTY FOUR: Thoughts on each other's friends?

Alyan seems to like Adasser even though they've hit a rough patch recently, and Indir has liked all of Alyan's friends except for Mordin who used to be Alyan's best friend, who wants to burn them all.

FIFTY FIVE: What do they hate most about each other?

Indir hates that even Alyan seems to think he's crazy, and I think Alyan hates how paranoid Indir is all the time, but other than that that's it.

FIFTY SIX: Who seems most likely to cheat on the other?

Neither would. Indir was cheated on by his wife, he'd never put Alyan through that and Alyan I feel like is much too shy to cheat.

FIFTY SEVEN: What would happen when the other is caught cheating?

Indir would sob his eyes out. He would feel like his inadequacy caused it and so he'd probably just let it continue like he did in the past and legitimately cry himself to sleep in private. If Alyan were caught cheating with someone he knew and trusted, he'd probably rip his own heart out. Alyan I feel like would cry a lot and smack him across the room. But neither of them have to worry about this because cheating is not in their vocabulary.

FIFTY EIGHT: What was their worst fight?

Their worst fight was probably the one recently where they argued a bit and Indir ended up leaving for a week to let Alyan get his head on straight.

FIFTY NINE: How often are the fights?

Not often, but there have been a few. Just arguments.

SIXTY: Who usually apologizes first?

They apologize to each other for pretty much anything and everything but they really apologize once they realize they're both upset and getting nowhere due to arguing. They're both stubborn so this may take a while.

SIXTY ONE: Would they ever get married?

Yes! They are engaged and are starting to plan their wedding. *much many celebrating*

SIXTY TWO: Thoughts on kids?

They aren't even married yet, so kids aren't on their mind. But they wouldn't mind having a family in the future when they're old enough.

SIXTY THREE: If the other had children before they met, what is their reaction towards the kids?

Indir did have a daughter with his ex-wife, her name is Mae and she was a bit homophobic due to where she was raised, but she's definitely warming up to Alyan and Alyan doesn't push her. He lets her come to him and is kind and gentle and doesn't try to replace her mother.

SIXTY FOUR: Who would be the father figure?

Indir. He's the more strict and disciplinary one of the two.

SIXTY FIVE: How they met each other's families?

Indir first told Alyan about Mae when they were in Mirkwood and they met sometime later, and Alyan introduced his mother and Indir I think once they were together.

SIXTY SIX: Thoughts on each other's family?

Indir really likes Alyan's family, besides Erestor, who he consequently drowned for torturing Alyan and being a bad person in general.

Alyan has only ever met Mae, but he's frightened of meeting Indir's father, and rightly so.

SIXTY SEVEN: Favorite family member?

Probably Aaedlin? She's like the mother of all advice for just about everyone ever, even if they're not blood related.

SIXTY EIGHT: Favorite family member of their lover? (Example: Lover 1 enjoys Lover 2's mother the most)

Indir is probably closest to Alyan's mother, Aaedlin. He goes to her whenever he wants her advice or needs help with a problem.

Alyan is closest to Mae, simply because she's the only part of Indir's family he's met and the two get on quite well. She is interested in the same things he specializes in and she's starting to really like having him around in general.

SIXTY NINE: How are the holidays spent?

They don't have holidays, but in modern times they'd spend it with all of Alyan's family at Aaedlin's.

SEVENTY: How are birthdays spent?

In modern times I feel like they'd have a small family party and one would do something sweet for the other. No sex, probably cuddling up to watch a movie.

SEVENTY ONE: Have they ever kissed in the rain?


SEVENTY TWO: Their favorite ways of being held?

Indir usually spoons Alyan or snuggles him up to his chest, and Indir likes to be spooned once in a blue moon for comfort.

SEVENTY THREE: What happens when the other is getting flirted with?

Nothing, because no one ever flirts with them. Indir would personally tear anyone who flirted with Alyan apart, and Indir is too scary to be flirted with.

SEVENTY FOUR: What is their favorite way to kiss? (If confused by this question, look up '43 different kisses')

They like the softer kisses filled with love, howere cliché that is.

SEVENTY FIVE: Who tops during sex?

Indir will when they do, he's a dominant motherfucker.

SEVENTY SIX: How is the mood set?

It's set so far by making out in bed, and that's pretty much it.

SEVENTY SEVEN: Thoughts on sex toys?


SEVENTY EIGHT: What do they find most sexy about the other?

Indir doesn't find Alyan sexy per say... I think that can be said for both of them, but Indir finds Alyan's blushing and how quiet his moans are a turn on and he really does love the freckles. I want to say Alyan likes Indir's build and when he chuckles because that makes him blush? They haven't really had many sexual experiences with one another.

SEVENTY NINE: Most sensitive areas?

Indir's nipples and his hair are the two most sensitive areas of him, and for Alyan I'd say his hips and his collarbone and neck.

EIGHTY: Do they shower/bathe together? If so, how far does anything go?

They've never done that before, so I couldn't say how far it might go.

EIGHTY ONE: How do they like their sex? (Fast, slow, gentle, rough, etc)

They haven't had sex, but they're both pretty vanilla and don't like roughness for the most part.

EIGHTY TWO: How rough can the sex get before it's taken too far?

If sex gets rough with the two of them, it's already gone too far.

EIGHTY THREE: Favorite sex positions?

They've not had sex yet. Indir isn't too big into sex, he's more of a plain old missionary kind of guy and doesn't mind being ridden, but he wants to be on the receiving end when they do end up doing it so Alyan won't be in pain. he'll probably enjoy riding because of the fact that he doesn't want to hurt Alyan and he knew it would be much more pleasurable for him that way.

EIGHTY FOUR: If they would have a threesome, who would their third choice be?

They're both extremely vanilla, so threesomes are a no go...

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