Drawing 26 -The Light Shining Princess-

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There was once a princess a beautiful mermaid living in a castle under the ocean. She was the most beautiful mermaid. She has beautiful long blond hair, a beautiful yellow dress and a red beautiful tail. Her life was peaceful...until her sister came back from a vacation. There was a saying that mermaids always compare them even there parents. The Light Shining Princess and the Dark Rainy Princess. It was there nickname. They both were twins. They both are beautiful, but Mizuki, The Dark Rainy Princess didn't want to be compare anymore. The day Mizuki came back from her vacation it was the day of there birthday. The Light Shining Princess was lead by Mizuki going into the dark side of the ocean. They stop and then Mizuki turned around facing her little twin sister looking exactly like her, but much brighter. It was her light. The Light Shining Princess didn't feel right about the place. She looks around and nothing came to view only plain darkness. She turned back to her sister and Mizuki was crying. Tears was flowing down her face. Her tears was normal like others. Clear. Mizuki lifted up her hands in front of Light Shining Princess face. Mizuki started saying a magic spell that was forbidden to use. After saying those words The Light Shining Princess started to turn like stone. She couldn't move her tail. She looked up at Mizuki. The Light Shining Princess saw a face on her sister that she never saw before. Mizuki was smiling so evilly while 'clear' tears coming down her face. The Light Shining Princess hair almost turning into black and her tail was already a black stone. Her body and her clothes was turning all white. The yellow of her dress was fading away and turning into a pure white. Her skin was as white as a ghost. After a few seconds The Light Shining Princess turned into a stone. Her hair was all black, her tale was black and her skin and dress is pure white except a red flower and a red ribbon around her waist. After Mizuki went somewhere where nobody could ever find her The Light Shining Princess shed a tear...of red...this tale about The Light Shining Princess traveled around centuries in the ocean, but no one ever knew what the magic spell was...and...no one never ever knew where Mizuki is....

The magic spell that Mizuki cast on The Light Shining Princess can only be broken if someone called out The Light Shining Princess real name..."Hikari"......

So....how was it! I made this story up so don't take it seriously....was it good? Please comment below if it was good...please....and don't forget to vote!

I wonder if I should do more of these? A OC background story. What do you think?

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