Detailed otp meme?!

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Thank you to the lovely ProbablyNotAKyoPan for allowing me to steal this mwahahaha

Send me otps and I'll talk about them

give me an otp(preferably roleplay)and I'll do all these questionssss

How was their first meeting?

Who kissed who first?

Who made the first move?

What's the relationship like?

What do they like most about each other?

What are the dates like?

What was their most romantic date?

Who cleans the most?

Who is the messiest?

Who's most clingy?

Who usually cooks?

Who is most motherly?

Who's the most possessive?

Who gets jealous the easiest?

Who has the best table manners?

Who remembers the important stuff?

Who has the most nightmares?

Who steals the blankets?

Who pays for the food the most, when they go out?

Do they enjoy dancing?

Do they ever trade clothes?

Do they ever go swimming together?

Do they ever cook together?

Do they enjoy a good round of truth or dare?

Do they enjoy pillow fights?

Do they ever play sports together?

Do they give each other nicknames?

Have they ever gone skinny dipping?

What do they like when going out for food?

What movies do they enjoy watching most?

Do they have any favorite food places?

Favorite food?

Favorite ice cream?

Thoughts on wine?

What do they do when they're bored?

Have they dedicated songs to each other?

How do they comfort each other when one of them is scared?

Have any pets? (If not: would they get any?)

What is their dream house?

What is their ideal vacation?

How often are roadtrips?

What are their careers?

What do they do after a hard day at work?

Do they attend any clubs or formal parties together?

Who is the big spoon and why?

What is their morning ritual(s)?

Do they go to sleep at the same time as each other?

What's their favorite nonsexual activity together?

What do they do when the other is stressed?

How do they spend time if the other is gone?

Do they enjoy going camping together?

Do they have a favorite video game they enjoy playing together?

Thoughts on PDA(Public Displays of Affection)?

Thoughts on each other's friends?

What do they hate most about each other?

Who seems most likely to cheat on the other?

What do they hate most about each other?

Who seems most likely to cheat on the other?

What would happen when the other is caught cheating?

What was their worst fight?

How often are the fights?

Who usually apologizes first?

Would they ever get married?

Thoughts on kids?

If the other had children before they met, what is their reaction towards the kids?

Who would be the father figure?

How they met each other's families?

Thoughts on each other's family?

Favorite family member?

Favorite family member of their lover? (Example: Lover 1 enjoys Lover 2's mother the most)

How are the holidays spent?

How are birthdays spent?

Have they ever kissed in the rain?

Their favorite ways of being held?

What happens when the other is getting flirted with?

What is their favorite way to kiss? (If confused by this question, look up '43 different kisses')

Who tops during sex?

How is the mood set?

Thoughts on sex toys?

What do they find most sexy about the other?

Most sensitive areas?

Do they shower/bathe together? If so, how far does anything go?

How do they like their sex? (Fast, slow, gentle, rough, etc)

How rough can the sex get before it's taken too far?

Favorite sex positions?

If they would have a threesome, who would their third choice be?

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