Roleplay Meme thingy

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Hey guys! Elk here. I'm doing a little RP meme. Just pick a question by inboxing me the corresponding symbol and I'll publish the answer in the ask my characters book^^ Be sure to include which character of mine you're asking

• = what is your opinion on _____?
* = What do you think of ____? ((Use this if you're asking them about a person))
+ = Who is your crush/romantic other
: = Sexuality? Do you have one?
@ = What's your morning routine?
# = Habits, do you have any? What are they?
^ = What do you think of your writer? ((Basically what does my character think of me, Elk. The mun.))
~ = What's the thing you hate most about yourself? Why?
? = Who's your best friend? If you have one that is.

So yeah, inbox me a symbol and the character you're asking and I'll get them to answer and who knows might even draw a little reaction pic of my muse when they see the question.

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