My Leopard Geckos's Stories

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Warning: A long chapter!

I don't know how this all happened in the beginning of summer, but for 15 years I knew nothing about Leopard Geckos and had no interest in having one. Now I have 3 and 1 temporary staying! *sigh happily*

It all changed when I helped my older sister rehabilitate her Leopard Gecko, Leo. ⬇️

I worked and researched for hours upon hours to understand them better and before I knew it. I been caring and treating her disease for a month now!!

Fun Fact: Time flys by so quickly 😂

Leo is still with me and I feel like we have a connection, but like I said earlier. She is my sister's Gecko and I won't have the bond with her like they do.

Just around that time a family member temporary stayed for a week and brought his gecko with him. When he moved back to his place... he never came and took her back home.

So I adopted her! Pinky is now my Fat-Tailed gecko and I'm not sure exactly what morph she is, but honestly I don't care!!

She is my big baby! Pinky is always loving up to me and we can chill with one another for hours! I love her so much and I will never let anything bad happen to her.

((Don't mind my face, I was having a breakdown 'cause she gave me a kiss on my cheek. Lol))

Not even a week later, I attended a Reptile Convection or an Expo and by the way...

*Gets all excited*
THESE REPTILIAN EXPOS ARE SO COOL! I love seeing all the different reptiles, amphibians and spiders.

*Take a deep breath and calms down*
Get to the point, when we left I had two more passengers.

These two are my new babies! Pocky is a Snow Blizzard (female) and Petro is an Inferno (male). The first two photos are when I just got them and after that are photos of them from yesterday! They grew so much in a month! :)

Ps: I just realize all of my kiddo's names start with a P! Crap!

Oh, remember Garfield? The Kitten I got a year and half ago. He wanted to say hi!!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and welcome our new members of the family. SEE YA GUYS!!

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