some art from like, a few months ago

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For the first 2, are fusions between Nista and Smiley. The one that's colored was the older one, the one without color was a re-design.

Next, we have Goshenite, fusion between Nista (moonstone) and wierdestfangirl oc Pearl

Next, and our last fusion entry, are some Sneezy fusions with Sleepy, Bashful, and Dopey

Sneezy + Bashful = Clumsy
Sneezy + Sleepy = Fever
Sneezy + Dopey = Sniffer
(if you want more info on these Sneezy fusions, please tell me)

Now, some next generation 7d :). Also, if you've read my "7d Love Story," then this is the same Reader from the story. Also, Silly and Secret are Happys two kids.

And lastly, a cute scene idea with Blush (Bashfuls fan made daughter), being "The Big Bash" for Spook-Day, and Bashfuls just like....."crud"

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