Reunion (The End)

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At Anu's House

Rajeshwari Devi slapped Varma and Charan (Charan) caught his father when he about to fall down and said to him

Charan : Sorry, Daddy!!

Varma : When she slapped me? Why you are saying Sorry? What you did?

Varma's PA Said to him

Varma's PA : Must be your Golden Son did something.


Charan came to Rajeshwari and said to her

Charan : Madam, There was no mistake of Prabhas, Anu for their Engagement.My Father makes Prabha's Father to do their Engagement on making him Angry.If Everything was good, I would came like Prabha's Bava to talk with you about his marriage with Anu.But I came here for Prabha's Well wisher that he don't have to lost his love like me due to My Father.I hope You understand this. After that Your wish.

On that time, Rajeshwari decided to do Prabha's Sister marriage.


Varma glared at Charan for this and his PA said to them

Varma's PA : How much time will you both look at each other like Lovers? Flashback got over, Please come out from that.

Prabhas's Parents Jagadish and Madhu started to Anu's Village.

At Anu's House

Anu and Kumari got Kajal ready as Bride and did Gauri puja by her.

After Puja got completed, Kajal took Blessings from Rajeshwari Devi.

When she about to take Blessings of Prabhas, she stopped her and hugged her.

Prabhas make Kajal stood beside Charan.

On that time, Kumari also pushed Anu towards Prabhas.They both smiles for this.

Prabhas did Video call to his Mother Madhu to show Kajal and Charan as Bride and Groom

Madhu felt happy on seeing her Daughter as Bride .

Charan said in Video Call

Charan : Namasthey, Mamaya.. Namasthey, Athaya..

Madhu showed the Video call to Jagadish

Madhu : See, Kaju and Alludu Garu did Namasthey to you..

Jagadish : Give that Phone to me..

Madhu gave the phone to Jagadish and he threw that Phone outside.

Madhu shouted

Madhu : My phone..

Jagadish : It was gone.

At Marriage

Kajal and Charan sat in Kalyana Mandapam (Wedding place) to start the wedding.

On that time, Jagadish came and about to pull Charan from there.

Prabhas stopped him and said

Prabhas : Nanna, leave his Collar.

Jagadish :Not him, I have to hold your collar.

Madhu spoked in Middle

Madhu : What is this? This is our Daughter marriage, Why you are stopping this?

Jagadish : You just Shut up!!

Jagadish took Prabhas out from Kalayana Mandapam on holding his collar

Jagadish : How dare you to do like this? I will kill you.

Rajeshwari came there and shouted on Jagadish

Rajeshwari : Leave his Collar!! Do you know, in whose place, to whom you are threatening!! Prabhas is this Rajeshwari Devi's Alludu.

Along with Prabhas, Anu and Everyone there became shock on heard this.

Jagadish : Hey, Do you know who Am I ?

Rajeshwari : I don't care who ever you are!!When anyone came to my Place, how much Great you are, Anyone are Low infront of me.

Jagadish became scared for Rajeshwari and left Prabhas collar

Rajeshwari : The thing what you did with my Daughter Anu, I felt like to kill you into Pieces.But your son Prabha make that thing as Positive and makes me to agree for his marriage with My Daughter.

Jagadish listened Rajeshjwari words

Rajeshwari: When I said to do His Sister marriage before you came, Do you think your son agreed for this?


Rajeshwari said to his Brother Subbu

Rajeshwari : Subbu!! Before their father came, We have to do Prabhas's Sister marriage.

Prabhas : When I said yes to my Sister Marriage, It doesn't mean that I agreed for this marriage without my Father presence.

All became shock on heard this.

Subbu : But you spoke with your father on phone like that.

Prabhas : I spoke like that to make him come before marriage time.If I want to do like that, I can do my Sister marriage without informing to my Father and I can marry Anu without informing to you.I don't need to waste my time like this.

Prabhas : For every Parent, their children marriage is a festival in their life.For born to them, we have to give that respect to them, But we don't want take that right from them.Without my Father, I can't let this marriage happen.


Prabhas's father Jagadish became shock on heard this.Rajeshwari Devi said to him

Rajeshwari Devi : You must have to feel Proud that you have Son like Prabhas who think this much highly.To make him call me Athaya (Aunty) I decided to do my Daughter Anu marriage with him.

Jagadish felt guilty for this.

Rajeshwari Devi : Even we hurt our children, they still loves us and give such a Great respect as Parents to them.We have to feel happy that we have such a Great children to us.Now tell me, will you stop this marriage?

Prabhas said to Jagadish

Prabhas : Yes, Nanna..If you don't want this marriage, I will stop this.

Kajal also said to Jagadish

Kajal : Yes, Nanna..If you don't like this marriage for me, I too don't want to marry.We will go back to our place.

Jagadish felt guilty on seeing his Son and Daughter love for him and said to Prabhas

Jagadish : I always think about My Ego only.I never understood that I am hurting my Children with Ego.Everyone said to me,I have Handsome son, But I have a Great Son.I am very Sorry, Prabha..Please forgive Your Nanna..

Prabhas : Ayo, Nanna..I don't want your sorry, You realized your mistake that is enough for me. Come, You will only do Kaju Marriage.

Jagadish said to Rajeshwari Devi

Jagadish : Along with my Children, I hurt your Daughter also with my Ego.I am Sorry..

Rajeshwari Devi : Between Family members there should be No Sorry. But If I ask you something will you do that?

Jagadish : Sure!! Tell me..

Rajeshwari Devi : On this marriage only, Will you do My Daughter Marriage with Prabhas and take her as Your Daughter-in-law?

Jagadish : Not Possible..

All became shock on heard this

Jagadish : You only take my Son Prabhas as Your Son-in-law.

All smiles for this..

Sunil's Pov : This man, He will behave Villain sometime or he will behave comedian sometime.If he likes anyone, will mingle like this only.Very weird Person!!

Prabhas said to Them

Prabhas : Hello, If you all agree, Do you think Your Ego Princess will Agree for this?There Her Ego like that only.

Jagadish : Shut Up! Here we came down for you,Can't she do that?

Jagadish said to Anu

Jagadish : My Daughter-in-law, What are you waiting? Go and get ready.

Kumari and Madhu making Anu to get ready as Bride..

When Kumari about to wore a Necklace, Rajeshwari Devi stooped her and wore The Necklace which she brought for Anu and spoke with her

Rajeshwari : You like this Necklace Right? See, how Beautiful You are looking with this.

Anu became emotional on heard that her Mother spoke with her and Cried on Hugging her mother

Rajeshwari consoled Anu and wipes her tears on saying Not to cry.

Rajeshwari left that place on controlling her tears and cried on coming outside.

Deva saw this and consoled her on understanding that she spoke with Anu.

Prabhas came there and saw them.Deva hugged Prabhas as Thanks for Everything.

At Wedding

As Wedding Ritual, Deva washing Prabhas legs .

Sunil called Prabhas to see this, Other side Jagadish washing Charan legs as Ritual, When Charan to tease him said to sprinkle that water on his head, Kajal pinched Charan for this, But Jagadish smiles for this and sprinkled that water on his head as Ritual. Charan smiles for this.

On seeing this, Prabhas felt Happy and give Hifi to Sunil.

Prabhas tie Mangalsuta to Anu.When Prabhas tieing Mangalsutra to Anu, She pulled his shirt down as teasing.

Charan also tied Mangalsuta to Kajal.

Both Couples got Married and All the family Members, Relatives gave blessings to them on throwing flowers on them.

At Reception

Rajeshwari Devi dance with happiness..

All of them became surprised for this and did claps to her.

Anu came towards Rajeshwari and hugged her.

Prabhas smiles on seeing Mother and Daughter bonding.

Ego is Main Destruction to any Relation. In his life, We don't know how many years we will leave, As much as We have life we have to show love to our People. So, Give importance to Your Love more than Your Ego.

                           The End

How is the Ending, Friends?

Dedicated this Story to each and Every Reader who always Supports me on writing this Story..

Special Dedication to


Thank You much for always gives Supportive comments and encouraged me so much.Love you..💗💗💗

Forgive  me If I forgot anyone..

Thank You so much for all of My Lovely Readers, Writers for always Supports in writing this Story with your Supportive Comments and Votes..

Forgive me If Any mistakes are there. 

Loves You All...💕💕

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