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Grace laughed, walking beside Angelina a big smile on her face. "Hey Jordan!"Grace greeted. "Hey!"Jordan smiled waving to her as the duo passed. Grace ran up a flight of stairs as they moved, smiling and waving to all the paintings. "You know this year is gonna be almost the same as all the other years"Grace yawned stretching. Angelina nodded, the two girls heading to the Great Hall. They found a spot to sit at, pulling their books and stuff out. "Alohamora"Grace mumbled. She frowned, scratching her head. "I think you're saying it wrong!"Angelina laughed. "I guess so"Grace smiled deciding to work on that spell later. She checked her watch, and hurried to stand up. "You good?"Angelina asked. "Yeah, gotta go see some friends!"Grace nodded. She ran away, Angelina watching her go. Running down the stairs, she dodged students in her way, making sure to apologize if she bumped into someone. She crashed into someone, both falling down the steps. She groaned, rubbing her head. "Ew!"Grace gasped getting up. She dusted herself off, glaring at Blaise Zabini. "How dare you get in my way?!"Grace demanded. "Ah, you crashed into me!"Blaise protested getting to his feet.

"I don't have time for you! Move!"Grace spat. She shoved him out of her way, mumbling insults under her breath. "Hey, she dropped this"Draco grinned picking up a shiny ruby. "She has jewels on her!"Pansy smirked amused. Blaise snatched it from Draco and chased after Grace. Just because he hated her doesn't mean he won't return things she dropped, yes it would be fun to see how much she would do to get it back...and he was in her way when she was dodging students and apologizing. He ran out of the school castle, spotting Grace practically dashing towards the Forbidden Forest at full speed. "Now what is she up to"Blaise mumbled. He went down the stairs, racing towards the forest just ad Grace vanished from view. He climbed over a fallen tree, looking around silently before hearing Grace's distraught voice, "MY RUBY, WHERE IS IT, THAT WAS A GIFT!" He looked at the ruby, now wondering more than ever if he should see what she'd do in return for it. Grace suddenly screamed ahead, getting his attention. He ran quickly towards her scream, pulling his wand out, looking startled.

Grace looked around for her ruby on the ground, then heard growling behind her. She looked to see a wolf, a scream erupting from her. She dodged the wolves claws, rolling to the right. She scrambled to her feet, hiding behind a tree. She ducked, covering her head as the beast sliced right through the trunk of the tree. She crawled under a bush, her eyes wide. "STUPEFY!" She crawled out of the bushes, looking towards where her wand lay. She got up, running towards her wand near the foot of the wolf. The wolves claw hit her, sending her crashing back first into a tree. "HEY, LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME!!" Grace pushed herself up, trying to see who the fighting figure was. "LOOK AT ME, FOLLOW ME!!" A rock clocked the wolf outside the head, making it snarl at the culprit who threw it. Grace grabbed a brach, and stuffed it into the wolves mouth, before scrambling back, pain going through her back. "STUPEFY!" She stared her vision blurry, but could make out the outline of the large wolf. She grabbed a rock and leaped onto its back as it managed to spit the branch out. "EAT THIS!"Grace yelled. She stuffed the large rock securely in its mouth, but its claw struck her face, blood hitting the ground. She fell over, laying on her side. "GRACEY!!" Hooves and a dragons roar made her smile slightly before falling unconscious.

Light shined through the window of the infirmary, Angelina sitting by her best friends bed. A cough came from Grace before she opened her eyes. "What happened..."Grace asked her throat sounding dry. "You were attacked by a wolf..."Fred responded concerned. "No...what happened to the person who tried to save me..."Grace coughed. "...A Slytherin saved you...Blaise you know him..."Angelina responded holding Grace's hand. "That bastard saved me...who would've thought it, he must want something in return"Grace snorted already regretting asking who her savior was. "Firenze and Nightdagger arrived as soon as you fell unconscious...fifteen points were taken from Gryffindor, but everyone is just relived that you're alright"George informed. "Blaise got ten points taken but got fifteen points added back"Fred sighed. "Bet he just wanted the points and so I can be in debt to him...that jerk.."Grace grumbled. The door opened, Firenze ducking his head as he came in, Nightdagger walking beside him in his human form. Both came over, giving her scolding looks. "We told you to wait for us Gracey..."Nightdagger scolded. "Night is right, you could've been food for a wolf last night"Firenze nodded. "Sorry...but last night was our gift exchange night"Grace sighed ashamed. Firenze held up a necklace with a moonstone, Nightdagger handing Grace a sapphire.

Grace smiled tiredly at them both, tears starting to fall down her cheeks. "From now on we meet at Hagrids hut and find ourselves a calm place to be together"Firenze smiled. He reached out, gently patting her head. "We will take our leave now, until the next full moon Grace"Firenze smiled. Both left the room, Grace's more human friends looking at her stunned. "You're really friends with a centaur and a dragon?!"Fred grinned amazed. "Yeah, I had saved Firenze from a hunting net, a few days later I found Nightdagger with a hurt wing, we all became closer and shared things about our kind nobody else knows"Grace smiled. She sat up, and rubbed her eyes. "Madam Pomfry said you're gonna have a scar for a while but you'll be fine"Fred informed. "What are you gonna do about the Slytherin?"George asked. "I don't owe that guy anything, so I won't even worry about him!"Grace snorted crossing her arms over her chest, looking defiant. "We'll help you out!"Fred smiled. "Yeah, if you need any pranks to make him upset with you we're your guys!"George grinned. Angelina rolled her eyes, chuckling a bit. Blaise stood behind the curtain, then walked away leaving the infirmary. "Should've let it eat her alive."

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