Chapter 14: It Cant Be

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Normal POV

Lucy was in Natsu's kitchen making breakfast, as she's been doing for the past few months. She hummed softly to her self as she worked around the kitchen. Up stairs, deep under the covers was a Natsu slowly waking to the smell bacon.

A small smiled stretched on his face as he crawled out of the covers and search for his pants. He made his way slowing into the kitchen and snuck up behind His blonde beauty. He pulled her into his arms as he softly kissed her shoulder, up her neck, behind her ear, down her jawline and cheeks till finally a peck on the lips. Lucy smiled with her eyes closed as he did this.

"Good morning my love." He whisper softly before snatching a piece of bacon off the counter. Lucy giggled slightly and sat the rest of his breakfast on the table. "Goodmorning" she hummed before kissing the top of his head.

"Do you have to go to work today?" Natsu whined.

Lucy shook her head before looking up at him. "Yes Natsu, I've been out of work for over two weeks on doctors orders." He sighed and pick poked at his food. "Can you just like sell the company and let me take care of us that way you don't have to work."

Lucy huffed and looked at him again. "then I'd be home alone, and you'd have two company's. No way" he smirked up at her. "Oh so you're still playing that game huh?" She shrugged.

"Well since I love you now I can't really hate you as a reason, now it's more like a friendly competition."

Natsu tapped his finger on his chin and thought for a moment. "Hey! Why don't we combined our companies. Like if something were to happen to either of us we'd have full custody and wouldn't have to worry about someone ruining the place."

"Why don't you write that on paper and sign it somewhere. That way if we ever actually considered that it would be in ink."

Lucy's POV

We finished eating and I went to go take a shower. "Luce~" I poked my head out of the shower and saw Natsu standing there holding a towel around his waist. "No no mister" he took another step closer. "I'm running late Luce, no need to be shy I mean jeez, how many times how I've seen you naked now?"

My flushed red as I sighed and continued to wash my hair. I could sense him step in the shower behind me, my heart slowly started to speed up. 'Calm down Lucy, couples do this, they shower together.'

Natsu's arm reach down beside me and grabbed his shampoo. It was weird at first shuffling back and forth to rinse off. I turned around again and he was facing me. "Natsu?" He pushed my hair back in the water and leaned down to kiss me. "I love you" I smiled and kissed him again. "I love you too"

After that he shut the water off and handed me a towel. "Thanks" "no problem babe" I tied the towel tightly around my torso. We both stood there in the bathroom getting ready. Sure we've got ready together many times now but not like this.

It feels like we're a married couple...

I glanced over at him and saw him putting shaving cream on. I put both my hands on my hips and faced him. "Why are you shaving? You don't have a beard" He looked at me and smirked. "Ima man now Lucy, I'm stubbly." I started giggling and shaking my head. "Sure you were, sure"

I finished putting my hair up and applied a little bit of makeup. "Now this isn't fair" I looked over to see Natsu looking at me from head to toe, with his arms crossed. "Why does my girlfriend get to go look all sexy in front of other people?"

I huffed and rolled my eyes. "I've been wearing these type of clothes for God knows how long, and now they're sexy huh?" He wiggled his eyebrows. "Oh no, you totally made the meeting more interesting, wearing a tight skirt with that firm ass. Babe"

"Natsu!" I squealed. "I have to go!" I yelled looking at my phone.

We both got in his car and he drive me to Love and Lucky. Right before I could open the door he pulled my arm and grabbed my face, planting kiss after kiss on my lips. "Natsu...okay.. I'll you later!" I gasped between the kisses. "I love you good bye!" I said before pulled out of the car.

I let of a long sigh as I walked in the building. 'He's changed so much since then, he's finally happy.' I smiled and walked up to my office.

'I'm finally happy'

"Good Morning Lu-chan!" Levy greeted as she walked up next to me. "Good morning levy-chan!" She seemed very cheerful this morning. We chit chatted till Gajeel came up and started handing her some papers, telling her things they need to work on.

When I walked into my office there were tons of piles of paper stacked up. I sighed sat down and started going through all of it. "Ms. Heartfilia?" Someone tapped on the door. "Yes?" I poked my head up trying to see over the papers.

"I'm sorry ma'am! I have more papers for you to look over.." "Oh, hello Ms. Aries. Just set it on the pile." She did so then bowed and left.


I rubbed my temples as I placed the last file away. "Lu-chan?" "Huh, levy?"! She popped in and smiled brightly. "Wow you sure did do all the work fast! It's only 1!" I laughed a bit. "Well when you've been doing this for so long it gets easier, plus most of those papers are agreements. So I'm reading and signing."

She nodded. "Lu! Gajeel asked me on a date tomorrow!" I grabbed both her hands and smiled. "Congrats Levy-chan. You two are made for each other. Arggg..." Levy rushed over to my side. "Lucy are you okay?" I held my stomach tightly. "Ahh.. Damn trash can!"

She handed me the trash can and rubbed my back while I threw up. "Ahh god that's so gross." Levy rubbed my back. "What was that Lu-chan?" She asked while looking at me, eyes full of concern. "I have no idea" she gasped and covered her mouth.

"Lu.. When was your last monthly?"

I stared at her wide eyed then sighed. "A few weeks ago. I wouldn't know if I was late for another week or so." She tapped her chin. "You know what! Our milk, it expired a few days ago but I still drank it this morning"

"think what you want. I totally forgot you and Natsu were living together." She wiggled her eyebrows. "All the more of a reason for me to suspect that" I just shook my head and started checking my emails. Loud whispers started coming from our side my door. "What's going on out there?" Levy questioned as she hoped off my desk.

Just then my door opened revealing pink. "Natsu? Mr.Dragneel?" Me and levy asked at the same time. "Excuse me" Levy slowly walked out of my office, but before she closed the door she turned and winked at me. As soon as the door clicked I turned my self to pinky. "Why are you here?" I asked while leaning back in my chair.

"You left with out your lunch" he said while waving a bag in front of my face. I raised an eyebrow, "I don't recall making a lunch" "exactly!" He yelled. "Can't have you starving can I?" I giggled and asked what he brought. He pulled out Chinese take out.

"The best of the best! Lucky Garden!" (My local Chinese restaurant, they are the shit) He continued to pulled out the food. "Ham fried rice for the lady" my eyes light up at the sight of the food. "Thanks for the food!" I yelled before digging in along with Natsu.

"Ahh that was some good grub." I said as I rubbed my belly. "Sure was, hey why don't we play the pocky game?" I saw him pull out a red pocky box. "Pocky game?" I asked as he pulled one out of the little packet. "It's simple we both bite one end till there's none left, whoever pulls away first loses."

"Hmm what happens to the loser?"

A smirk appeared on his lips. "Loser gets a special punishment" I shivered slightly. "Perv" he leaned over my desk with a piece in his mouth. I bit the other end and chewed it slowly. Natsu being Natsu took big bites. I grabbed hold of his tie taking a big bite my self while pulling him down. He felt him cupped my cheek pulling me in closer.

'I will not lose'

I thought but soon lost due to him slipping his tongue in my mouth and take the last of the piece. I gasped and pulled away to be greeted by his smirk. "Special punishment tonight~" he said in a super sexy voice. I gulped.


we both jumped at my office phone ringing. "Hello, this is Ms. Heartfilia" "ah yes, this is Mr. Patterson, you see the sponsors aren't happy with what we did in Era." I looked up at Natsu then cleared my throat. "What's seems to be the problem?"

"W-well they don't seem to like the idea that you and Mr. Dragneel weren't actually married when we signed the contract. In the pair of you aren't married with in the next month you'll both lose the upgrade. Now I have to go miss I need to speak with Mr. Dragneel." Natsu put the speaker on. "I'm actually here sir."

"Oh but of course. So you heard?" Natsu nodded then stopped and look stupid. "Ah yes." "Okay we'll figure it out okay?" Good day." We both looked at each other then sighed. "Well what do we do now?" Natsu scratched his head. "Well good going Luce, your evil plan was ruined." He chuckled a bit.

"Well I gotta get back to work" He leaned over and kissed my forehead. "I'll see you later okay" I nodded and waved goodbye. My stomach feels like it's churning. After a few hours of working I thought 'Maybe i should see'. I grabbed my purse and locked up my office. "I'm heading out, thanks for the hard work today! Go ahead finish up what your doing and head home early okay? It would affect your hours." I told everyone as I walked out the building.

I decided to walk back to Natsu's since he doesn't live to far, plus I was gonna stop by the drug store.


I placed the item in my purse with shaky hands and continued on my journey to the apartment. So many questions went through my head. Every second it took to get to his apartment rattled my nerves. I slowly turned the key in the lock and opened the door. As soon as I did so Happy came running out hiding behind my legs. I picked him up and tilted my head.

My worst fear as I walked around the apartment was a robber. But that fear turned to something even worse. That voice, the peppy little cheerleaders voice. "Shush, be a good boy for me" I heard her say. "Lisanna" I heard Natsu's stern voice. I gulped and continued to walk towards our room. 'Please no' I pushed open the door and gasped.

That Lisanna chick was straddling Natsu with her hands on his chest. His shirt was unbuttoned. I looked at him till my eyes clouded over. He looked so shock. I sniffled and dropped my keys as I turn to run. "Lucy wait... Lisanna get off of me god damnit"

I held on to Happy and ran. I kicked off my heels and kept running. "Lucy please" I could hear Natsu yelled in the distance. I turned a couple of corners then hid. I heard footsteps run by and I held my breath. I hugged my belly tightly while softly crying.

After ten minutes I check to make sure Natsu was no where to be seen. I walked till I found my self at Levy's door step crying my eyes out. "Lu-chan!! What happened?!?" She brought me inside and I explained everything. "Do you really think he'd let her do that?" I shook my head. "I don't know lev.. But he wasn't even stopping her either" Levy cracked her nuckles. "I'll kill em, I'll kill that Dragneel"

Shortly after we talk I went to the guest room and cried my self to sleep.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter💕

Y'all are gonna hate me so much over these next few chapters🌚

Ugh in the last week I've flown from Cali-Texas-Louisiana, then drove from Louisiana to Missouri. Twice may I add, there and back. I've missed so much school. I'm stressing😪
Check out my other stories
~Burning Summer
~Lucky I'm in Love with my Bestfriend
~ Her little Secret

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