Chapter 20: Family

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Natsu's POV

I was snuggling with Lucy but having trouble sleeping. I could hear soft cries coming from the other room on the baby monitor. I struggled to get out of bed and get to her. "Well better to start trying to walk now I guess" I held onto the wall till found my self at Nashi's room. I wobbled over to her crib and looked down at her.

'My beautiful baby girl.' I thought as I reach my hand down into her crib, her little hands reaching up for my fingers. Both of her hands wrapped around my one fingers, it was cute.

When I pull my hand away she started to whimper so I leaned over and picked her up. She yawn and fell back asleep. I thought she was okay so I went to lay her back down and she started whimpering again. "Okay I'll hold you."

I slowly made my way to the rocking chair Lucy had in here. I sat down and slowly rocked both of us. I watched as she slept soundly. I found my self yawning but knew if I laid her back down she'd cry again. I didn't want to bother Lucy so she could get rest.

Probably one of the best rests she's had in a while.

I felt Nashi squirm around in my arms causing me to focus on her again. She started making soft cries again, I don't know what to do! I laid her in her bed then went into my room. I rummaged through my drawers till I found it. I quickly went back to her room and picked her up.

I swaddled her in my old scarf from dad. "Look Nashi, ain't it soft" I cooed. She played with the fabric tugging and pulling at it. I smiled, "I knew you would like it" I whispered at I gentle laid her in her crib. She looked up at me and made a confused face.

"What?" I asked.

She smiled a toothless smile and giggled. I leaned down and caressed her cheek. "Sweet dreams sweetie" she smiled and slowly closed her eyes drifting back to sleep. I sighed and directed my self back to my bed. I snuggled up to Lucy and wrapped my arm around her. I heard her hum and hold one of my arms. Finally sleep took over.


I sniffed the air and could smell breakfast food. I felt around the bed. There's a Lucy missing. My stomach growled loudly so I pulled my self out of bed. I went into the kitchen and saw Lucy sit on a chair with Nashi in a seat while she gave her milk.

"Morning Luce"

She looked at me and gasped. "Natsu your crutches!" I shrugged. "I'm strong, I don't need em" I made my self a plate of food and sat down. "Well when you hurt your self don't come cryin to me" she snickered while making faces at Nashi. I rolled my eyes. "Sure thing"

She stood up and laid Nashi in a carrier. "Where ya going?" I asked while shoveling more food down my pipe hole. "Levy wants to see Nashi and go to Barnes & Noble." I sighed. "You're already leaving me? Meanie!" She just shook her head. "You have company sir" she told me while pointing towards the door.

Seconds later someone knocked, then Gray walked in. "Why is he here?" Gray slapped a hand on my shoulder. "Just came to see ya boss... Old boss" He muffled back a laugh as I stitched my eyebrows together. "What?" Gray waved Lucy off and said "bye boss!" My eye twitched.


"Oh well you know you signed over everything to Lucy so she's my boss, things a running great by the way. She joined both companies together and it's running so smoothly. No one lost their jobs." I rubbed my temples. "How'd she join them?" "Oh it's now called Lucky Dragon, a Heartfilia and Dragneel corporation." I pushed my plate back and thought for a moment.

"Natsu dude chill, your still the owner just a joint owner. Lucy didn't want to change to much but she couldn't just give the "Dragneels everything, that's why she made sure it was a know thing that the company was the pair of you."

"But she is a Dragneel now." I cut him off.

"Yea but everyone said it would be weird calling her Mrs. Dragneel with you not being there. Look it's okay once your in shape more you two can talked about everything and get it all settled." I took a deep breath. "Sorry it's just a lot to take in, that was my family company." He chuckled. "So was hers but your married and your parents always thought about joining together in the future right? Lucy had to step up with you out."

I thought about it. 'I trust Lucy, I gave her control of the company. It's okay' "yeah I got it, so how are things with you and juvia?" His face turned red. "W-well I bought her a ring.. I'm gonna propose soon." I smirked. "Ohhh so the stripper is finally marrying the stalker?" "Tch shut up idiot" I chuckled and slapped his shoulder.

"Yo Natsu gotta hit the gym man your tiny" I groaned. "Yes I know don't worry I'll get my hot body back, but it's only for one person now man" I wiggled my eyebrows. "Man I miss hearing all Lucy's screams and mo-"


My eyelid twitched as I turned to see Lucy standing there. "Hey babe whatcha doing back so soon?" I scratched my head. "I forgot Nashi's diaper bag then Levy had to cancel. Now I come home to you talking about our sex life! For Mavis sake Natsu!" She yelled.

"Luce baby"

She rolled her eyes. "Don't you baby me!" I put my finger to my lips. "No Lucy out baby, Nashi your yelling is gonna scare her" her eyes widened then looked at the bundle in the carrier. Nashi was asleep. "I'll see y'all when you're done with maternity leave." Gray said while waving us off. We both waved him goodbye.

As soon as the door closed Nashi woke up crying. "Nashi shush it's okay sweetie" Lucy whispered. I walked over and rest my hand on her shoulder to help crouch down. "Hey princess" her cries turned into a soft whimper. "Don't worry daddy's got you" I picked her up and cradled her in my arms. I kissed her cheeks and she started giggling.

"Aww Natsu~" Lucy watched us in awe. "Well she's defiantly a daddy's girl" I chuckled and went in her room to grab my scarf. "Oh my.. I haven't seen that since we were little" Lucy whispered as she came over and held the fabric in her hands. "You're giving to Nashi?" I nodded. "Well my dad gave it to me when I was 8. And it seems to help her sleep"

She smiled then kissed Nashi's pink cheeks causing Nashi to get excited and squirm around. "Look Luce! She still loves you heh" she huffed and turned away. "I never said she didn't love me! I said she's a daddy's girl not a mommy's girl" I came up and kissed her cheek.

"Don't worry hopefully the next one will be a boy then you can have a mommy's boy" I laughed as her cheeks lite up red. "I am not having another child anytime soon!" "Haha I know I know! I'm just saying maybe in the future babe" I ruffled her hair and went to sit down.

"Natsu I need to feed Nashi"

I handed Lucy Nashi and watched as she gave her a bottle. Nashi tried to grab at her milk and I couldn't help but giggle. "Well she's a fast learner huh" Lucy nodded.


I sat in Nashi's room with her on my lap. She was holding my scarf and blabbering to me. Only 6 months old. "Pa po ah arg!! Bla ma ma eeeh!" She looked up at me in went silent. "What?" I asked. She smiled and started bouncing on my lap and blabbering more.

"Knock knock, y'all having fun?" Lucy asked as she came in. "Ma ma!!" Nashi cheered and clapped her hands. Lucy came over and picked her up, Cooing and kissing her cheeks. "How was work?" She just shrugged. "Same old same old, how was your therapy?"

"Getting stronger, they only want me to come in one more time then I'll start hitting the gym on my own!" She smirked. "Trying hard to get back that sexy bod aren't ya?" I smirked back. "You know it babe"

"ma ma pa ba ba"

I looked over to Nashi who was blowing bubbles with her slobber. "Nashi.." Me and Lucy looked at her then each other and started laughing. I soften my gaze and caress Lucy's cheek in my hand. She looks up at me and smiles softly before I plant my lips on hers.

"I love you" I breathed out.

"Natsu I love you so much words can't even explain it"

I smiled at her then kissed Nashi's head. "Hey princess, daddy loves you too. Actually sweetie your the product of daddy and mommy's love" she threw her arms up and giggled. 'My family, my two girls, my life'

Well hoped you enjoyed the update💕

Well my EOCs are finally over. I was one point from and Excellent on my English 3 EOC. She's having me take the clept test for college credits. And I got a 727 good on my US History ( which is great for someone who missed two months worth of lessons)

Check out my other stories
~Burning Summer
~Lucky I'm in Love with my Bestfriend
~ Her little Secret

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