Chapter 22: Frustration

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Natsu's POV

I rolled over a few times and for some reason I feel like I'm being watched. I peeked an eye open and saw Lucy towering over me with a scowl on her face. "You okay?" I questioned. I raised her hand and her book was in it. "Why was it open and in your lap?" She was fuming. "I was not reading it..."

I gulped, I'm dead.

"You're such an impatient butthole. I was gonna read it to you, but you just had to go read it now huh!?" I frowned. "Luce, are you really that upset?" She crossed her arms and turned away. "Maybe I am hmph" I slowly stood up and wrapped my arms around her crossed ones.

"Luce~" she tried to pulled away. "Don't you Luce me"

I buried my face in the crook of her neck, after a moment I playfully bit down. Wrong move. She completely pulled away and smacked me in the arm hard. "You're so immature I swear!" She threw her arms up and walked into Nashi's room. I stood there holding my arm. "Meany"

I walked in behind her, and saw her holding Nashi's hands and Nashi was standing. "Whatcha trying to do Luce?" She looked up at me then back at our daughter. "She's trying to walk" I looked down at Nashi then thought for a moment. "Walk you say? , well let's give her some motivation."

I went to her crib and pulled out my scarf. I took a few steps back then held the scarf out. "Nashi baby girl look" Lucy said while pointing at me. Nashi giggled and bounced her legs while Lucy held on to her.

"Come to daddy princess" I called out to her.

She smiled she tried to walk but fell back on her butt. She whined in annoyance then fumbled to get back on her feet. She tried again and again, but kept falling on her butt. Me and Lucy giggled at her struggle but let her keep trying. Lucy decided to hold onto her arms and walk her around for a bit.

"Lucy I have an idea!" I exclaimed. She sighed "that's not good" I snapped my head. "Oi! I'm smart!" She giggled then handed Nashi to me.

She clapped her hands as I held her in my arms. "Alright Nashi this is going to be fast. But hopefully it works." I put her between my legs, held her hands then started running around the apartment. "Natsu be careful!" Lucy yelled. I just kept on running. After a moment I stopped by next to Lucy and stood Nashi in front of us. "Come on" I said with my arms wide open.

In seconds Nashi walked into my arms with no problems. "No way!" Lucy yelled. "How'd you learn to do that!?" I scratched my head. "You leave me home alone too much, I'm stuck watching tv and playing on Facebook." I crossed my arms. "Well it paid off didn't it?" I just nodded then smirk. "So who were you making fun of earlier? Hmm" Lucy rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah"

I heard a cute little yawn come from below me and saw Nashi rubbing her eyes. I pulled her into my arms then stood up laying her down in the bed. "Ah nap time the best time" I smiled. Lucy stepped next to me and leaned down into the crib caressing her cheeks as she fell asleep.

"Look at that little angel" I whispered to Lucy, she leaned into me and laid her head in my shoulder. I felt her intertwine our fingers. "Natsu?" She asked. "What's wrong Lucy?" She stayed silent for a moment. "Is this all real? I'm not dreaming right?"

I chuckled a bit. "Why do you say that?"

She sighed deeply. "Because about over a year and a half ago we hated each other.. Now we're married and have a child. I'm scared I'm just gonna wake up back in my parents house alone with Happy.. Oh My God. Happy!! I completely forgot levy took Happy to her apartment when I went into labor." I smiled softly then grabbed her shoulders making her look at me.

"Lucy, the love of my life, My queen. None of this a dream. Me and you are married and I promise once Nashis a bit older we'll have a real wedding. I'm so happy we have Nashi. The product of our love, our little dragon princess." I heard Lucy giggled. "And I'll ask levy to bring Happy over tomorrow while you're at work"

I felt her nuzzled her face into my chest then wrap her arms around me. "Natsu do you know how much I love you?" She asked into my chest. "Hmm nope, I have no idea" "really now?" I nodded. "Aye, mind telling me?" She shook her head no then smiled. "No, i guess you'll have to figure it out" she pulled out of my arms and winked at me. I smirked and snuck after her.

I followed her into our room, I grabbed her shoulders spinning her around, pick her up below her butt. She wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms snaked her arms around my neck. Our lips crashed and fell into sync. I carefully laid her back on the bed never breaking the kiss. I slowly started working her shirt off as she tugged at my pants. We broke to catch our breath and take her shirt off. As she was pulling my pants off we both stopped.


She looked at me then down at my stomach. "Really Natsu.." I chuckled then kissed her again. "Forget breakfast." I kicked my pants off then looped my fingers around her pants and started to pull.


I looked up at her and started laughing. "Now what was that you were saying Luce?" She whined beneath me.


I closed my eyes and sighed. "I guess we're both starving huh?" Lucy said as she started feeling around for her shirt. "Aww come on luuuuuce" she stopped my whining with her finger pressed to my lips. "Let's eat some thing, growling stomachs doesn't really set the mood.." I shook my head. "I guess you're right"

I didn't bother putting my pants back on since I still have my boxer shorts on. I buried my face in the pillows and slowly drifted into a nice nap.


"Stu" I rolled over and moaned into the pillow. "Natsu I've got food" I just groaned a bit. "Aren't you hungry sir?" I peeked and eye open and saw Lucy smiling sweetly at me. I closed my eye and smiled before pushing my self up. "Alright get me some food my love"

I watched as she leaned over and pulled a plate of food off the night stand. "My savior! After I scarf this down lets continue where we left off-"

I whined a bit when I heard Nashi crying in her room. "Sorry Natsu looks like it's gonna have to wait.. Longer" I angrily bit into my bacon. "Skip breakfast I say, take a nap I do, sleep with my wife I can not."

"Natsu!" I mumbled a few things under my breath then finished eating my food.

Lucy's POV

I was playing with Nashi in my arms, bouncing her with my legs. She seemed happy and to be enjoying her self. Then there's me, mother of one, married to a hot Natsu, and sexually frustrated.

I love my little Nashi but I need some mommy and daddy time. I mean I really just wanna see my sexy man laying there butt-

"Lu-chan! I'm here, and I've got a very excited kitty to see you!" I looked over and saw happy by my feet staring at Nashi like she's a monster, then my bestfriend standing there smiling. "I really do hate to give him back in all honesty, I'd hoped your forget about him."

I raised an eyebrow. "I love having a kitty around! I liked him so much me and Gajeel are going to go get our own kitty!" I smiled remembering her and Gajeel moved in together shortly after Nashi was born. "Hey there Nashi! You wanna see aunt Levy!" The blue hair girl cooed as she picked up my baby.

"Feel free to take her for the night." It slipped from my mouth before I could even think. "Lu-chan? Are you and Natsu in need of a date night?" I nodded. "Very much indeed, but we can't just leave her." Levy tapped her chin, "hmm why don't I give you Gajeels little cousins number, her name is Wendy Marvell, shes 15 and loves children. I'm sure she could babysit for you guys for a few hours." She wrote her name and number down and handed me the paper.

"Meoooow!!" I couldn't helped but giggle at my fat cats behavior. "Hey there buddy, did you miss me?" I asked him as I sat down on the floor and has him crawl happily into my lap, purring and rubbing against me. "Well I got to get going Lucy I'll see you later!" Levy waved me off and closed the door. "Mew!" I heard Nashi mimic Happy.

She stood up and walked over to me then sat door looking at Happy, who looked curious. I slowly picked him up and laid him next to her. Her eyes lite up as she brush her hand across his fur, he hesitated but finally warmed up to her, rubbing his head against her face and such.

"Hey babe?" I called out to Natsu, who groaned in response. "You want me to call a babysitter?" I asked him. I heard some shuffling then saw him peek his head out our door. "For what?" I smirked "A date night, just me and you."

"And the bed"

I couldn't help but laugh. "Yes or no?" He nodded his head rapidly. "I swear you never grow up do you?" "Nope" I grabbed my phone and dialed here number.


"Hi Wendy?"


"Hey this is Lucy Dragneel, I heard from my friend levy that Gajeels you're cousin and you babysit?"

"Oh yeah, do you need a babysitter?"

"Ah yes very much so"

"well id be happy to babysit, do you need me tonight and for how long?"

"Yes and maybe three hours. I'll pay you $60 and I'll buy a pizza before we leave." I heard her hum into the phone.

"Sure thing!"

"Okay be here in about two hours okay?"

"Sure than Lucy-San!"

I hung up and walked into our bedroom. "Mr. Dragneel, you and you very loving wife are going out tonight. So start getting ready" with that I slipped out of our room into the bathroom and turned on the shower. While my shower warmed up and put Nashi in her play bin and turned the tv on for her. Tonight is going to be so great.

Wow an update! Hope you enjoyed 💕

This is probably one of the longest updates I've done I awhile tbh

Yeah so I haven't been busy or anything I'm just really really lazy on this summer vaca. First summer I haven't had a job it's weird. But hey man i sleep in all day.

Check out my other stories
~Burning Summer
~Lucky I'm in Love with my Bestfriend
~ Her little Secret

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