Chapter 30: Please Wake Up

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Normal POV

Lucy laid there in what seemed to be complete utter darkness. "Am I dead?" Lucy asked into nothingness. She sighed. "I'm sorry to leave you so earlier in your life Nashi. I never wanted you to go through what me and your dad went through"

Lucy could feel warm tears slide down her cheeks. "Natsu I hope you find love again and give Nashi's a good mother" Lucy curled her body into a ball as she bawled her eyes out.


"Lucy hang in there baby" Natsu held her hand as the ambulance zoomed to the hospital. "Sir please sit back. We need to stop the internal bleeding. She has fractured rib and a broken leg." A nurse told one of the other paramedics. The ambulance pulled to a halt.

They pulled the gurney down and rushed inside. Natsu jumped and chased after them till they took her past the emergency doors. He slowed down and fell to his knees gasping for air.

"No Lucy please.. god let them save her"

A nurse ran to his side to make sure he was okay. "We will notify you if anything happens."

Natsu plopped down into the chairs in the waiting room. His hands shakily pulled his phone out. His heart aches at the family photo on his lock screen. He unlocked his phone and searched for Wendy's number. "Natsu-san?" Wendy answered.

"Wendy.. Lucy was in a car accident. She in the ER right now. It was really bad.." Natsu tried to be strong and hold his tears back. "Oh my god do you want me to wake Nashi up and come to the hospital?" Natsu thought for a moment. "Yeah I guess so, car keys are on the counter. Please drive safe." "I will ill see you shortly"

Natsu hung the phone up and hung his head between his knees. He couldn't help but think this was his fault. He was the one who had her come back up to the office. He should've just came home. Natsu quickly wiped his eyes and pulled his phone out to call a few more people.

After about 30 minutes Wendy rushed to Natsu's side with sleeping Nashi's on her hip. "Natsu-san! Is there any news on Lucy?" Wendy asked as Natsu took Nashi in his arms. Nashi snuggled into her fathers warm arms. Natsu kissed her little forehead and sighed.

"The only thing they've told me was they had to rush her into an immediate surgery to try and stop the internal bleeding. Not only that but they have to reset a couple bones that were broken."

Wendy gasped, her eyes slowly filled with tears. "Oh Lucy please be okay, you gotta be okay" Wendy lips quivered as she sat down next to Natsu. Natsu gave her a side hug and let her cry on his shoulder. He tried his best not to cry him self.

"Daddy.. why you and wenny cryin?" Nashi asked as she rubbed her eyes open.

"Oh princess you're up" Nashi looked around and frowned. "Where momma daddy?" Natsu couldn't find his voice to answer and just hugged his daughter tightly. "Daddy.." not even aware of what's going on just sensing bad Nashi started to cry too.


Natsu, Wendy, Nashi, Gray, and Levy all lingered around the hospitals waiting room, waiting for news on Lucy. It's been a long 6 hours and they haven't told them much.

"Dragneel?" Natsu jumped up and everyone else's ears perked up. "Yes that's me" a nurse walked over to him and looked at her charts. "Lucy Dragneel your wife?" He nodded.

"Okay, she made it through the surgery and she's in ICU, and she hasn't woken up yet. Immediate family may see her now." Natsu thanked the nurse and every let out a sigh of relief. Natsu looked over at Wendy. "I'll hold onto Nashi while you go see her."

Natsu mouthed thank you before rushing off to her room. As he opened the door he saw her laying there all bruised and broken. His heart ached seeing her like this. Tears formed in his eyes again. "Lucy" he mumbled before walking beside her bed and placed his hand on hers.

"Please wake up soon, I need to know you're okay. I know they say you're technically okay but I need to hear your voice" Natsu pleaded.

Over the next few hours everyone had visited Lucy while she was there. Nashi had a hard time understanding what was going on. "Daddy why momma sleepin here, we go home now? Miss happy" she asked. Not being able to explain Natsu told Wendy to go ahead and take Nashi home and have them both get some rest. He let her know he'd call her if Lucy woke up.

Lucy's POV

It's so cold and lonely here. I wanna see Natsu and Nashi.. Wendy and happy. I wanna cuddle with them while watching Nashi's favorite movies. I can't help but cry. I don't want to die. I can't leave Nashi alone.

I can't leave Natsu alone, he alone couldn't handle another family members death. Shit i could barley handle it when he was in a coma. "Luce" my eyes opened widely. "Natsu!" I shouted but my voice just echoed. "We all can't wait for you to wake up" wait Im sleeping? I'm not dead. Come on self wake up wake up!

"It's been hard seeing you like this.. Nashi doesn't understand.. Luce you gotta wake up I don't know how I'm suppose to tell Nashi if you don't. God i can't tell her that her mommy isn't going to wake up. Fuck " I could here Natsu crying uncontrollably.

"If I could wake up I would!" This silence is deafening.

"I love you Lucy please wake up soon" as Natsu said this I could feel warmth. I hugged my self in attempted to keep him near, Natsu's warmth. Sadly it slipped away and I'm assuming Natsu had left.


"Momma time wake up!" I slowly opened my eyes to darkness but I could hear Nashi's cute little voice. "Not funny wake up!" She almost yelled. "Nashi don't touch your mommy like that" I could heard Wendy scolding her. She must have pushed me or something. "It not funny anmore" she sniffled.

I wanted to wake up this instant and just grab her and hold her in my arms. Kiss her like I'll never see her again.. because I might not. Tears formed in my eyes. "Damnit" I cursed. "Wendy, Nashi I didn't know you came back." Natsu. "Nashi wanted to see her mommy"

"daddy" I could hear her voice cracking, oh baby girl. "I know princess" I can only guess Natsu's holding her to try and comfort her. "Let's go home"

"no! Please don't leave me here!" I cried out. As I did so I started seeing flashback from when I was a kid and my parents, me and Natsu, the day Nashi was born. My heart felt like it was racing a mile a minute. "Is this the end?" I asked before all I could see was white.

Normal POV

As Natsu carried Nashi out of the room her cheek laid on his shoulder and she watched as they walked away from her mom. Suddenly Nashi's head perked up. She started yelling mommy and kept trying to get out of her dads arms. "Nashi stop before I drop you" Natsu warn as he set the little girl on the floor.

She ran over to the bed and tried to climb up. "Mommy, you wakey now?" She asked looking into her mothers eyes. Oh how she missed seeing her mommys brown eyes. "Luce?" Natsu quickly ran to her bed side and sure enough she laid there with her eyes open.

Natsu pinched the bridge of his nose trying to stop the tears. "Thank god you're alright." Lucy's hand slowly felt all the tubes connected to her face and looked up at Natsu confused. "Lucy you're in the hospital. You were in a car accident." Lucy blinked a few times remember bits and pieces of the accident.

She slowly reached her hand up to caress Nashi's little cheek. Then held her hand up for Natsu to hold it and kiss it. "I'll go get the doctor" Wendy told them before she ran off.

"Oh Luce. I love you so much" Natsu whispered as he leaned down to kiss her forehead.

Lucy's okay! Y'all should know by now I don't have the guts to kill people off.

Hoped you enjoyed the update💕

I fell like I wrote so much more than I actually did🙄

He's a hot pic of Natsu I colored. Apparently when the volume that had the xmas special in it was released, it had three extra pages and this was one of the panels

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