Chapter 33: Bad Dates

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Normal POV

"Hey Luce?" Natsu asked as him and his wife cuddled on the couch. "Hmm what's up?" She hummed. "Our daughter is on a date... with that bastards son! I can't just sit here I need to go!" Natsu whined trying to jump up. Lucy grabbed his ear.

"Natsu Dragneel I swear to god if you ruin our daughters first date I will kill you." Natsu cringed at his wife having ahold of his ear. "But why Storm of all people?" He cried out. "Natsu it's her best friend. They were bound to go on a date sometime." Lucy sighed and let go of his ear. Natsu pouted and grabbed the remote.

"Where's Igneel anyway?" Lucy raised an eyebrow. "I love how much concern you have for your son. And he's with Gale. Apparently Gale got a new video game. Boys will be boys."

Natsu looked around and smirked. He slipped his hand on her thigh and leaned over her. "Well well since we're all alone" Lucy smiled and cupped his face pulling his lips on hers. One of Natsu's hands weaved into Lucy's blonde locks and the other slowly pulled her body down on the couch so they could lay down.

Lucy wrapped her legs around his hips as the got into a heated makeover session. "God I love you" Natsu groaned as he started to take off his shirt.

All of a sudden the sound of the front door slamming startled the couple. "I hate him!" Little foot stomping sounds could be heard. "Ugh stupid cheater!" Natsu gleaned and pulled Lucy's shirt back over her head and kissed her head. "I'll go see what wrong with him." Lucy sighed. "The rest of the evening better be romantic natsu, it's Valentine's Day."

Natsu rolled his eyes and walked off. "Igneel what happened?" Natsu asked as he tapped on his sons door. "Gale is a stupid cheater and I hate him!" Natsu sighed and opened the door. "Did he cheat playing a game?" Igneel nodded and pouted. "You're this upset kid it's just a game Ig and when was the last time you showered dirt bag?"

Igneel covered his blonde spikes with his hands. "S-shut up old fart! And it's not just a game! It was a battle to death!" The boy cried out causing Natsu to chuckle. "Alright whatever you say but don't expect anymore candy tonight" Igneel's jaw dropped.

"But it's the second time of the year where eating tons of candy is okay!" He whined. "That doesn't matte you're already all hyped up, now go take a bath and clean up" the blonde groaned and grabbed his towel.


"I'm so sorry Nashi!" Storm cried out grabbed a bunch of paper towels. Their first date isn't going ass well as they had planned. Storm's heat broke in his car and Nashi's was freezing, he tried to open the door for her but ended up hitting her with the door and now he's spilt his soda all over her pretty dress.

Nashi dabbed her dress and stood up. "I'll be right back" she sighed as she went into the bathroom. She looked in the mirror and started running her fingers through her pink curls trying to mix them from being wind blown. She applied some lip gloss and slammed her hands on the counter and looked at her self.

"Okay Nashi, you're 17 years old on your first date with your crush and bestfriend. He is horrible at this date thing so you need to women up and take control! Storm is probably just nervous, yeah that it. Okay girl get your stuff together, you want be getting your first kiss if the date continues this way."

She took a deep breathe and walked out of the bathroom back to the table. "Hey I'm really sorry about that Nashi, I'll pay for a new dress." Nashi smiled and waved her hand. "No no it's fine really it didn't stain. Hey we should probably leave the movie starts in 15 minutes." She stood back up and straightened her dress. "Yeah, you want popcorn or something?"

Nashi nodded and the two walked over to the food stand. "One large popcorn and two Icees' please." Nashi spoke up. The cashier rang them up and storm payed. Nashi sipped on her icee as they walked to their movie. "So what movie did you pick out?" Storm smirked and pulled the tickets out.

"Fifty Shades Darker!"

She screamed causing Storm to stop walking and hunch over laughing. "Ahaha you should've seen your reaction! That was priceless" he cried out. "No those are my parents tickets I just wanted to see how you'd react if I told you that was what we were seeing. I bought two tickets to see a dogs purpose. I know it's suppose to be really sad and all but I don't know. I like dogs.."

A soft smile formed on Nashi's lips. "Awesome I've been wanting to see that movie" (btw it really is a horribly sad movie. I cried the entire movie literally not lying. Yeah there were cute parts and funny moments but the sad overwhelms the rest) The two walked into the threaten and haunted when they noticed the only available sits were singles.

"Excuse me would you mind movie down one so me and my friend could sit together?" Storm asked nicely, but the person just stared at them like they were crazy. "Well what do you want to do?" Nashi's looked around and shrugged, "I guess this will have to do."

Nashi sat on the step where she was standing and patted the spot next to her. Storm thought she was crazy but he didn't mind it. He popped a squat down next to her and they started eating the popcorn. As the movie started Nashi was in tears in minutes. Storm gently rubbed her back and tried to keep her calm. As the movie progressed Nashi started to lean her head on Storms shoulder.

Storm felt heat rise to his cheeks as she did this. 'God she's so cute' he thought to him self. As nervous as he was he slowly leaned his head against hers too. Everything sad scene of the movie Nashi would start crying and even at some point Storm shed a few tears.

Nashi grabbed hold of his hand squeezing it tightly as her favorite dog died, but even when the scene was over Nashi didn't let go, she simply laced her fingers with his and let out a light sigh. She had been waiting for him to hold her hand all night, but she's had to do everything. Red filled Storms cheeks as he looked at their intertwined fingers. He gulped slightly and thought. 'I wanna kiss her so badly'


"That movie was great!" Nashi told him as they walked back to the car. "You cried the whole time.." she shoved and giggled. "The movie was still good, whether I cried or not" Storm unlocked the car and opened up the door for her. When he got in he lightly flicked her nose.

"Did you know your nose gets really red when you cry" He teased, Nashi quickly covered her nose and looked away. "Jerk" she muttered. "I think it's cute. Although it's weird in all our years of being friends I don't think I've ever seen you cry. Your were usually the one making people cry." Nashi sat towards and belted up.

"Not my fault people are stupid and wanna start stuff they can't handle." She crossed her arms and looked out the window as they started driving back to her house. Storm couldn't help but chuckle at her childish behavior. 'This is the Nashi I know' he thought thinking about how strange it was to see her rather cute and girly side.

Nashi bit her lip as they got close to her house. She was at the point of believing she wasn't going to get a kiss. "You okay?" Storms worried voice broke her out of thoughts. "What?" She tilted her head in confusion. "You've been shaking you leg for the past five minutes, come on what bugging you?" He asked as he pulled into her driveway.

Nashi's head snapped to the side seeing the front of her house. She let out an annoyed sigh. "Nothing just worried about exams soon." She lied. "Oh well don't stress to much. Come on I'll walk you to your door." They opened the doors and Nashi's heart started to race. 'Maybe it'll be like the movies where he kisses me before leaving'

This was her last little hope of kissing on her first date on Valentine's. He wasn't even her Valentine and they had a date today. "Well I had a good time as always when's I hang out with you" Storm told her as he scratched the back of his head. Nashi fiddled with her hair. "Yeah same" the front door opened and Natsu was standing there.

"Oh hey dad."

"Hey natsu" the teens greeted.

"That's Mr. Dragneel to you storm" Storm was confused since he's called him Natsu since he can remember. "But I've always called you nat-" "not when you're dating my daughter you won't ow ow ow!" He yelled as Lucy grabbed his ear. "What did I tell you, leave them alone Natsu for crying out loud! Hurry up I can only hold him back for so long." She whispered as she pulled her idiotic husband back.

Nashi's eyes quickly darted to Storms. "Well then, night Nash." Storm started to turn and Nashi went to reach for his arm to stop but but he quickly turned back and they collide. "Hey" "sorry I just uh-" Nashi's eyes widened as Storms hands cupped her cheek pulled her into a kiss. It was quick and over rushed.

"Was that okay?"

Nashi nodded face beat red looking at their feet as she held Storms hands on her cheeks still. "Okay good" he sounded relieved. As soon as she looked up again he kissed her again. This time slowly and passionate. Nashi's knees went to jelly and she melted into the kiss.

"Okay times up go home Stor- get your lips off hers! I'll kill you!" Natsu yelled.

Nashi and Storm broke frightened. "Storm run!" He nodded and quickly peck her lips causing a roar to erupt from Natsu before he ran to his car. "Dad calm down!" Nashi yelled at her dad as he started running past her. "Dad!" She yelled louder now Chas in him as he chased Storm to his car. "I said to calm down stop!" She yelled jumping on his back.

Lucy ran out of the house and sighed. "damnit natsu what did I tell you!" She screamed as she ran over and grabbed ahold of him. "Nashi get off your dad and go inside I'll deal with him." Nashi hopped off and ran inside. "Natsu" Lucy scolded. Natsu avoid eye contact.

"Heyy~ you won't be in any trouble if you hmm I dot know show me how sorry you are upstairs" she winked at him. Steamed poured from his ears. "But go apologize to your daughter first." He sighed and nodded.


"Nashi?" Natsu called tapping on her door. "What?" She sounded angry. Natsu sighed and leaned against the door. "I'm sorry for what I did to Storm and you on your date. It was wrong and uncalled for." "Yeah yeah your forgiven" she opened up her door and peaked out. "Plus it was pretty funny" she laughed. "Glad to know me scaring your boyfriend is funny to you" Nashi's face flushed red.

"H-he's not my boyfriend!" She sputtered. "By the way you two were kissing out front I'd say other wise." Nashi walked out pushing her dad away from her room. "Okay I get it go away now!" She squealed.

Natsu chuckled and went down the hall to his room. When he came in there were candles light, flower petals and his sexy wife on the bed, fast asleep. He slowly walked by her said and tucked her hair behind her head. "Sorry I took so long" he kissed her head and tucked her in. He blew out all the candles and later down.

As he laid there he remember their first Valentine's together and how that was the day their relationship started. A smile formed on his lips, boy was he happy he got her that day.

Happy Valentine's Day! I didn't realize this chapter never posted earlier..

So this was pretty crappy but this is then end. Last chapter. It was fun to write this story! I'll be posting a coming soon soon with obviously story's I'm working on. I've been so inactive because I have a job now and I just never have time to just sit down and write.

Well I hope you liked this story as much as I loved writing it. See ya later✌🏻

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