Chapter 4 : Sleepy

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Natsus POV

       I laid on the couch not really wanting to go to anymore meeting. I would have stay here all day too if it wasn't for Lucy making food, it made me so damn hungry I had to go eat something.
        So I slugged off the couch and started to get dressed. "Where are you going?" I looked up to see Lucy holding spatula lookin at me funny look. "To go eat" I said back in a duh tone. "Well I'm making breakfast so sit down."
        She demanded me. I hesitantly sat down giving her a questionable look. She started to serve the food and started talking. " D-dont think that I'm being nice to you. This is simply a thank you for helping me last night. After this no more food."
       "Oh how sweet~ of you. Oww!" I yelled rubbing me hand. "Why'd you smack me with the spatula!??" I yelled at her earning another smack. "Because you were being creepy and rude! No shut up and before I throw it away!"    
        Not wanting a perfectly good meal to go in the trash I ate it up. "Damn... You can really cook." Lucy laughed at me. "Well duh, growling up without a mom.. I had to learn. I wasn't just gonna let Virgo do everything." I heard a hint of sadness in her voice.
*tap tap tap*
         "I got it!" Lucy excitedly ran to the door. "Delivery for a Ms. Lucy" "yes that's me." I heard a scribbling noise then a bunch of squeals. I sat my plate in the sink then went to see what it was all about.
        I saw something blue and fuzzy in her arms. "Happy??" She looked up at me and smiled. "Yes its Happy. And I'm so happy to see you Happy!" She giggled robing her nose against his then kissing his head.
       "Why do you still have him?" "What do you mean. Because he's so cute and I don't hate him, I hate you" "okay but he was from me." "That doesn't mean anything. Because he's not you"
         We started arguing. "You know what!" "What! You're a jackass? Yea I already" she yelled at me then walked off. Jeez Lucy, why are you such a bitch.
         "Meow?" I looked at at the now semi fat Happy. "Hey buddy, man it's been a while huh?" I asked petting him under his chin.
         He started to purr and nuzzles into my hand. I picked him up in my arms. I sat down on the couch with him again my chest and started to doze off.

Lucy's POV

       I hoped in the shower and washed my body. I started to think about everything that's happened lately. Natsu kissed me.. It's not like we've never kissed before but I just can't understand.
        Ugh. Thinking a little more, I realized it's honestly not his fault all of this Happened. I just had to drag him into this, it he played along! I just don't know. I hate Natsu.
        I've been hating him for so long, I've honestly forgot the reason. It's not like he's a bad guy or ever really hurt me. We used to be so close, I even loved him once.. But that all changed after my parents.
         I shut the water off and sighed. Just throw all this non sense out of your brain Lucy. I wrapped a towel around my nice body and poked my head out of the bathroom.
         Slowly walking out I walked around to see where Natsu had went. I was passing behind the couch when I heard a soft snore. I peeked over and looked down, seeing a sleeping Natsu and Happy.
        I smiled to myself and lightly petted Happy's head. Slightly looking to my side I gazed at his pink locks. Something took over me and caused me to reach up a ran my fingers through his hair.
        It's really soft.  I softly ran my fingers down the side of his face, gently caressing his soft cheeks. I felt my heat rate speeding up slightly. I just gazed down upon him, I felt like I just stay by his side all day. "Lucy.."
        I pulled my hand away quickly and backed away slightly. He was still sleeping . I sighed and walked off to go out my clothes on.  I put on some yoga pants and a sports bra and decided to go for a run in that park that was near by.
        "Man it's kind of chilly out today." I told my self rubbing my hands together. Ignoring the cold I continued to run. I noticed guys checking me out every now and then. Hehe, I mean I and pretty gorgeous and look at my perfect body.
         Lost in my own thoughts I stubbed my foot on a crack and tripped. "Ouff... Ow" I rubbed my elbow that had a scratch on it now. Deciding I needed to get a bandaid on my arm I ran back to the hotel.
        I opened the door and walked in. "Where were you!?" Natsu yelled at me as I came in. "I went for a jog what's it to you?" I snapped at him them held onto my bleeding arm. "What happened to you arm?" He asked me.
       "I.. Tripped and hurt it." He grabbed my wrist and sat me on the couch. He walked off then came back with some bandaids and peroxide. "Let me see"
       I did as he told and held my arm out to him. He cleaned it then wrapped it for me. "Thank you Natsu." He chuckled "you're such a klutz, tripping over your own two feet" "s-shut up" I pulled my arm away to nurse it.
       "Go get ready, we're gonna go speak to baldy" "yea whatever" he walked off into the bathroom. Happy walked in between my legs purring. "Who a good kitty?" He meowed back at me and I giggled.
       Man I starting to feel sleeping my self.

Sorry, lost my story.
Hope you enjoy 💕

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