Chapter : 7

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HI guys,sorry it's been so long, I have little to no motivation, and  what I do have, it's been spent on school work. SO a new chapter is long overdue, sorry, I hope everyone thats been impacted by the high winds down in south eastern America is okay, and lets gets this story started. 


Looking down at my break feast (brunch now I guess,) I couldn't ignore the thought tugging on the back of my mind. 

Why did the twins want to meet with me?

No matter how much time I spent racking my mind, I just can't seem to come up with an answer. After all the stuff I've put them through, why would they want to see me only now? Why hadn't they tried to contact me earlier? 

With every bite of eggs I eat, another bad memory of what I'd done to them came to mind. Each one worse than the last. 

Even if I was just following the orders of my parents, there are certain lines a person should not cross.  To have called Mabel names, that had crossed the line. To have told Dipper being rich was all that mattered -even though he might never be- that had crossed the line. To have spat in the face of their very name, that had crossed the line. 

With all the stuff I've done to the Pines, whether or not I meant it, I had crossed too many lines to ever make it up to them.


So what could they possibly want with me.


I could only think bad things. 

"Pacifica!" Yelled a warm voice that snapped me out of my thoughts.

Turing around I looked my concerned maid, Anastasia, in the eyes. 

"Oh." I paused. "Sorry, what did you ask me?" 

"Oh, oh yes! Pacifica, what should I tell the twins?" Her hazel eyes flashed to the main room. As soon as I became aware of her meaning behind her eyes, panic sunk in.

"Do," I cleared my throat. "do you mean, what I think you mean?"

Those words seems to light a match in her head, her eyes light up and the crinkles of a smile appeared on her face.

"I have always wanted to hear someone say those words!" She howled in elation. "Any yes!" She widened her smile. "If what you were thinking was 'are those two twins at the door?'" She lowered her voice when impersonating me. 

Did I actually sound like that?  I questioned myself. I decided that that didn't matter right now. Shaking off that crazy thought I turned to the door leading to the main room.

I peaked my head out of  the door way, even though I knew that they were there I still couldn't wrap my mind at the sight that had befallen me.

Right there at my door was Dipper, and Mabel Pines. They were looking around the mansion,  there mouths agape, starring at my home in wonder. 

I watched as Dipper studied the bookshelf, as tall as it was long. The books in that case fraying and tattered from use and age. The collection had been passed down from generation to generation, and added to with care. I had spent most of my life reading and rereading each and every one of them,some of my favourite books I could quote almost quote them word for word. 

Mabel, however was looking at my golden retriever. He was asleep at the top of the stair case, she was observing his chest growing and shrinking with every breath. She seemed to be mesmerized and enthralled by every little movement that my precious pooch made. 

My brain settled as soon as I saw Mabel pat Dipper on the shoulder and whisper in his ear. I was too far to hear what she actually said, but from what I could make out of it, my guess would be something along the lines of Pacifica-there. I felt someone tap my shoulder, then I heard Anastasia's soft voice ringing in my ears. 

"Pacifica, they're waiting for you, go say hi to your friends."

Her egging me on gave the last push I needed to go approach them ,but that didn't stop the negative thought from coming out of the depths of my head and flooding my mind. 

What if they just want their revenge?

What if they laugh in my face?

What if they don't even like me?

I pushed those thoughts out of my head as I walked up to the door frame in which they stand in. As hesitant as I was, I did find a way to gather up my courage. 

Clearing my throat I managed to mutter a sentence. 

"So um . . .What, um why are you here?"


Word count: 738 

That's a lot of words wowie zowie.

Large text is fun text.

SO I must Apologize for the VERY long wait I've put you through. I have had a major case of writers block, and honestly the only thing that drove me to write this was the fact I'm supposed to be doing homework, and a bit of catlover18010 'scolding' me, kind of. Anyways, no promise on the next chapter date, but I do earnestly apologize with all my might, I've been a terrible author and I can't even muster up a decent chapter. T-T . SO I owe you A LOT of stuffz and thank you for your vote/comment/read, if you have. AND as Always, Live Long and Ship OnNNNNnnnNNNNnnnnNNnNnnNn

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