♡ Chapter 01 ♡

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Next day,
Chisaki's household...

Third Person's POV

"Wake up, cupcakes~" Izuku announced sweetly after switching on the light of her triplet children's bedroom. The trio stirred in their toddler beds.

"Mo-Mommy..." Ichiru sobbed all of a sudden. The youngest child got off his bed and ran toward his mother, grasping her leg in such a needy way. Izuku smiled softly at her little green bean before picking his body up. "There, there...Mommy is here." She patted his back to calm him down.

Ichiru nuzzled into her neck, enjoying her motherly love and warmth. Aiko, seeing her little brother being so clingy, puffed up her cheeks in jealousy. She ran toward the green-haired woman and hugged her leg.

"Mommy, Ai wants hugs too!" Aiko whined, looking up to Izuku with her big, starry golden eyes. Izuku sighed, crouching down to her level and wrapped her arm around the little girl's body.

Ken just watched from afar, in complete silence. Unlike his youngest siblings, he wasn't clingy or needy. He preferred being alone and quiet. He just didn't want to trouble his mother.

Izuku stared at her oldest son in pity. She was about to say something when Kai interrupted her,

"Well, isn't someone left out?" His tone was cheeky and full of amusement. Izuku lifted her head up, and saw that small smile of his. Kai walked into the room, approaching Ken who was quiet all the time.

Kai kneeled down in front of his son who completely resembled him. He opened his arms, gesturing Ken to come to him. Ken stared at him with bored eyes, but moved nonethelessly. He skidded toward his father and wrapped his arms around Kai's body. His small hand clutched on the back of the adult man's top tightly.

Note: Ever since Kai returned, Ken was the closest one toward him. He didn't express it through words- but his actions. He will constantly ask for Kai's helps if he needs anything.

Seeing this situation warmed Izuku's heart. She never expected his oldest son, Ken, who was hostile toward Kai at first, to become the most clingy with Kai.

"Kai, can you get them to take bath first? I want to wake Eri." Izuku put Ichiru down and released Aiko from the hug. "Sure, Izu. I will take care of them." Kai agreed without hesitation.

Izuku nodded her head understandingly. She headed to her oldest daughter's room. Pushing open the door, she then switched on the light. "Rise and shine, Eri~" She said as she made her way toward Eri's bed.

Eri's eyelids fluttered opened, revealing her glimmering scarlet irises. Izuku tucked off the sheet from her. "Morning, Mommy..." The young girl murmured sleepily, rubbing her eyes.

Izuku chuckled heartily and ruffled her messy hair. "Get ready. You have school today."

Hearing the word 'school', Eri's eyes went instantly wide. "Ah! School!" The silver-haired girl hopped off of her bed, rushing out if her room to go to the bathroom.

Izuku laughed her heart out, amused by Eri's panic state. She exited the bedroom and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Several moments passed, laughter and chatterings began ringing in the dining room.

"Mommy! Ichi hungwy!" Ichiru cried out, climbing on the chair. He watched his mother placing a bowl of cereal in front of him. Izuku then placed another three bowls for Ken, Aiko and Eri.

Kai was leaning against the wall, observing her wife and children. A peaceful smile spread on his handsome face.

'I was blessed with a perfect family... I'm glad I make the right choice... Experiencing the rehabilitation..' That thought rang in his mind.

"Kai sweetie?" Izuku's voice snapped the male back into reality. "I'm coming, Izu." Kai walked over to the dining table and pulled a chair to sit on it. He carefully picked up a cup of hot coffee before sipping on the dark, steamy liquid. Coffee was his favourite drink in the morning.

"Hey, Kai... I'm going to visit my parents today." Izuku started, remembering the promise she made with her mother yesterday. Kai's action came to a halt, pupils moving to look at the love of his life. "Alright. No need to worry. I will take care of the triplets." Kai assured his wife. Since he only worked at home, he could watch over the children so Izuku didn't need to send them to daycare. Though sometimes they sent the kids to daycare if Kai was busy with his work.

Since Kai was antisocial and hated dealing with society, considering he was a former villain too, he decided to work as online writer at home. The payment was quite good and his stories sold very well too.

"Thank you, Kai. I know I could count on you." Izuku pecked his soft cheek and a plate of eggs with bacon. Izuku sat next to him and the family continued their daily routine.

' I wonder how Mom and Tsuki are doing..? I can't wait to meet them!'


Yagi's household...

"Mom~! It is me, Izuku!"

"Oh, Izu! Come in!"

Inko welcomed her daughter in. The green-haired heroine opened the door. A baby's cries could be heard by her. She sighed softly and smiled. She recognized that voice very well.

Walking closer to the living room, Izuku could see her mother rocking a  baby in her arms. She then put the infant in the baby crib.

"Ah, sorry Izu. I was trying to get Tsuki to sleep." Inko apologized to the younger woman. Izuku just responded with chuckles.

"Mom, it is okay. I know you are busy taking care of my little brother." Izuku smiled softly at the woman who brought her into this world. Then, she shifted her gaze to her new little brother.

Inko Yagi -- formerly known as Inko Midoriya -- gave birth to a healthy baby boy about four months ago. The baby was her child with Toshinori Yagi, or more well-known as All Might. Despite their age, they still desired for their own child.

Inko is 45 and Toshinori is 48 currently. They were lucky that Inko's body was still strong and healthy to carry a baby.

( I know this isn't All Might real age since it wasn't revealed yet. So I decided to make him 48)

Izuku looked into the baby crib, a smile tugged on her face. She admired her little brother's adorable face. He had golden locks and a pair of shiny emerald irises.

"Ahh, he is so cute~" Izuku poked his soft cheek, causing the baby boy to stirr in his sleep. Inko giggled gleefully at her daughter. "Oh, where is Father? I haven't seen him today."

"He is out. He said he had an urgent meeting at U.A.." Inko retorted, her hand stroking the little infant's golden hair. Izuku leaned closer to her little brother and kissed his forehead lovingly. Her dream to have a younger sibling finally came true, even though she was an adult now.

"Ah, yeah! I just remembered! I cook katsudon for you!" Inko clapped her palms together, grinning at Izuku. Izuku started to drool hearing the name of her favourite food.

"What are we waiting for? Let's eat!"

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