Chapter 12-Another Murder

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Isabella couldn't talk on the phone, so we arranged a meet in the next less than an hour at a petrol station mini supermarket.

Before that, I had to tell MM and Sam the truth.

"Taylor, are you by chance using drugs?" That was what MM thought.

I had no time to force them understand. It was a family Sunday, but I thought since I had never given them couples time, then it would have been a perfect day.

I tracked to the petrol station which was not more than half a kilometer away from home. Obviously I wasn't expecting her to be there yet. She was a late comer in everything apart from parties, so I decided to get in the mini supermarket and purchase myself chocolate.

No sooner I had made it into the supermarket than she appeared in her dad's blue SUV, and made a screeching halt at the parking area. Almost burning her tyres out.

She jumped out and immediately saw me even before I had made it to wave at her.

"Hey, Taylor," she sped towards me and brought me into a tight hug.

"Hey," I hugged back.

She then ushered me into the mini supermarket and filled me in with what happened.

Isabella was there. They had been texting with Noah and once they met things became more intimate and they decided to get a room. They were all kinky and were doing some things that I ewed at, when Gwen went knocking to their door.

She needed Isabella to help her curry some drinks from the store. How corny that a girl she had never spoken to in over a year just appeared and asked her for help. Isabella refused, but Noah persuaded her to go help. Eventually she accepted.

She came back with a drink. Once she opened the door to the room she was accosted by blood and Noah's dead corps laying on the floor. She was too terrified to tell anyone nor call 911. She just left the party to avoid being suspect.

She told me all that because she trusted me and asked me to keep it a secret.

There was something that didn't add up. Why would Gwen ask Isabella of all people to help her? How did she know the room they were in? Was she part of the plan?

We obviously couldn't get anything out of Gwen... Unless.. Unless we had a blackmail.

What if she wasn't part of the plan, it was just a mia coincidence. Well, a one in a million one but that didn't make it impossible.

Isabella narrated all that in a voice hardly above a whisper claiming that walls had ears. As we loitered in the mini supermarket picking up random stuff.

"We have to know why Gwen called you and not any of the girls in her stupid clique," I suggested.

"Wait what do you mean by we"

"You and I," I answered taking a bag of chips from a random shelf.

"I'm out. Who do you think you are? A detective or something, perhaps you didn't even know him."

"I might have given him your number."

"Hmm, I could almost guess that. Don't feel guilty T, you didn't do it okey"

I took in her words and nodded. The thought of being a detective was kinda interesting but it sunk as abrupt as it had floated. Let the cops do their job.

I took an M&M chocolate before leaving the mini supermarket. Isabella paid for all the junk food we had been picking up. They were all parked in two huge nylon bag and were handed to us by a lady. We then left toddling for the car parking.

I unwrapped the M&M which was on my hand and begun shredding the small pieces.

I swiveled me head around when abruptly I met a familiar face. I peered twice surreptitiously only to realize that it was the idiot I thought it was.

"Hi," it was the guy from Cheese and burger with the audacity to talk to me after turning him down over a million times.

Oops one of the chocolate pieces got into the wrong pipe. I was chocked, barely able to breath. Coughing it out was as futile as chasing the wind. It only made me to lose my breath more.

Isabella stood there watching, when the guy walked behind me. Now we were in the middle of the parking area doing the heimlich maneuver. What a nightmare. Exactly what Isabella wanted.

He pressed me once then twice and the piece jumped off my mouth like a flung stone. I stood for a second to catch my breath inhaling and exhaling as much air as my chest capacity could hold.

"Are you okey Taylor?" He quizzed in general concern.

"I'm fine, thank you," I answered deadpanned.

"Have fun," Isabella drove off. If fan meant kicking his ass then I would do it with pleasure.

"Have you been stalking me?" I mean Mistyhills was not a very small town and wouldn't be a coincidence would it?

"Maybe," he answered flushing "I'm Alejandro by the way," he introduced himself.

I bent to collect some stuff that had fallen off the bag that was laying on the ground, and he bent to assist too.

"Thank you," I took of as soon as we were done returning them in the bag.

He didn't quite. He followed me an told me words that I didn't care a lot about nor give an ear.


I spent the remaining part of the day on TV and popcorns. MM and Sam were on a date somewhere I didn't know and didn't bother.

Honestly it was a little boring. Spending all the day on movies. I should have worked out or something else healthier rather than increasing the amount of calories in my body.

I was on.. I don't know my fifth movie or something when I heard MM's car engine enter the parking. It was rainy but his car engine's sound was slightly above the rain drop's.

I didn't know it until then that, I was kinda lonely and insecure. I felt a dollop of happiness swimming in my gullet.

MM walked in an brought me into a hug, "How was your date?"

"I did not go for a date MM," I answered grinning.

Sam walked in and also hugged me. He sat on my left and MM sat on my right.

"Guess who is cooking... Sam" MM broke the news to me.

Ewe I could already taste his disgusting food. If not excess salt, then excess water, if not excess water then a complete misfit, if not a complete misfit then food tasted like one made for a pig, if not that then over burned food like one that was set on fire to cook. I wish I would have slept sooner.

"T, will you mind helping me with the kitchen?" Sam enquired in a persuasive tone.

Well, it would be rather eating goat food that at least I helped prepare.

I switched the TV to the trending hype and left MM watching to assist Sam in preparing anything edible. Both of us were terrible cooks.

I looked at all the spices placed on a tray by Sam, and I was addled. Where to start live alone where to finish at, was a problem. I took a knife having no idea of where or what to cut first.

"So, where do we start?" I broke the silence between us both starring at the spices like we had no idea of what we were doing. Which we didn't.

"Tay'lor," MM called from the parlor. "Isn't this your boyfriend?" He asked pointing the remote at the TV. The image resembled Alejandro.

Six murdered. Were the highlighted texts at the bottom of the screen.

"Six family members murdered in one house in downtown Mistyhills. Alejandro S Farruko, murdered by something sharp cutting through his scull, Sofia A Buzzuro____" the Lady in a suite on TV announced before it went static out of the now galvanizing rain storm.

Signal returned a few minutes later.

The murders were so brutal that I clapped my hands against my ears to stop listening.

The detective was brought on screen and she had to explain the recent cold murders, which she couldn't. The only word that made sense was the fact that there was a cold blood killer in Mistyhills.

A curfew was to be enforced with immediate effect. Anything or anyone fishy in Mistyhills was to be investigated. Parties and other events that involved sociality apart from schools were canceled until further notice. Other tough measures were to be implemented with immediate effect.

Something didn't add up. There was a pattern in the deaths. No. It couldn't be. The graph displayed who next since all the previous ones were in the pattern. It was everything but good.

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