Chapter 15-The Secretary's Office

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We found another fingerprint on one of the other ceramic pieces worsening the already terrible matter. We now had three fingerprints.

We exchanged glances in bemusement.

"The alarm will be triggered off, if we place the wrong fingerprint twice," Camilla amplified, "what do you think?" She was glaring right at me.

I did want to surprise Wade by going to his place but on the other hand I did not want to jeopardize my entire school life and that of my friends.

"What about trying to ask any of his friend?" I clearly knew the answer to my goofy quiz.

"As if any of them would tell us after you and him breaking up," skeptically remarked, Alma.

"Okay, we can sneak into the office," I sighed. This will be stupid.

We agreed that we would only place one of the three fingerprints, and if it would be denied access then we would abort the mission.

We were not secret intelligence agents, but students who were trying to steal an address to see if my ex boyfriend and I would at least be friends to ease my agony and be supportive to science club.

Isabella had sleeping pills with her which she crushed to powder form. She fetched a glass from the kitchen, which was out of bounds for students, and filled it with water. Pouring in the powder, she swirled it until it blend in perfectly. Not even a master detective could notice it.

A few minutes before detention, Isabella placed the glass of water on Mr Edward's desk.

"Good evening detention class," he yanked the door open greeting.

He took a seat, counted us, the phones, and doubly check his list.

He immediately noticed the water but didn't mind. Told you he was lackadaisical. After scrolling through his phone for a while he took a little sip.

I snuck a surreptitious glare at each of us and noticed the curiosity plastered on each one's face, including Gwen. I didn't know whether I was over thinking it but Gwen was sharing an equally curious look at Mr Edward.

The fact that she was the one that that called Isabella from her room the other day, then maybe she knew something.

In not more than two minutes after he sipped the water, he dropped his phone, his eyelids sluggishly curtaining his eyes. Struggling to fight sleep, he flicked his eyes but sleep was too strong. He banged his head on the table and out he was.

We all kept silent for a moment to doubly confirm that he was out.

"Let's go," Isabella whispered as if she was doubting her own drugs.

"Why are you whispering?" Alma enquired before she had gotten up.

"I'm not sure if the drugs will work?"


This was the part where all possible bad things that could happen hit me like a riptide striking a surfer. I begun to over think the mission. What if Gwen and her clique set us up after the secretary notices that her files had been tampered with, what if we were caught red handed or something, what if I lost my good conduct because of nothing important, all my scholarship, good future life, good family and everything.

Camilla seemed to also have the same thoughts by the way she was a little reluctant to get up.

Gwen suddenly cleared her throughout to summon Mr Edward but it all went South. Mr Edward was dead asleep to even hear a gun shot just by his ears.

Isabella gave her an ugly sneer and in return she adjusted her glasses with her middle finger.

I sighed and psyched myself. It will be safe, it will be fun, it will end up well, we will make it, we will definitely get caught, we will be kicked out of school, I will be doomed. I was trying not to over think but I was doing very terrible at it.

I got to my feet and decided to join them. Besides, the better part of the mission was to help me.

The hallways were empty apart from a few students we met. Slinking around the hallways, we got to the secretaries office.

The door was made out of glass with blinds on the inside, just like all the others, and had a sticker with, bold, black, 'SECRETARY' wordings on it. Below it there was a short warning, 'strictly for authorized personal only.'

I switched my glance to Alma after meticulously reading, bisecting, and trisecting the warning. She didn't seem bothered by it.

Camilla shoved a tissue paper from her pocket, unwrapping it to remove the three seal tapes with finger prints.

Gambling with out fingers, we chose one of the three. Camilla placed it gently and pressed it against the pad with her own thumb. It created a short moment of suspense before a small red bulb slightly above the door blinked red.

We were wrong.

I was the first one to turn back while the others reluctantly followed.

"Guys," Isabella's familiar accent called, before we had toddled too far, followed by a ting.

Contradictory to out agreement Isabella was left behind and ended up placing another fingerprint on the pad. The door open animatedly, sliding to the left.

I was yet to complain but Isabella's glare told me she was waiting for it. Instead, I sighed.

We had never got into the secretaries office so we did not know what to expect and surprise. There it was, a surveillance camera staring right at us.

I wasn't the only one starring at it, we all were. Speaking of jeopardizing my future. I immediately lost my strength.

Alma moved closer to it.

"What are you doing?" Camilla was equally afraid by the look in her eyes, and the tremor in her tone.

"It's not blinking," we all gave Alma dead panned looks but Camilla who looked a bit of relieved. "It's not recording, it should have a green blinking light or something."

I thought of leaving before it begun blinking, but Isabella was already on the secretaries computer. She fumbled with the keyboard and with no time she was done.


Scribbling the address on a piece of paper we slunk out of the office. As sneaky as we had slunk in.

Detention class was already done or at least lingering around its latter. Brian and Isabella volunteered to get our phones and bags as we left for the parking area.

MM hadn't come for me but he had given me bus fee.

Camilla's mother had come for her. She jogged towards her and tightly hugged her and before they had broken their hug Isabella and Brian appeared.

Brian handed Camilla her phone and backpack, and then hugged her good bye after she had tossed her backpack in the car through the window and phone in her pocket. Jumping in the car, Brian waved her goodbye. It looked like a romantic movie the way both of them exchanged glances like they did not want to leave each other, as the car kicked off steadily.

"So, three more phones left, wait you are two of you," Isabella was surprised as Brian handed me my backpack, and I picked out my phone from the remaining three. "Does anyone have two phones?" She enquired after Alma had picked her own, and she was left with one.

Non of us did.

When they went back to the class Gwen and her clique were gone and Mr Edward was slow regaining conscious, so they both grabbed the bags and phones hastily without much depicting.

Having taken our phones, one was left on her palm, indubitably its owner was from the opposites clique. Isabella was shocked, and curious like usual so she decided to turn it on.

She gently pressed a button on the right side of the phone and was met by a short message from wade. Apparently the phone was Gwen's, as displayed by the wallpaper of her behind the text box.

White top and sky blue jeans was how she was clad. Blue eyes, blonde hair, sharp nose, and pink full lips resembled her own.

"What does the text say?" I was curious.

At my point of view, I couldn't read the text but I could see the bold name Wade in the text box above the text and Gwen's figure behind it.

I know you now___ The rest of the text was not visible unless you cracked open the phone.

I felt heartbroken for a second but another thought flashed across my mind.

We were meant to read that text.

Gwen was a phoney and there was no way on earth she could leave her phone behind. Not in a hundred years. She did it intentionally.

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