Chapter 19-He Was Watching Us

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Slowly turning my head via my right, my heart racing against my chest, the drumming was all I could hear. If the temperature wasn't rising rapidly then how the calories in each corner of my body were burning to fatty sweat was a mystery.

My hands shook off the book dropping it on the floor unwontedly.

Unanticipatedly, rain started falling heavily, hitting the roof in a force resembling that of a jet crush. I whimpered jolting my head to look behind me.

There was no one.

I gasped as much air as I could. "Let's get the hell out of here," I suggested to Isabella who had seated on the book case paining.

The piece of clothing I had tied her around her leg was soaked with blood, and if the bleeding continued then the clothing would be useless. She was breathing heavily, sweating and slowly unnerving.

"Good call," she responded weakly.

I would have gone for a rope in the attic alone, but the thought of coming back for her and find her butchered mercilessly made me think otherwise.

I toddled for her to assist her up but she managed to get to her foot. The other on the air. Hopping on that floor would weaken her more, so I forced her to help. I hugged her with my right by her hips, and she hugged me back by the neck.

I toddled and she did short hopes and limping for the attic door which had no knob but a broken steel handle.

I kicked the door open.

That was the room where the tree besides the house had broken into. The roof was half broken some rainwater finding its way inside, by sliding down the branches and leaves, in a slow eerie manner. Drop after another splashing on the aged wooden floor and saturating.

Stepping in, I made sure there was no one awaiting us behind the door. There was no one.

Most of the things were covered with the fallen off roof pieces but the little I could see made me think of the room as a second hell on earth or a serious torture room.

Knives, fish hooks, axes, machetes, boxes with the wordings, 'CAUTION' on them, nails, hammers, spades, shovels, rakes, and other sharp objects. Exaggerated with horror movie experiences, I knew that might have been where the Wade got his weapons to butcher people.

I once again vetted the room to make sure we were alone, which we were.

I left Isabella fidgeting on a wall besides the attic door to go through the things and see if I could find any rope.

Dismounting some of the roof pieces, I came across a wooden box. Brown, soft, medium-sized, and had the wordings, 'DANGER' on each side. It was strongly sealed.

It could be another one of his arsenal collections. I snapped my curiosity away, but it came back with even more force. There could be a rope in there.

There could be. I took a shovel that was laying just next to my foot. Interjecting its tip into a small hole around the edges of the box, I pulled the spade downward. I took to my hands calling all my remaining energy and pressed it even harder.

After seconds of struggle, the top was yanked upwards with a cloud of dust. Cockroaches, and other pests racing out.

I could barely make anything in the box, at my point of view, via the muffling dust so I took slow steps towards it. The dust got denser nearing the box, so I waved it away with my hands blowing it.

Danger, danger, danger, danger. The words tried to backpedal my next action, but I gave them a deaf ear. I strode close enough to it, my heart slowly dropping inch after another.

Inhaling a voluminous gulp of air, I made a final strong blow plus the frequently blowing wind, the floating dust was cleared.

The item inside was still covered in a layer dust making it indistinct. As if one had buried it in the box. Shoving my hand inside, I rubbed a mia part of it with the tip of my index finger. It felt slippery.

Shuddering in horror, I swiftly shoved my finger out. Peering at what it could be through the small spot I had rubbed off. It was shimmery and reflective.

I shoved both my hands in and wiped it even more after realising that maybe it wasn't that dangerous. It was a mirror. Square, golden framed, fairy dirty, a little cracked, and well curved edges.

Why would a mirror be dangerous? Just to confirm. I poked it to make sure it wasn't a teleport to another dimension. It wasn't. If looking at themselves in the mirror was unhealthy for them, then there was no point in hanging all the pictures around the house.

Behind it, there was nothing more.

I still hadn't found a rope and by the look of things Isabella was not getting any better.

I restored it carefully back to the box and placed back the lid topping the box.

I proceeded with dismounting the roof pieces till I made the end of a rope. I caught it and on pulling it, it was stuck. I trailed it to the gist where it had come from.

It had been tied around two boxed that had been topped on each other each with the wordings, 'CAUTION.' I unknotted it by going around the boxes and crisscrossing the rope.

It could have been a trick so I confirmed that it was legit by stretching it. At least the thick fabric seemed strong.


We made it down stairs although Isabella's leg was hurting more, and she was begging to lose conscious. She had over bled.

Outside, the torrential downpour taking place featuring thunder clapping occasionally made everything dread than it was supposed to be. Saving my friend would be nothing compared to catching a cold.

I pushed the door an inch. It ripped itself off, toppling on the floor with some dust clouding around its edges.

I made someone under a black umbrella in the middle of the road for us. With the falling raindrops and the front of the umbrella clouding his face, I couldn't identify him clearly.

He was male figured and dressed in black from the top to the very tip of his leather shoes.

I was unable to figure the next action to take and stood there, by Isabella, panicked.

It was MM. I had never been so relieved. I almost took him in for a hug, for making it in the most desperate time, but then remembered I had Isabella on my right.

Immediately, he noticed Isabella's leg and went to her other side to assist her.

He had hidden his SUV somewhere outside the neighboring house, for purposes undercover. He was also dressed in black so I wouldn't recognize him, while he was busy stocking us. He didn't want to ruin the party. If there was any. He just wanted to keep a safe eye on me.

The umbrella was huge enough to fit the three of us, though the end of my left shoulder and MM's right shoulder were getting soaked.

He yanked the door open, and we hopped in. Isabella sat on the back left, and I went around the car to the back right.

As soon as MM revved the engine, I fastened my seatbelt and assisted Isabella fasten hers.

Taking off, it passed close to the house we were in. I caught two glowing eyes through the broken window in the bedroom. It was the same man in black I had been occasionally seeing. The thought that we were in the same house with a ghost sent panic cuddling my entire insides, unnerving me.

How we didn't see him, feel him, or even recognize his presence, then he would have butchered us in the same way. The reason he didn't harm us in the form of direct attack bemused me. It could have been luck, or it could have been planned.

What if the man was Wade? Not like I had ever seen his face, but glowing eyes. The fact that it was Wade's address that led us there reenforced my thought.

Gwen's phone honked with another text.

"Here," Isabella handed me the phone weakly without even reading text.

The text sounded like it was a target right at us.

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