Chapter 33-Split Up

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We are going to die, we are going to die, we are going to die. The words panicked around my head becoming heavier and heavier. I felt rooted at the spot glued in such a way that I could not move a muscle. I couldn't even trigger another arrow to defend myself from what was coming.

Alma shot arrows but it was futile. The door wrecker had gotten out of sight so her arrows went to waste.

"There," she snapped me out of the brain freeze pointing at a wall. Fastidiously skimming the wall, I noticed an almost invisible door.

The door to the archery room plus the target mounting it was then disarrayed, wrecked into unequal shatters of dry wood, with a deafening crush. The inhuman strength in the unmistakable boot left me flabbergasted.

It was Wade in a black coat, a whitish mask, and somehow his eyes were glowing.

A glimpse at me and my world literally fell apart. His eyes were empty of life or anything resembling it, only dire coldness, an endless ocean of blood.

"Let's go."

The almost invisible door was at the far end of the nonreflective glass where the bows had been held. It had been painted blue just like the wall besides it camouflaging it.

We both raced for it and pushed it behind, it had no handle. It didn't relent, we both jumped in and Alma swiftly closed the door behind us.

The room was full of worn out archery-related stuff, broken arrows, worn out targets, ran-down quivers, some archery clothes, snapped bows, broken bows, and other stuff I couldn't tell exactly what they were.

"There is a window," we both knew that that thin wooden door couldn't survive a hit or two from the monster.

Across the sky blue, fine painted, room there was a vast window curtained by whitish blinds.

Alma tore apart the blinds dashing them on the floor, unlatched and pushed the window open. I dragged a worn out target towards the floor beneath the window to stair us as we jumped out.

Alma holding the window for me on the other side, I dismounted my quiver and bow tossing them outside. Hoisting myself upwards, I jumped clumsily. I would have twisted my ankle if not for a nearby small bush tree that came to my rescue. I toppled and fell on it.

As soon as we got out, the door to the room banged explosively. A threatening cloud of dust found its way out through the window.

I got back to my feet, picked up my quiver and bow swiftly disregarding the falling arrows, and took to my feet.

Hastily, we choose a direction which was towards the school field for the gate.

Wade peered through the half ajar window but didn't jump out. Instead he glared at us and seconds later disappears back into the room. He didn't bother about us but that didn't mean for us to stop sprinting.

We galvanised through the basketball pitch and into the football field. Cutting across like bullets, we stepped asleep the erected lush lawn.

I had never before in my life ran like that. Crazy what saving your life can make you do.

Before we had made it close enough to the gate, I found myself decelerating. My energy was slowly leaving me to a halt. Sweat trickled down my entire body like a wet-soaked-drying sponge.

I gulped as much air as my lungs could, wishing that new energy would apace in my veins but it didn't.

Alma halted a few steps in front of me, "c'mon were almost there," she pointed at the gate which seemed miles away.

I squinted to get a better view of the gate from the dazzling golden yellow sun rays from the horizon. The gate had rigidly erected at its usual spot, but below it I made something. It was indistinct until I stretched my hand to cover the sun rays and focused on the figure, Wade, but he was not in a black coat.

He was in his usual school uniform but blood filled, two axes one on his left and the another on his right. If I didn't know better he was about to fling it or sprint towards us.

No. He couldn't be working alone, no human would be that swift. Switching of clothes and speed of treading in a flash, was nearly impossible.

Alma noticed him too and triggered an arrow. I followed. She shot it but somehow he managed to manoeuvre it. I shot clumsily and missed. He turned on and begun toddling towards us in his usual cold sinister manner.

Alma shot another which scratched him a little by his cheekbone as we both retreated step by step backwards. I triggered another and luckily I shot his left arm.

He didn't feel the impact, instead he grinned and continued trekking towards us a sinister melody howling like a wind breeze.

Alma triggered an arrow, but before she had fired Wade flung an axe which almost tore her apart. It cut through he air and inching towards her head she ducked releasing the arrow a stray. The axe disappeared due to the sheer force that had been applied to fling it.

His foot ball jock body started speeding up for us. It would be utterly impossible to get rid of him if he started running. We turned and accelerated back to the school compound but not the route to which the archery room was.

We pedaled towards an empty hallway. Wade was no more than a meter behind me, and he was gaining up drastically.

Alma jumped, spun on the air, with her was a bow and a set arrow, and released the arrow. It was aimed right at my chest. I jolted away from it bumping into a hallway wall. Miraculously, it hadn't touched me a bit.

It flew over to Wade, but he was swift and maneuvered it by diverting his direction towards another hallway. His heavy feet padding ebbed down the hallway.

We didn't bother if he had quit chasing us. We knew he had another way around.

A right turn, another right. I was wary but death wasn't worth a rest. The hallways seemed to stretch into miles as soon as we got into them, at least that was what my burning legs insinuated.

Alma's bow, unanticipatedly, slipped off her shoulders and dropped on the floor. She took an abruptly halt leaving me sprinting a few steps ahead of her. I was swift to notice her absence besides me and also halted swiveling my head like a top.

At the T shaped hallway, the man in a black coat demonically appeared in between both of us.

"Alma watch out!" I warned after spotting him.

My legs instinctively raced me towards the opposite direction.

Alma clasped her bow and raced towards the direction where we had come from.

We were forced to split up which was definitely not in the cards. She was somehow part of my remaining strength, but then I was left all alone in a world with nothing but death awaiting at either of the hallways I was taking.

The man didn't much of gamble on which one of us to go after. He chose me.

I took a left to the hallway where the secretaries office was located, but the door needed finger prints to open. I didn't bother. I bolted past it to wherever my legs were navigating me.

A left hallway from the secretaries office there was the kitchen, but it was locked.

A few steps away from the steel door, there was the cafeteria lady in a white smock. I didn't of much vet her to know that she was no more than a  corpse.

Her smock was nothing short of a shred white blood-soaked clothing. Her face was facing the other direction, but I could tell that all its beauty had been tore apart.

Behind me, the man in a black coat was nowhere to be seen but he couldn't be far. Plus it would be better if I had somewhere to hide.

I slunk in caution towards the cafeteria lady though I was quite certain she was armless. I took one glance at the vast grotesque cut standing in between her chest, and all the food that I had eaten for breakfast started erupting itself out of my belly. Up the oesophagus, and out it was. I threw up right besides her.

The animosity that was displayed by the cut was nothing near human. It was utter inhumanity.

Some part of me felt like I was the reason for the murders of the innocent people, but I didn't want to believe it. There must hae been an epic reason behind it or grudge. I sighed trying to get over it but I just couldn't.

Forcing myself, I covered my nose and mouth with my left palm and decided to drag her with my right hand for the kitchen biometrics lock.

She was too heavy. I clasped her right arm and dragged her with both my hands leaving a trail of blood behind her. Summoning my strength, I made it to the doors pad.

As soon as I got next to the pad, I heard a cling at the far end of the hallway like a metal had just hit another. He must have been close.

I hoisted her arm towards the pad, but it was a little higher beyond the stretch of her arm. I raised her and fidget her back on the wall against the door. Raising her hand a little higher towards the pad, it reached. I gently placed her thumb and pressed it against the pad.

Without much argument, the door chimed open. I left the corpse collapsing and jumped in.

As much as I hopped the steel door would hold the man in a black coat back, I had to hatch a plan B.

The knife rack was full of knives but in such a situation they seemed helpless to me. I couldn't inch enough to jab him, and I couldn't fling it at him. He would most probably manoeuvre it away from him. Judging from the past events with Wade and Cole even jabbing him might not be effective enough to hitch him and same to the arrows.

There was only one safe way out,  run away until help came. It was the Genesis of the night, so help wouldn't be coming any time soon. I had to buy as much time as I could and finding a safe hiding place would be a great start for that.

I vetted the room and noticed a ventilation. It would be a great place to buy time.

Marching for it, I noticed that it was mounted above my stretch-arm length and each of its corners were screwed.

I took a small knife from the knife rack and pushed a trashcan towards the direction. Staring up the trashcan, I started unscrewing the ventilation with the small knife. I started from the bottom right screw.

Abruptly, I heard a load thud at the door. I swiveled my head fast enough to catch the image of the intruder through the lite, the man in a black coat.

His hit hadn't impacted the steel door. It was just a mia ripple in a vast ocean. At least it would buy me time.

The first screw fell off.

My shaky hanf fumbled with the second one which was the bottom right one.

I was sheerly socked by the sound of a delicate chime which left me paralysed. All my muscles froze as a mia memory of the fact that I had left the lady in a white smock just next to the biometric pad flashed through my mind.

I fumbled with the the second screw my hands trembling like one who had been beep in ice naked. The second screw couldn't open. I turned my head and watched as the door went ajar ushering him inside.

The screw couldn't open. I quit and jumped off the trashcan. I triggered an arrow and shot as I toddled backwards but like Cole it didn't seem to impact him.

He pulled it out and pelt it away. He seemed immortal.

I pelt at him a the knife rack but it just hit him and fell on the floor. He was gaining on me and the wall behind me didn't seem too far. He lifted the axe angling it towards my head, but luckily I caught a detergent. I clasped it, flipped it opened hastily aiming it at his eyes, and pressed it. The liquid detergent streamed right into his eyes. He flung the axe blindly. Just in time, I ducked. It dug into one of the steel tables.

He rubbed his eyes giving me a few seconds to asses the room. At the far end of the kitchen there was a fire place.

I raced for it and noticed the semi-dead ashes. The man was getting back on his feet, so I didn't have much time to argue with my consensus on whether to step the ashes or not.

On stepping the ashes, a fresh smell of burning rubber hit my nose. My shoes were melting.

I hoisted myself upwards with both my hands into the poky bricked chimney. As soon as my shoes stepped on the walls they got stuck forcing me to remove them. I scaled shoeless my feet only enveloped with thin, slinky, white socks.

He peered up the chimney and due to its pokiness, on flinging the axe it hit a wall and toppled back down. He didn't try again. He was smart enough to know that doing the same thing wouldn't give any different results, instead he disappeared.

The chimney was sweltering hot. Glimpsing upwards, I had only one way and a long one. A thought of going back down hit me but was quickly scuffled away with the thought of my feet burning.

Scaling a few more steps up, I reconsidered the thought of going down. He could be awaiting me up the chimney, or doing the same down there. The dilemma remained, up or down.

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