Chapter 8-Stranger Needs Help

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My heart almost missed a bit.

Meticulously skimming the room, I still couldn't find it. I doubled the check, when I suddenly caught it. It was somewhere next to the bathtub curtain. What was more eerie about it was the fact that it was opened.

I creped towards it in wary, scared of the next move it would make. The page ajar was the page with the man in a black coat sketch. Something was not right.

I slowly clasped it my fingers working on gripping it one finger after the other still in caution. Clapping it close, I wondered on the next move.

My friends had to see that. In case there was any way science could explain it if I wasn't on drugs then the better.

I pelt it back into my school back and went back to the bathroom.

I washed up my face, brushed my teeth and then did a little make up to hide how terrible my face was.

My eyes were swollen like one fighting a toxic virus, heavy bags under my eyes like an insomniac fella and my lips were cracked like one who had not drunk water for ages.

I made sure every mishap on my face was corrected by the face lift.


In the bus I took, I met the same old lady from the previous day, but she didn't do more than just look at me. Some part of me thought she knew what I was going through or maybe she had experienced a similar ordeal.

I would really need someone to interpret, explain, prove and make me understand whatever I was going through.

I couldn't just hit her with a question.

She was two people away from me and for some reason I felt shy to talk to her. I didn't make it to utter a single word to her through the entire journey to school.

Seemingly Wade had not yet popped the bubble since everyone still thought I was still his girlfriend. I did not receive awkward glares from random students nor disrespect. The respect that Wade made for me still persisted. Not for long. My mind reminded me.

Wade gave me that same cold, unnerving glare once I got in Maths class late. He was already seated on his desk and seemed like he was waiting for me, by the way his eyes caught me immediately I stepped in. He darted his eyes on me from up to down again and again, making me feel weak and helpless.

I was even embarrassed to steel glances at him.

I told my clique about the previous night's ordeals, during break time, with seeing a man in a black coat under a street light, my hand relenting, the nightmare and finding my book wide ajar where I hadn't left it.

Non of them believed a single bit of any of that. Making me doubt my own sight. They all agreed on me to go ask Sam to take me through therapy but before that visit a mental asylum and make sure that it was not where I had escaped from.

I removed my sketch book to iron the fact that I wasn't deceiving them, but comparing the sketch to my previous ones the skills, shading and curving were similar. They didn't want to say it out loud but they thought I was making it up or I was doing some kind of prank.

They convinced me and somehow I thought all the stress was making me hallucinate. What to do about it was nowhere on the map.

Alma was in Sunday's party and during the random authorities visit they went to her place. She told us that they only wanted to know about the three murdered students. Alma told them the little she knew.

They left their number in case she knew anything else to do with the butcher.

Camila was a little mad at me for breaking up with Wade. She was afraid her club would hit rock bottom. She wanted me to get back with him, but only I could tell what I felt seeing him with other girls and still calling me his one and only love.

The bell to home chimed in its usual rapid way kicking the teacher out of class.

I was sharing a class with Camilla who suggested that we would stay a little longer in school. She suggested that I should help her research something to do with anatomy. I had no idea what it was.

Despite, I had nothing important I was doing.

The library was her suggested place of research which wasn't that bad.

I called MM to tell him not to get worried when I came home a little late than usual.

The library was quarter full the library lady on her phone.

"Mhh, mmh," Camilla cleared her thought snapping the librarian lady back.

"How can I help you?"

"We need books on anatomy."

She opened a file riffled through the pages and came to a specific page. She adjusted her spectacles and squinted like one struggling to read. Grazing her finger along the page, she opened to the next one and continued grazing.

"Column five, raw three, on the forty fifth shelve there are some books to do with anatomy," she clapped the file close and went back to her phone.

"Thank you."

I wasn't in the mood for a thousands plus pages book. I took a small one and joined Camilla on a round table.

"Are you sure about what you did? I mean Wade of all people."

I knew she had something behind calling me despite the fact that I wasn't a very big fan of science and she knew that.

"Girls would die just to have him for a second leave alone being in a relationship with him."

I wasn't in the mood for that argument.

"Please," I pleaded.

She understood and in disappointment went back to her book.

"Hey, excuse me Taylor," an unfamiliar figure appeared in front of me, "I need your help."

The library had quite a number of students. "Why me?"

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