The consequence of insanity

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Take a second
Take a seat
Take a breath
And if you'd please
Take some notes
And take from these
Words the lessons
That shaped the girl
Behind the face that you see
As I try to shed a flooded light
On just what becoming blank is like
Look up in the sky and see the stars
Where all I see is prison bars
That like a prison from afar
Keep my dreams inside a jar
Like fireflies that are as bright
As they are hopeless in their fight Against the darkness of the night
Look into these eyes and see the start
Of where I begin to fall apart
And through my pupils view a heart
That is running slowly out of beats
As fast as it is being newly scarred
By the decisions of a brain
That for so long has tried hard
So pointlessly to mask insanity
As a consequence
Of being smart

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