Book Of The Damned!

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December 14th 2019...

I dreamed about Lucifer's Book Of The Damned....


I was at a party with several people....
One woman was doing some magic I thought was bad and thought was going to stir up things, making a woman get naked.
The woman had back issues, she was slim but had a pot belly and tiny boobs. She was blond. I can remember her features clear as day.
We were in either China or Japan.
As the person was doing the magic on the naked girl, as the person was doing her ritual on the naked girl, the room we were in shook and an old shelf fell through the old ceiling but hung there with the drawer open. I open the drawer feeling a bad feeling when one girl grabbed a green book and opened it, and I saw old pages with gold etchings with red jewels around the etchings. I sensed the book was evil.

"We shouldn't mess with that I feel it's evil."
I tell them.

"Don't be a wuss."
They tell me.

Then the room got dark and I saw a cloudy creature appear and terrorize the women around me and I grab the book I felt was The Book Of The Damned, it had a green bright green old worn out cover and I ran off.
I hid the book where nobody would find it. Then I felt that demon follow me, and I run into the city. I felt I needed to get to the two men I would be safe with, and I run through where they usually are, and I run by them, and they follow me asking.
"Hey what's wrong?"
They were worried, since I'm outta breath, and worried I could have an asthma attack.

I take in breaths and say.
"We found The Book Of The Damned.
Some girls summoned something and it's been chasing me."
I tell them both.

They look at me seriously.
"The Book Of The Damned?!
Not good!"

I felt a presence behind me.
I turn around, seeing that demon.
And I grab it and start punching it, and it's ooze on its body accumulated in my fingers and burned my knuckles.
I knew then I'd have to quit punching it.
"Hurry run!"
I shout to the two men.

"But what about you?"
They ask.

"I don't care what happens to me.
As long as you two are safe!"
I shout.

They nod and ran off.
So I kick the demon away, then ran off through a hall towards a metal door, the two men I care about went through, and go through it, and lock it with several bolt locks, and the demon slammed against it several times.
As I was running at slow motion now away, my vision darkened..  

Then I woke up....

At 7:04am.....

I felt me finding the Book Of The Damned was a prediction dream which I hope never happens ever!

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