Truth About The Deal My Biodad Made

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This was years ago but then months ago I had the recent dream.

I learned the truth about the deal my biodad made.....
But first I want to tell you guys I started to remember things, things about my gifts of astral projection from when I was a child.
I remember recently I would visit hell while astral projecting when I was a child from age five and off and on onward, and I would remember a man with long dark hair would guide me out of hell each time.
I didn't understand what was going on each time.
But now I figured it was Lucifer guiding me out of hell, and my biodad I told you guys before made a deal involving me with Lucifer remember.
I found out over the years Lucifer fell for me I guess during those visits.
And I found out with my gifts I let out a light blue energy all around me, surrounding me, I've seen it in my dreams what color it is, and it makes me a beacon to spirits and to other supernatural things.
Which explains why I draw them to me.

So recently I had a dream and a spirit claimed to be a messenger from an archangel had a lengthly talk with me....
I'll explain things thoroughly.

My biodad did make a deal with Lucifer/Satan to get back with my Mom, so he traded me as a bargaining chip, as a bride to Lucifer/Satan.
I talked to a spirit who was told to talk to me by as I said an archangel, and I listened shocked.
I was scared too.
Apparently my biodad was too fucked up on drugs and booze to understand what he was doing, and he was mentally ill. He didn't do any blood ritual or anything he just prayed to Lucifer/Satan, and promised me as a bride.
So at birth yes I'm gifted, so all those near death experiences I did have which were me nearly drowning in a pool as a kid, a pit bull attacking me, nearly dying from asthma attacks several times, and other incidents, were me being protected not by good spirits, but by Lucifer's demons, and to keep me alive for the day he comes on Earth.
The Christian Bibles, the Jewish bible, the Catholic bible all are wrong, and retold by humans too many times, not told by the word of God anymore, so the true word of God is no longer spoken, the story of God is no longer true the story of Jesus no longer spoken truthfully.
It's twisted in many stories, and humans have lost their way.
All sinners by now.
I learned......
I'm not done telling you more guys....

I was so confused what the spirit meant by that, then I realized maybe because Lucifer was forced to hell to run hell, then Lucifer was cast to hell for his sins of going against God.
He suffered in hell.
Because of my kindness, my empathy for other's suffering, I've learned to sympathise with even the most evil beings.
Even Lucifer, which I know is bad.
When I learned of what he went through in Supernatural and in the show Lucifer, which he did in real life why he was cast to hell I sympathized.
And I sensed recently Lucifer's energy peeking in my life watching me, sneaking peeks.
The spirit warned Lucifer spies on me.
His jealousy holds no bounds so he orders the incubi to punish me.
The incubi is Asmodeus.
To be warned Asmodeus visits now and again, and is powerful, but I have strong allies to hold his true power back, which is why I can move during attacks.
I was told since the world has become tainted in sin Lucifer can slip into the world more, and in the past it has happened.
Proof is COVID-19 happening, the recent explosion happening, and these riots.
All which I have predicted in my prediction dreams.

I predicted COVID-19 happening in a Prediction Dream few months ago.

I dreamed of bodies laying on the ground, ash falling on the ground.
People wearing face masks of different kinds, all those bodies on the ground were  children, the elderly, the soldiers, the mothers, daughters, sons, fathers, nurses, doctors all wearing different kinds of clothes, in hospital gowns all laying, and looked lifeless, and dead.


I felt pain in my chest, wheezy, my body hot and feverish.
I was feeling symptoms of COVID-19 in my dream and feeling the pain the people went through before they died.
Then I woke up from that dream.

That was months before COVID-19 came into the world, and when it did come into the world I felt so guilty you have no idea!
I was so guilt ridden I predicted it!
I couldn't do anything!
I saw China was at fault!
I knew Trump would call it a haux, and not act right away.
I knew all this would happen.
The ashes in my dream told me in such visions it would happen.

The proof I meant earlier that I'll get back to.....
This proof that is linked to the four horsemen surfacing.
Meaning the end is trying to come near.
Which I hope not.
In history they've tried to surface but failed.
In World War 2 they surfaced yet failed, but now they are succeeding because sin is so rampant in our world it's pathetic.
The proof Lucifer comes to Earth is also he manipulated many things in history, even Hitler, even many other historical figures, famous ones, and now he sneaks to my life, and my room, and when he peaks into my room I feel nothing but fear when I sense him which irritates him since when I astral projected to him in hell as a child I remember I never feared him before but now I do and he remembers the me as a child not fearing him.
So it irritates him.

I've sensed him in my room and home several times, but sometimes I don't always get scared, I think when he exudes too much power it scares me mainly.

I'm not crazy, but seriously, I wish my biodad never made that deal.
Because I never wanted to be a bride of a Ruler Of Hell also known as Lucifer.

My biodad is dead so the past is the past I guess.

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